Terminus Est


Light 1 v 1 Throwdown!

Tournament registration finished.

This is the line of division.

About team

  • silverelf4@aol.com

    Captain's contacts

Players 1/1

Player WTR
HZero 7,115
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Team's matches

Round 1

3 Sep, 20:07
_turkoglu_ --- 0:0 1:0 Terminus Est

Round 2

3 Sep, 20:15
AshyAshyAshyAshyAshy --- 0:0 0:0 Terminus Est

Round 3

3 Sep, 20:23
Hello --- 0:0 0:0 Terminus Est

Round 4

3 Sep, 20:31
Terminus Est --- 0:0 0:1 Maybe I Win Somethin

Round 5

3 Sep, 20:39
Terminus Est --- 0:0 1:0 me tola

Round 6

3 Sep, 20:47
Terminus Est --- 0:0 1:0 Bear 1

Round 7

3 Sep, 20:55
Terminus Est --- 0:0 0:1 -T-T-

Round 8

3 Sep, 21:03
oNLY mE --- 0:0 0:1 Terminus Est

Round 9

3 Sep, 21:11
redd1 --- 0:0 1:0 Terminus Est