Church of Iron


[Clans] Map Exhibition - Airfield

Tournament registration finished.

I guess we are doing this again? - VILIN member

About team

  • Armourghost the Aussie

    Captain's contacts

Players 99/100

Player WTR
Brizzlemonk 8,826
Squiddite 9,618
VassalDog 9,292
TankCrusherX 10,935
Jaspah 9,120
Quantumkiwi 8,620
flare_phonics 9,519
Fake_Dank_Vilin 7,811
Luckson_AITF 9,881
lop_really_heckin 11,548
_BlitzWolf 8,953
FreezingBlizzard 9,308
0kBoomer 9,872
StronkAmericanBias 10,111
rspctd 10,550
ZomBobTheCornCob 10,021
Forthenco 9,365
DekklinOfDeath 7,426
TheLoveHitman 10,125
Brown_Bomber 9,381
Superfail 9,220
Rowendy 9,228
El_Que_Lo_Critica 8,867
_Marine 9,367
Fulcrous 10,266
Emtnuts 9,453
BlackwaterXe 8,915
ItzBlitz 8,560
BlitzCanuck 8,679
YourOniichan 9,359
Just_Baddies 9,314
Molotoff 8,563
ToxicSymphony 9,335
rb_man 7,962
_JayC_ 9,286
Luna__ 10,519
Mister_Paul 10,104
GigachadAlphaVets 10,168
Papple2 9,375
_Stryker 11,429
almost_a_unicorn 9,668
ContagiousHavoc 8,809
CharlesDiaper 10,980
Invisi_ 8,923
TheSideFlanker 8,980
ElPuffMo 6,133
MaxXxim 9,173
LVboy 8,668
jonpl 8,520
Sixth_Sense 8,915
BaronIsh 8,475
_Wolftrap_ 7,868
SwoIdier 8,102
LordTata 8,109
neziho 10,276
AnimeCrusader_North 10,277
CraziestChris 11,250
Scratchy83 9,718
EddietheH3ad 8,889
Slic 8,239
MetroGroomin 9,605
Xx_Sylvester_Stallone_xX 8,354
InsightfulPowerPoints 9,303
Wlng 9,002
LZ_Schneider 8,459
LostThatLovinFeeling 8,646
__Corrupted__ 8,985
Vyraall 10,014
ArmourGhost 6,726
Degelow 6,812
itoktohateme 6,349
TastyPastry 10,724
RingZero 8,518
GLOCK__Chi11in_Like_A_ 6,503
The_Wrath_of_Neeson 9,261
Banish 8,297
abandoned_spirit 10,230
luck4 8,771
poiblade 8,704
_Prometh3us 9,672
_Juris 9,958
Nahtnaught 8,241
Ajax1170 9,761
Mac116 8,221
Meows_really_heckin 9,274
CrazyS0B 9,418
Navyseacadet 8,908
Zomb1efood 9,770
Sp00kyScarySkeleton 10,535
_Jayzilla 7,709
BlinkyourDead 8,823
Microsoft_Hero_BillGates 8,422
Dogbeast 8,296
TheBananasToTheWallHost 11,329
Yu86 9,077
jimmjimm 9,833
Player30 8,209
Viperzz 10,621
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Team's matches
