Premium Vehicles
The T-34 shielded was one of the projects to improve armor of the T-34 series tanks. This variant of shielding was developed by engineers of Research Institute-48 and Plant No. 112 under the supervision of I. Burtsev. During the field trials, the armored screen sides were able to withstand fire from 37 mm and 50 mm anti-tank guns, but were penetrated by Armor-Piercing 88 mm and 75 mm shells. All manufactured prototypes were sent to the front and lost in battles.
T-34 shielded (112)
T-34 shielded (112)
76 mm F-34 (1943)
This is a Premium vehicle. Premium vehicles earn more credits and experience per battle, and provide a range of other bonuses.
Characteristics are specified for vehicles with crews trained to 100%.