Clan Portal Update: Big Changes to Ratings!

We continue to refine the Clan portal and add new features to view Clan achievements. With the current update, we have changed the way some crucial clan information is being displayed. Take a look below.

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Clan Rating Now Has Daily Relevance!

With the New Global Map release, the time display filter for Clan Rating (CR) was changed. The updated Clan portal will now display the current value of Clan Rating (CR), instead of using time periods of 1, 7 and 28 days respectively. Information on the Clan Rating will be updated every day, and this means that players will always be able to see relevant information about each Clan.

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For example, if during the day there are changes in a Clan’s structure - players leave the Clan, or battle-tested players enroll, these changes will appear the very next day!

With the introduction of new Fronts of tier VI, VIII and X on the Global Map, the calculation of Clan Rating (CR) will now be made for Clans that have at least 10 members. This will take into account the success of Clans with a small amount of members who play on low tier vehicles.

Clan ELO Rating On The Global Map & Strongholds

Values of ​the Clan ELO rating on the Global Map (eGM) and ELO rating in Strongholds (eSH) will be divided and will be displayed separately for each Front.

On the Global Map ELO rating will be divided into:

  • Battles on tier X vehicles - eGMX
  • Battles on tier VIII vehicles - eGMVIII
  • Battles on tier VI vehicles - eGMVI

In Strongholds:

  • Battles on tier X vehicles - eSHX
  • Battles on tier VIII vehicles - eSHVIII

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To take into account the general level of Clan ELO ranking, new indicators have been introduced: wGM and wSH, which display the average value of ELO rating per battles that a Clan has in these game modes. These indicators will be taken into account in the calculation formula for Clan Rating (CR), which is detailed in the Clan Rating Guide. To make wGM and wSH indicators considered in Clan Rating (CR), a Clan must:

  • Have at least 10 battles in Clan battles modes
  • Have 5 battles in Clan battle modes over the past 28 days

Displaying The Clan Income

In the Clan profile, the primary display of the Clan's income was redesigned to:

  • Players who are not in the Clan, or do not have the appropriate ranks, will see the possible income of a Clan, which will take into account the number of provinces seized by the Clan on the Global Map, and how long the Clan has owned them
  • Clan players, except recruits and reservists, will be able to see the real income of their Clan over a period of time

Changes to The Top 3 Players in a Clan

To get into the top 3 Clan players by winning percent and damage per battles, a player needs to have at least 20 battles within the last 28 days. This change will more accurately display a list of the best players of each Clan.

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