Tournament registration finished.
Operation temporarily unavailable.
Incorrect password
This action can only be performed by the team's captain.
Lineup confirmed
Network error. Please check your connection or try reloading the page.
Operation temporarily unavailable due to technical reasons. Please try again later.
This name is already used by another team.
Not enough players to confirm the team.
There are no vacant places in this team.
This player was not found.
This stage is not available yet.
This group is not available yet.
This team is not available yet.
Cannot confirm the team's lineup.
This tournament is not available yet.
Operation unavailable due to violation of the Game Rules. For detailed information, please contact Player Support.
The team name has prohibited phrases.
The Captain's contacts have prohibited phrases.
The team description has prohibited phrases.
The team name can consist of characters from the alphabets available in the game, numbers (0–9), spaces, and the following characters: _ - [ ] ( ) . , ! ? : '
The number of your Rating Points is not within the required range.
1v1 in SPAAAAAAAAAAACE!Lineup confirmed
Tournament registration finished.
A secret defense force know as The Astro Ponies was formed to help protect Princess Luna when she was banished to the moon and keep at bay, any who may seek to release her. Now she has made her escape and one lone pony was left to defend the moon!
Captain's contacts
US 1
Game server
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If you are registered for a tournament, log in to check the match schedule.
If you are registered for a tournament, log in to check the match schedule.