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20 Weird Tanks

10/09/2016 General News

World of Tanks has over 400 armored vehicles, some of which really stand out in their appearance. Here's a little list of some of these head-turners you may encounter in your tanking career. Enjoy!

1. AMX 40 - The Duck

2. Pz. Sfl. IVC -- The Toaster

3. ARL 44 -- The Barn Door

4. ARL V39 -- The Hot Potato

5. Object 416 -- The Pancake

6. M6A2E1 -- Mutant 6

7. E 25 -- The Roach

8. HMS TOG II* -- XP Piñata

9. T28 Concept -- The Spaceship

10. T95 -- The Doom Turtle

11. AC1 Sentinel -- Soft Richard

12. SU-100Y -- The Box Tank

13. Renault FT AC -- The Umbrella Dinosaur

14. Sturmpanzer I Bison

15. SU-76M

16. Archer

17. Crusader 5.5-In. SP

18. T49

19. VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B

20. Grille 15
