The Crabs


Tier VIII Throwdown!

Tournament registration finished.

About team

  • yep

    Captain's contacts

  • US 1

    Game server

Players 1/1

Player WTR
Crabalanche 5,886
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Team's matches

Round 1

2 Sep, 00:00
The Crabs --- 0:0 1:0 Nickeroo

Round 2

2 Sep, 00:08
The Crabs --- 0:0 1:0 -CCC-

Round 3

2 Sep, 00:16
The Crabs --- 0:0 0:1 DSGB

Round 4

2 Sep, 00:24
Tanchist_2 --- 0:0 0:1 The Crabs

Round 5

2 Sep, 00:32
MEMES BR --- 0:0 0:1 The Crabs

Round 6

2 Sep, 00:40
Hellkabooom --- 0:0 0:1 The Crabs

Round 7

2 Sep, 00:48
Nokia Lumia --- 0:0 0:1 The Crabs

Round 8

2 Sep, 00:56
School of TOGology --- 0:0 0:1 The Crabs