III Somua S35
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Somua S35 France

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Good firepower, armor protection, and mobility made the S35 one of the best tanks of its time. However, the small turret forced the commander to handle multiple tasks at once: searching for enemy targets, aiming and reloading the gun, and coordinating the actions of the crew. This workload reduced his situational awareness and decreased the vehicle’s effectiveness on the battlefield. By the time France capitulated on June 22, 1940, a total of 427 vehicles had been manufactured.

Nation France France
Tier Tier III
Type Medium Tank Medium Tank
Cost Credits 42,000 Experience 1,360


Crew Member Commander



Crew Member Driver
Crew Member Radio Operator

Radio Operator




HP Damage Damage at 50 m
mm Armor Penetration
HP/min Damage per Minute
s Aiming Time
m Dispersion at 100 m Improved dispersion at 100 m
pcs Ammo Capacity


/ / t Weight/Load Limit
hp Engine Power
hp/t Specific Power
km/h Top Speed
deg/s Traverse Speed
deg/s Turret Traverse Speed


HP Hit Points
/ / mm Hull Armor
/ / / / mm Turret Armor
s Suspension repair time


m View Range
m Signal Range

Characteristics are specified for vehicles with crews trained to 100%.
