In This Section
ExpandPersonal Missions are a set of challenges that will put your battle skills to the test on all vehicle types and in various situations. If you succeed in all the missions, you will get unique vehicles, female crew and a lot of other valuable rewards.
You can find personal missions in the CAMPAIGNS tab below the Battle! button in your Garage.
Personal Missions Overview
Personal Missions are organized into two campaigns—The Long-Awaited Backup and The Second Front—each of them containing missions. You can start completing both campaigns simultaneously.
Each operation is named after the unique vehicle that you will receive upon completion. The operations are ordered by level of difficulty—the first one in the campaign is always the simplest, while the last one is the most challenging.
Each operation includes sets of missions that are grouped into branches on a different basis:
- by vehicle type in The Long-Awaited Backup;
- by national formations in The Second Front.
Each branch includes 14 main and a 15th, final mission.
The time for completion is not limited, and all missions demand you prove your battle skills.
Mission Conditions
Each mission has primary conditions which are obligatory for completion, and secondary conditions, which provide an additional reward.
If you cannot complete the secondary conditions on the first try, you can always return to fulfill them, complete the mission with honors and finally claim the reward.
After completing the final mission in the branch, you get:
- a unique vehicle component—one of the five modules (in The Long-Awaited Backup) or a module blueprint (in The Second Front);
- a female crew member with an additional bunk in the Barracks;
- an order for completing the mission with honors.
When all the vehicle components are obtained, the vehicle is yours. After you complete all the mission sets, you also get a full-value female crew that can be recruited to any vehicle.
If you come across an extremely tough mission, use orders to automatically complete its primary condition and skip it to continue your way to the unique vehicle and crew.
Orders are obtained for completing final missions with honors.
How to use orders
To skip any mission from 1 through 14, you will need one order, while skipping the final mission will require four orders in The Long-Awaited Backup, and three in The Second Front.
To commit an order to a mission:
- Click a mission in which you haven't completed the primary condition yet.
- On the screen with mission conditions, click Complete for
Following Your Progress
In the Garage, you can see which missions are available for the selected vehicle.
Hover over the red flag below the Battle! button. Click the flag to proceed to the mission conditions screen. If the selected vehicle does not meet the mission requirements, the flag is displayed as inactive.
Your mission progress is also indicated in the upper part of your battle screen.
You can always look up the current mission conditions—press Tab and go to the Missions tab, or press N. Switch between the missions in the lower part of the screen if completing two missions simultaneously.
Some missions have restrictions:
- Time limit. In some missions you can fulfill the conditions only within a certain time—for example, destroy two enemy vehicles during the first four minutes of the battle. Otherwise the progress is not counted.
- Minimal value. For example, if you deal less damage than required, you do not progress in the mission.
- The Long-Awaited Backup
- The Second Front
The Long-Awaited Backup campaign contains four operations, each of them includes branches of missions for all vehicle types. You can start completing five missions simultaneously, one from each branch.
Missions in each operation require a certain vehicle Tier:
- StuG IV — Tier IV–X
- Т28 Сoncept — Tier V–X
- Т55A — Tier VI–X
- Object 260 — Tier VI–X
The operations must be completed consecutively. You can obtain the Object 260 heavy tank only after completing the previous three operations.
The Second Front campaign contains three operations which have mission branches for vehicle nation formations:
- Alliance: Poland, U.K., U.S.A.
- Bloc: Germany, Japan
- Coalition: Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Sweden
- Union: China, U.S.S.R.
Also, certain vehicle tiers are required for each operation:
- Excalibur — Tier VI–X
- Chimera — Tier VII–X
- Object 279 (e) — Tier VIII–X
Each branch of The Second Front includes 15 missions. The first 14 can be completed in any order, and the final mission becomes available only after the previous missions in the branch are complete.
Each operation has special mission requirements:
- The Excalibur operation: accumulative missions that can be completed within any number of battles. For example, deal a total of 10,000 HP damage within an unlimited number of battles.
- The Chimera operation: the conditions must be fulfilled within one battle, like in The Long-Awaited Backup missions.
- The Object 279 (e) operation: the condition must be fulfilled within a certain number of battles. If you fail, the progress is cleared, and the mission completion starts anew.
You can complete the missions with any type of vehicle of the required nation.
Access to The Second Front campaign is not affected by your results in The Long-Awaited Backup. You can start completing both campaigns simultaneously.

Female Crew
After completing the primary conditions of the final mission in each set, you get a unique female crew member for whom you can chose the nation, vehicle type and major qualification. All in all, completing both campaigns will reward you with 32 female crew members.
Female crew come with significant bonuses:

100% major qualification level

Enough experience to train one skill or perk to 100%

Free bunk in the Barracks

A 100% trained “zero” Brothers in Arms perk which does not affect the training speed of the following skill or perk
Additional Reward
Your success in the missions will also bring valuable rewards like unique medals, badges and emblems, credits, bonds, Free XP, consumables, equipment, Directives, Garage slots and WoT Premium Account.
After completing an operation, you also get a unique camouflage set. If you fulfill only the primary conditions in all its missions, the camouflage will be applicable only on the reward vehicle of this operation. If you complete all the missions with honors, you will be able to purchase this camouflage set for any vehicle of the corresponding nation.
Challenge yourself, prove your skills and claim the well-deserved rewards!