Update 1.9.1: Join Common Test 3!

Are you ready to continue your epic tank journey in Battle Pass Season 2, Commanders?

If you enjoyed earning all the possible rewards in the first Season, you’ll be excited to hear we’ve got even more goodies coming your way! We’re actively working on the second Season of Battle Pass, which you can already experience during the third iteration of the Common Test. The new Season, featuring tons of sweet rewards, kicks off in June! You’ll have the opportunity to earn two new types of Bounty Equipment, up to two fresh 3D Styles, an exclusive custom Crew member, and more. Let’s take a sneak peek.

New Season, New Core Vehicles

Battle Pass Season 2 is available during the third Common Test only for preliminary testing. All rewards in Battle Pass during this Common Test are for testing purposes and will be replaced by other prizes, with the exception of the two new types of Bounty Equipment. Various characteristics and values that are relevant for the Common Test may not correspond to those in the final version.

No changes have been made to the core gameplay of Battle Pass or its progression mechanics since the first Season of the event launched. If you didn’t participate in the previous Season, or you want to refresh your memory, feel free to check out all the general rules in our dedicated article.

Season 2 will feature two new Battle Pass Core Vehicles: the M48A5 Patton (an American Tier X medium tank) and the TVP T 50/51 (a Czechoslovakian Tier X medium tank). These high-performance steel beasts have special rules for earning Progression Points, as well as increased Limits.

Gorgeous 3D Styles, Bounty Equipment, and Other Cool Prizes

Season 2 offers heaps of rewards:

  • Up to two smashing 3D Styles for this Season’s Battle Pass Core Vehicles.

M48A5 Patton:

TVP T 50/51:

  • For one of the Core Vehicles, a unique custom Crew member with Brothers in Arms (as a "zero-Skill" Perk) and enough XP to learn two more Perks/Skills. The Crew member’s nationality can't be changed.

In addition, you’ll have the opportunity to grab two brand-new types of Bounty Equipment: Bounty Optics and Bounty Vertical Stabilizer. Their characteristics can be improved to the level of improved equipment with credits, and you can demount them from your vehicle like standard equipment by using Gold or a Demounting Kit.

Bounty Optics Bounty Vertical Stabilizer

And, of course, participating in the second Season of Battle Pass will fill your vault with heaps of valuable rewards. You can find a detailed list of all prizes in the game client after the Season launches.

Don’t hesitate to join the Common Test and try your hand at the new Season, Commanders! Battle through Stages and share your feedback! We truly need it to make Battle Pass even more exciting!

List of Changes CT3


Join the Common Test!

  • How the CT Works
  • Test Client
How the CT Works

New to testing? Check out our handy guide to public tests.

Eligibility: All players registered prior to: 13:59 PT | 15:59 CT | 16:59 ET on May 2, 2020 can participate in the test.

Feedback: Please post your general feedback about the test version and bug reports in the special thread on our forum.

Test Client

Participate in the test using Wargaming.net Game Center

  • The WGC will download all the additional data.
  • Start playing.


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