Make Your Vote Count!

Head to the polls and vote for your favorite Premium Tier VIII vehicle!

Wait — why should you do this?

Because you get a free 24-hour rental of the vehicle you vote for and become eligible for a 10% discount for that same vehicle if it gets the most votes! It's a great opportunity to test a vehicle to see if it's right for you!

To Vote

Each vehicle in the "Meet the Candidates" table has a corresponding Voting Code. That code is your ballot and it determines the vehicle you get for 24 hours after you vote. 


The 10% discount applies to only that vehicle if it gets the most votes. Make sure and check the "Live Vote Tally" section to see how your favorite is doing!

Voting is open Oct. 8-14; the tank with the most votes will go on sale approximately 2-3 days after.

Meet the Candidates:

VIII leKpz M 41 90 mm   LEKPZM4190
VIII T26E5   T26E5
VIII T92   T92LT
VIII AMX Canon d'assaut 105   AMX105

Live Vote Tally:

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