Your Summer Begins this July!

Summers are about playing with friends, barbecuing, fireworks, discovering new things, and cool prizes at the boardwalk. We at Wargaming feel the same way! Therefore, we declare July a month of SUMMER PLAY! We have Platoon competitions, holiday XP boosts, and two never-before-seen tanks. Plus another chance to get your paws on the ferocious M46 Patton KR, as well as a discounted Starter Bundle.

So grab your friends and make this July your best summer story!

Summer Play

Grab your friends or make some new ones, as you earn tokens for great summer prizes! We have a ton of contests and competitions just for Platoons.

Independence Day & Canada Day

We're celebrating two great nations with x5 XP on daily first wins, discounts on American vehicles and celebratory missions!

Starter Bundle (once per account)

New players will save a ton of dough on this multi-purpose bundle designed to kick off your tanking career! 

Tanks of the Month

Two brand-new tanks are rolling out, and the tiger-painted Patton makes its return to the Premium Shop. Here's when to get 'em:

You Ammo-Racked My Heart

July 9: We celebrate tankers in love! Check the "Missions" tab for a special mission that'll steal your heart.

Bastille Day

July 14: Commemorating the start of the French Revolution with special missions for just one day!

Third Thursday Throwdown

It's a whirlwind of easy-to-unlock rentals for one crazy day!

Platoon Weekends

Play with friends, earn rewards and have fun! Special bonuses in Platoons of the following nations:

"On Track" Events

Get "On Track" with specials to ease your way towards a great tier X tank!

Class Focus

Study up on each vehicle class with dedicated missions every week.

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