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We've had Soccer, Kursk Missions, Tournaments, Frontline, and other events. So now, with the heat at its peak, it's the perfect time to roll out the Summer Sales. Starting today through August 5, a multitude of vehicles will be on sale and heavily discounted!
The Summer Sale Bundles are on sale July 20-August 5, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET and are broken into seven individual offerings.
Some simple parameters:
- More than a bundle per day: Sales will offer four or five tanks every two days in individual packages (except for the fifth bundle, which is on sale for four days).
- Extra missions: Even if you don’t purchase a bundle, battle missions are waiting for you in-game, so go ahead and earn those rewards. Each mission lasts for the same number of days as its corresponding bundle.
How It Works
When opening World of Tanks, a pop-up will appear detailing the tanks currently discounted. If you accidentally close the window, you can find these packages in the “Specials” section. Just make sure to check it before you go into battle.
- Best Buy! Giving more bang for your buck, the Best Buy package contains hefty amount of Personal Reserves for Crew XP, Premium Account time, and
XP missions.
- 30% or 50% Off! Means exactly that — 30 percent or half off the normal price of the vehicle, a Garage slot, and 10
XP missions.