Beta Phase Two for Update 1.0 is here! If you haven’t tried it out yet, there's never been a better time to join the Beta, get hands-on with 1.0, and help fine-tune the update!
• Available for Maps 1000x1000
• Available for standard battles and vehicles Tier IV-X only
Here’s what to expect:
Garage — Now with People In Stunning HD!
The Garage has received a major renovation. The old Garage has been knocked down and now your tanks will be shown in all their glory amongst Mother Nature.
Located deep in the forest, you might notice there are a selection of trophy vehicles dotted around the Garage, including:
- A Disassembled Panther
- M26 Pershing
- T-44
- IS-2
Tanks are par for the course in any Garage, but there’s something you’ve never seen before — people!
The crew have set up camp and can be seen wandering around, sitting by the campfire or even chopping logs to fuel the fire. Crew members certainly bring a whole new level of atmosphere to your Garage.
Get Closer Than Ever Before
With the previous Garage, the maximum distance you could get away from the tank was 12m. Now, you can zoom out even further (perfect for viewing the gigantic Japanese super heavies).
You can also zoom in further than before so you can see a level of detail, you’d never noticed before especially if you’ve ever had trouble reading the script on a gun.
If you are inactive for a period of time, the camera will go to work and flyover the tank. This can be disabled or tweaked in the settings.
Also, when using the Garage, parallax scrolling is now in effect (meaning the screen moves with your mouse). If this is something that brings on motion sickness for you, don’t worry: the effect can be turned off in the settings as well.
I Need a Hero
There’s one tank you will notice in all its glory, the Hero. Displayed behind your selected tank, the Hero will change intermittently and just like your tanks, you can interact with it in great detail. By simply clicking on the Hero in the background, the camera will fly over and this tank will take the foreground and all its vital information will be displayed.
Also, at the bottom of the screen, you will notice the “PURCHASE” button, which if you click on, you will be sent to the Premium Shop. We would ask you to test out the feature properly to make sure that it works correctly. Don’t worry, you will not be buying anything and no in-game currency will be taken from your account, this is simply to see if it is working as intended.
The latest map to be added takes you and your tanks to Scandinavia. Battle in the midst of ships lodged in the ice with these steel behemoths forming the very landscape around you.

The active zone for light tanks. Thanks to the landscape and terrain, you won’t be left out in the open. But be careful, those pesky tanks might be hiding up by the carrier.

Tank destroyer spots. Good viewpoints, often with concealment, and even with a thinly armored vehicle, you can still do some damage.

There’s a large number of small shelters that won’t protect you from enemy artillery fire here and bushes. It’s a perfect spot for the mediums and not a bad location for tank destroyers either.

Tank destroyer spots. Good viewpoints, often with concealment, and even with a thinly armored vehicle, you can still do some damage.

In the case of a successful enemy advance to the center, take position on top of the aircraft carrier. By controlling the aircraft carrier, your team can help your heavies break through. Even by locating yourself by the sides of the carrier, you can help support your team in the center.

Designated spot for heavies. The perfect place for the heavies to fight, covered from artillery fire, there’s a plenty of options to maneuver amongst the blocks of ice and frozen shipwrecks.

1. The active zone for light tanks. Thanks to the landscape and terrain, you won’t be left out in the open. But be careful, those pesky tanks might be hiding up by the carrier.

2. Tank destroyer spots. Good viewpoints, often with concealment, and even with a thinly armored vehicle, you can still do some damage.

3. There’s a large number of small shelters that won’t protect you from enemy artillery fire here and bushes. It’s a perfect spot for the mediums and not a bad location for tank destroyers either.

4. Tank destroyer spots. Good viewpoints, often with concealment, and even with a thinly armored vehicle, you can still do some damage.

5. In the case of a successful enemy advance to the center, take position on top of the aircraft carrier. By controlling the aircraft carrier, your team can help your heavies break through. Even by locating yourself by the sides of the carrier, you can help support your team in the center.

