Kill the Courier!

World of Tanks starts the new Kill the Courier event, which will be held September 2-5 from 9:00 PM till 5:00 AM UTC.

During that period of time players will get a chance to encounter a new Courier, who possesses valuable information and wants to forward it to secret service!

September 2-5 from 9:00 PM till 5:00 PM the player COURIER_WG will appear on the battlefields, and our players must prevent the secrets leakage by destroying his tank! He will be using one of the following vehicles: M3 Lee, M3 Stuart, Matilda, Valentine, T2 LT, RAM-II, M7, M4A1, M4A3E8, M5 Stuart.

Courier killers must make screenshots, proving the Courier's desctruction, and post them in the special thread; in this case they will be credited 250 gold!

NB! COURIER_WG player can be killed by the enemy team only. If the player is killed by a teammate, it will be considered a teamkill and will be punished accordingly.

Stop the Courier on the battlefields!

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