Battle Pass is back for Season X, Commanders!
Starting from February 28 and running until May 30, Season X will feature familiar rules and offer many valuable prizes—all while adding some new treats to your plate! In addition to new progressive styles, an expanded roster of Token rewards (plus two brand-new vehicles), and a new piece of equipment (Bounty Hardening), there will be some things you’ve never seen before. You will be able to uncover the Season's story and earn up to three more Tokens by completing the new Collection feature.
Battle Pass Season X
February 28, 2023 at 05:00 PT | 07:00 CT | 08:00 ET through May 30, 2023
New Rewards and Features of Season X
- The Core Vehicles of Season X are
Rinoceronte ,
Maus , and
UDES 15/16 .The progressive styles you can obtain for them are all desert-themed.
- A desert-covered region is where a brand-new trio of hero tankers is heading—to engage in an armored treasure hunt with many obstacles to overcome.
- The story of the heroes’ exploits unfolds in the descriptions of some of the Season X Stage and Chapter rewards. The styles, decals, medal, and crew members themselves form a Collection (a feature to be introduced later on in the Season). Depending on the number of Collection Elements (“plot items”) gathered, you can earn up to three additional Tokens during Season X.
- A new piece of equipment—Bounty Hardening—will be among the progression and Token rewards.
- The Tier IX reward roster has expanded with two brand-new vehicles: the KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK and the BZ-58-2.
- On top of the usual selection, styles and crew members from Seasons VII and IX will now be offered in the Reward section of the in-game Store.
If you are new to Battle Pass, check out our comprehensive guide with all the rules and details.
Progressive Styles for New Core Vehicles
Here are the three desert-themed progressive styles of Season X:
- Nyx for
- Wüstenschiff for
- Svadilfari for
UDES 15/16
Take a look at them below!
- The Rinoceronte
- The Maus
- The UDES 15/16
As usual, each style has four levels. Level I unlocks once you activate the corresponding Chapter for the first time, and Level IV is reached when you complete that Chapter.
New Battle Pass Heroes
These are the new characters you can recruit after you complete their Chapters:

Each of the crew members comes with Brothers in Arms as a zero perk and enough XP to train two more skills or perks. You will also be able to select their nation and main specialization.
Bounty Hardening and Other Rewards
The list of Season X Base and Improved Rewards is long and includes days of WoT Premium Account, bonds, credits, Garage slots, Personal Reserves, equipment, and more. One reward is of special note: Bounty Hardening. It can significantly increase the survivability of your vehicle. Take a peek at the reward roster for every Chapter below!
1 day of WoT Premium Account; 3 days of WoT Premium Account; 7 days of WoT Premium Account; Credits; Battle Pass Token; Bonds; Garage slot; Demounting Kit; Choice of standard equipment from the Mobility and Scouting categories; Choice of standard equipment from the Firepower and Survivability categories; Choice of Bounty Equipment; Orderly Ammo Rack directive; Vent Purge directive; Stabilizer Greasing directive; Personal Reserve: +200% to Free and Crew XP for 1 hour; Personal Reserve: +100% to Combat XP for 1 hour; Personal Reserve: +50% to credits for 1 hour; Universal fragment; Choice of national fragments; Choice of Training Booklet; Choice of Training Guide; Personal Training Manual; Crew member Sandro Mancini; Crew member Emil Kittel; Crew member Rebecca Holmberg; Roho 2D style; Rafiki 2D style; Ngamia 2D style; Antelope decal; Zebra decal; Leopard decal; Progressive style Level I; Progressive style Level II; Progressive style Level III; Progressive style Level IV
2D Styles, Decals, and a Unique Medal
Among the Season X rewards are many memorable ones that deserve closer looks. Check them out:
- Three 2D styles, one per Chapter, all inspired by the desert adventure theme central to Season X, and each one telling part of its story.
- Three decals with animals from the region where the heroes are heading, one for each Chapter.



- A unique medal for completing 150 Stages of the Season X Progression.
Rewards for Points
Once you complete all three Chapters, you’ll get access to the Reward section of the in-game Store. You can spend all your Battle Pass Points earned throughout the Season there on bonds and the following goodies:
Progressive styles for all Battle Pass Core Vehicles from the previous Seasons (except Season VIII)
Unique crew members from the previous Seasons (except Season VIII)
The Reward section of the in-game Store will be available until May 30, 2023 at 00:30 PT | 02:30 CT | 03:30 ET. You will continue to earn and accumulate Battle Pass Points even after completing the entire Season X Progression.
Remember to spend your Points before the end of the Season to redeem your rewards. Otherwise, all unused Battle Pass Points will disappear!
Rewards for Battle Pass Tokens
You can obtain up to 21 Battle Pass Tokens from the Season X Progression (12 from the Base Rewards and 9 from the Improved Rewards), plus up to 3 additional Tokens for gathering Collection Elements. (Collections will be a staple of every Season in 2023.)
You can spend Tokens in the Items for Tokens section of the in-game Store or save them up and spend them later in upcoming Battle Pass Seasons of 2023. Tokens accumulate throughout the year.
The list of rare Tier IX vehicles available for Tokens has grown once again—there are now nine vehicles. The new stars are the KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK and the BZ-58-2. Both are equipped with Standard Large Repair Kits (the “limitless” ones).

The KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK is a German sniper TD. It has a Siege mode that is activated manually like on Swedish high-tier TDs, increasing the effective gun depression angle to −12 degrees. Its basic APCR rounds fly very quickly, special HEAT rounds have high penetration for Tier IX, and HE rounds have outstandingly high penetration for this shell type. The vehicle has a low silhouette, and its mobility while in Siege mode easily allows you to roll back after a successful shot without switching to Travel mode.
The BZ-58-2 (worth 24 Tokens) is a bit unlike your typical Chinese breakthrough heavy. It packs a powerful punch, has a sturdy turret and is a bit slow to aim. However, the gun is rather precise for a heavy and has a −8 degree depression angle, which—together with a bouncy upper glacis plate—makes terrain-based play a viable option.
Please note that the KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK costs 27 Tokens. Considering that gathering the Collection gets you three Tokens on top of the 21 that come as progression rewards, you can get very close to this vehicle in Season X. By keeping your Tokens, you will be able to snatch the TD soon after the next Season begins. Below you can see the cost of every Token reward vehicle and item so that you can plan your acquisitions in Season X.
To help you piece together the story of Season X, we decided to unite certain rewards (both Base and Improved) into a Collection, with each Element revealing more about the plot and our heroes. Collections are going to be a staple of Battle Pass from now on. The Season X Collection Elements are progressive and 2D styles as well as decals, a medal, and crew members that you get as Battle Pass progression rewards in the usual manner. Accumulating a certain number of Elements will get you additional Tokens (up to three in total), plus a vehicle customization element. See the thresholds below, plan your progress and get the extra Tokens before Season X ends!

Over the course of Battle Pass Season X, a number of valuable offers containing unique items—such as crew members—will appear in the Premium Shop. Don‘t forget to check these out!
A great adventure awaits. Let‘s claim the treasures, Commanders!