6. Designated spot for heavies. The perfect place for the heavies to fight, covered from artillery fire, there’s a plenty of options to maneuver amongst the blocks of ice and frozen shipwrecks.
Music to Your Ears
A large-scale project for the World of Tanks team, the new soundtrack was recorded by the Prague Symphony Orchestra and aims to create military “tank” music that is as authentic as possible for each map. Drawing inspiration from the music all across the globe, the music aims to match its locale. There certainly are some great tracks with hidden references in, see if you can find them!
UI Changes
Discover how you can join the Beta Test:
- How the Testing Works
- Test Client
- Server Restarts
New to testing? Check out our handy guide to public tests.
Eligibility: All players registered prior to 12:59 PT / 14:59 CT / 15:59 ET on Feb. 3 can participate in the test.
Feedback: Please post your general feedback about the test version and bug reports in the special thread on our forum.
- Download the test client installer (4,9 MB)
- Make sure you pick a save location that is different to your regular World of Tanks game files
- Save and run the installer
- Run the new copy of the game; the launcher will download all the additional data
- Log in and start playing
The test server will be restarted regularly, according to the following schedule:
- First Periphery: 20:00 PT / 22:00 CT / 23:00 ET every day; average duration will be around 25 minutes
- Second Periphery: 21:00 PT / 23:00 CT / 00:00 ET every day; average duration will be around 25 minutes
- Central Database: 01:00 PT / 03:00 CT / 04:00 ET every day; average duration will be around 2 minutes
The test server may be subject to unscheduled restarts and maintenance.
List of Changes
ExpandMain Changes:
New Garage
- Uses Core graphics technology
- Added animated characters
- New camera in the Garage:
- The zoom distance depends on the selected vehicle
- The distance the camera passes changes when zooming in/out (when scrolling)
- Added parallax effect upon camera rotation; effect can be disabled in the General tab of the Game Settings
- If the player performs no actions in the Garage, the camera starts rotating around the selected vehicle (the option can be configured or disabled in the General tab of the Game Settings)
- A promotion vehicle is added to the Garage (it is displayed on the background behind the selected vehicle). Players can hover the mouse over the vehicle and click it to move the camera to this vehicle. The vehicle technical characteristics and crew members are displayed in the vehicle preview window. Players can click the “Purchase” button to go to the vehicle purchase page in the Premium Shop.
Music and Sound
Each map will have its own soundtrack that includes the following:
- Main theme for the loading screen that is played while loading a battle and during countdown
- Two interactive battle-related tracks based on the main theme that can be played almost infinitely without repeating
- Three ending themes for the battle results: victory, draw, and defeat
Soundtrack sets are unique for each map in the game
Added new Garage sounds including the music theme played at the battle queue screen
Reworked music and visuals of the login screen
Added the new winter map, "Glacier" (HD quality)
Changes to the Graphics and Effects
- New water on all maps with varying effects — calm lakes, swift rivers, sea surf, etc.
- New effects on all maps, including fires, waterfalls, burning grass, sand blown by wind, artillery strike, bees, butterflies, etc.
- Added realistic shell tracers
- Reworked all vehicle effects: motion, exhaust gas, vehicles set on fire, and ammo rack detonation
- Completely reworked the effect of shells hitting various terrain types; added more details, scattered sparkles, and shards
- The track effects are more realistic; added realistic drifting effects
- Reworked and added realistic decals on vehicles hit by shells. Decals look more realistic with Physically Based Shading (PBS) technology
- Added the hot-air effect to all exhaust gases, explosions, shots, and fires. The effect is also on the hot desert maps along the horizon
- Vehicles now realistically interact with water: All water effects now have water deformation, foam, and shock waves
- Deformation of grass and bushes: vehicle tracks flatten grass; shot shock waves and explosions realistically interact with grass and bushes
- The smoke and dust cast shadows
- All shards of destruction effects look more realistic and detailed due to proper lighting and normal maps
Other innovations
- The boundary (red line) of the map is now adjustable (Settings > Battle Notifications > Map Boundary)
- Bootcamp has been completely reworked into HD (including the corresponding Garage)
- Battle loading screens have been reworked
- Minor changes to the Bootcamp difficulty
- Improved behavior of A.I.-driven vehicles
- New on-screen notifications when shooting at enemy vehicles, including:
- Causing damage to an enemy vehicle
- Ricochets and damage blocked by armor
- Critical hits
Fixed Issues
- Fixed the problem of the standard graphics settings’ cloud of dust that appeared around and followed a vehicle
- Fixed the problem of several indestructible objects on the maps
- Fixed the problem during interactions, when some trees behaved like bushes
- Fixed the inability to open a Crew member's Personal File when the vehicle is in battle
- Eliminated artifacts on Paris and Ensk maps when played with minimum terrain quality (previously, the terrain textures were black or colored, while different terrain artifacts were visible)
- Shell craters are processed properly; vehicles do not hover in the air
- Fixed the issue of black textures on buildings located far from the player
- All trees can be knocked down properly
- Fixed the issue of vehicles moving through several trees without knocking them down
- Fixed several bugs related to the terrain textures
- Fixed the issue of improper display (splitting) of vehicles when using Sniper Aim
- At the beginning of a battle on the Mines and Mannerheim Line maps, vehicles no longer spawn lying on the side
- Fixed the issue of the game client freezing upon exiting a battle
- Fixed the issue related to the vehicles featuring magazine-reloading systems
- Fixed the issue of the Garage freezing after purchasing days of Premium account
Known Issues
- Improper display of large knocked down trees on the Live Oaks map
- Improper display of some vehicle suspension systems at the minimum settings in the SD client
- When switching to full-screen mode during the first login, the entire Garage background is green after automatic detection of the graphics settings; to eliminate the issue, restart the game client
- Freezes in some cases when the player's vehicle is destroyed
- FPS drop in sniper mode when aiming through semi-transparent bushes
- The map load time may exceed the expected duration
- Low performance at the Ultra settings during the first seconds after loading a map
- Performance drops in some cases when switching to sniper mode
- Performance drop when objects are destroyed via HAVOK technology
- Improper setting names in the game client
- Excessive vehicle-texture load times when entering a battle
- When in full-screen mode, the signal (game) frequency does not correspond to the screen refresh rate
- The issue related to the vehicle silhouette outline
- Decals are not displayed sometimes on vehicle armor upon receiving a hit, or decals are displayed in a different location
- Players can get to areas not intended for playing: For instance, a pillbox on the Siegfried Line map
- Muted sound in the left or right channel
- The sounds of taking damage is not played
- Excessively bright and distracting red flash when a shell hits the player's vehicle
- No vehicle silhouette outline when aiming at the vehicle through fences
- The terrain shape in the client differs from the terrain shape on the server on the Paris map at square K 3–4
- Players can get into the castle on the Himmelsdorf map
- Graphic artifacts in the sky on the Ruinberg map
- Rock hovering in the air on the Redshire map at square B8
- Artifacts on tesselated latices on the Himmelsdorf map
- The actual default condition of the map border does not correspond to the map-border default option
- When playing on the Cliff map, wet vehicles "flicker" at particular camera angles
- Shadows flicker on the player's vehicle in the Garage
- Gamma Settings may work improperly