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Fan Art Spotlight #17

20/04/2012 General News

fan art

Welcome to the seventeenth World of Tanks Fan Art Spotlight! We asked the community to send in their fan art and got an overwhelming response. Let’s jump right in and take a look at some of what the community submitted.



"Fight to the Finish" by Whukid
A drawn drawn sketch of a tracked Tiger.




larsman built this American T28 tank destroyer from scratch since he could not find any models.
Materials used : plastic, wood, brass, and wire.  

t28 front

t28 back



Dattankerdude drew a Pzkpfw VIII Maus (Mouse) Tank with its barrel pointed at a block of cheese. 




"Stuart" by ASFDestroyer
 This piece was hand drawn in Photoshop using a digital tablet.




"Jagdpanther 92" by neskoacar




Do you have art inspired by World of Tanks? Just submit your work to for a chance to have them shared with all World of Tanks players here on the community portal. Be sure to include your game name and the title of the artwork. Also, keep in mind that your submissions must follow the World of Tanks Game Rules.
