Best Poems Are Chosen!

Dozens of heart-piercing poems and vivid lines were submitted for the Tank Poetry Contest, making it difficult to choose the best work. Nevertheless, after a heated debate, World of Tanks team finally came to the decision.

We assembled a group of ten judges, who read your masterpieces carefully and gave them a score out of ten-point system. We read many pieces that were very good, but unfortunately did not fulfil the main requirement: you had to write about your best battle. Nevertheless, we still awarded some of them as they were of such a high standard.

In some poems, the lyrics were connected with beautiful melodies but we were unable to give any additional points to these poets. But stay tuned! As soon we will run the Tank-Mix Contest and you will get opportunity to show off your creative skills!

Now here they are, our awesome poets:

  • First place and 6,000 Gold go to Jedi Tanks!
  • Second place and 4,000 Gold go to HorridTanker!
  • And the third place goes to Pekiti, who will be credited 2,000 Gold.

More than that, we can not help but reward several makers of rhymes with 750 Gold as their works are real masterpieces! Here they are: Bobby9719, Furrymongo, Nocture, Sargent67, Rupidupe and Tempest_au. team thanks all the participants as we really enjoyed reading the poems!

The details of the contest and the winning works you can read here.

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