
[Clans] Challengers League Qualifier

Tournament registration finished.

The team sent on that ever long quest to get Lozarus back from the hands of the British Government.

About team

  • Edge_of_Insanity, HARMZ, and BarbaricNoob

    Captain's contacts

  • US 1

    Game server

Players 94/100

Player WTR
Edge_of_Insanity 7,761
Genug 6,867
Uzziel1 7,216
ScoutCub 8,317
snake6122 7,056
LargeDonkey 7,008
dewstah 6,061
Forged 6,766
Veskan713 7,691
Fox_Paws 7,190
_GuyFieri 6,878
Heldar 7,527
LordEdwardZ5th 7,912
BarbaricNoob 7,085
Red_Redux 8,147
rbg3 7,232
IB_ 6,836
Wildfrogman 6,519
avrakk3187 6,750
Ammosexual 7,171
Windoge8 5,720
BLCowboy6 7,192
WarHeads_On_ForeHeads 7,373
Schweppes8 7,020
Willster419 6,848
TheOnlyRazerHail 6,584
FastRedHorse 7,502
dead_squid 7,415
ObiWanCanoli 6,124
coolmanjack 8,058
iowafred 6,137
4khan 8,056
OranjeBeered 6,810
Flayologist 6,037
Rhadamanthuz 6,618
ManiacalRodent 7,980
slayer4041 6,665
RikkRoll_ 7,637
TheRedBaron 7,474
ski098 6,568
memegene 7,263
VegasHerpes 6,656
x_IRON_x 6,214
AgentSilentOne 7,420
Nateeight 6,374
g_shock38 7,010
HARMZ 6,906
Teacup_Yorkie 8,120
_AjaxSkord_ 6,384
_Xpozed_ 6,270
ADirtyScrub 6,962
bflinstead 8,185
bigmacx10x 6,570
Blaze_PuertoRican_Power 9,156
BlueGuy90 7,569
BoilerBandsman 6,818
BushidoPhoto 5,350
carbine15 6,161
Ded_man 7,437
DocRoc 7,181
Enchilada 5,432
EroticJellyfish 6,862
gaunt428 6,312
HalfDeadTuT 5,480
hitman_ma2 6,675
kfmonk 7,804
kingmeofme 8,573
Liggiedanoob 7,121
LimpinG 6,147
MassiveHyperion 6,580
narbisston 6,641
Nivar 6,431
OfficiallyUnofficial 7,041
Pitch_Black 6,255
ReadyFox 6,746
Relentless27 6,081
REN3GADE_ 8,248
RISE85 6,359
skipsteel 5,951
SpartanDragoon 7,804
_MrCreosote 8,311
TechnoD11 7,354
M0rtarK0mbat 6,110
Threeway 7,862
tigerragrob 6,245
Treello 7,942
vanionbb 6,134
__VFib__ 5,841
0oOvOo0 7,982
Weazel2k2 6,526
wunahokalugi 6,596
Brother_Noodle_PizzaTime 8,246
toshiomagic 8,189
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Team's matches
