7v7 Tier X 8PM CDT - ONSLAUGHT - N°3
Estado del torneo: Terminado Terminado

7v7 Tier X 8PM CDT - ONSLAUGHT - N°3

Estado del torneo:

Terminado Terminado

Sobre el torneo

  • 12 Equipos confirmados
  • SE Tipo de torneo
  • GOLD! Premios
  • US 3 Servidor

Detalles del torneo

  • Formato del equipo 7 + 1 suplente
  • Modo de batalla Asedio
  • Nivel del vehículo X
  • Nivel total permitido 70
  • Información adicional Onslaught modifiers and restrictions apply!


Río de Arena
Línea Sigfrido
El Halluf
Pueblo Fantasma
Oyster Bay
Puesto de avanzada

Equipos confirmados

Equipo Servidor del juego Opción de registro
(Equipo sin confirmar)


  • Reporting tournament issues


  • Playoffs only!
  • Battles are played BO3 Starting RO32, Playoff semis and finals are BO3
  • No tiebreakers: in case of draw in Playoff stage both teams are eliminated
  • Encounter mode on multiple maps
  • Battles will last 10 minutes
  • Prizing is always split among the entire team based on the amount of battles a player participated in unless specified otherwise
  • In order to become eligible for prizing, a player must participate in at least 1 battle of the Playoff stage
  • The Playoff stage starting time displayed on the tournament page is approximate and the stage can start about 5 minutes sooner/later depending on how fast the Group Stage finishes
  • All tournament details, scheduling, rules, and regulations are subject to change without notice
  • Breaking EULA or Game Rules will disqualify your team from the end results with no prizing
Reporting tournament issues

Reporting tournament issues

Issues and/or changes are reported through our CS Support Center. Details are listed below:

The category you will place your ticket will be Game Issues - Tournaments, Clans, and Strongholds - Tournaments

When submitting your ticket, please include the following information:

  • Team name and link to the team:
  • Tournament name:
  • Date of the tournament:
  • Issue:

For roster change request, include

IMPORTANT: Only the Captain of the team may request changes or alterations to a team, and they must be the ones who submit the ticket.

For rewards issues, include

  • Placement in standings:
  • Expected rewards:

For rules violations, include

  • Replays of tournament battles:
  • Rule violators team name and link to the team:

IMPORTANT: This is for tournament rule violations only, Fair Play violations or other offenses must be reported by choosing the Rules Violations>Report a Player category (then choose the appropriate category)

Ganadores del torneo

Equipo Equipo Capitán Capitán Servidor del juego Servidor del juego Opción de registro Opción de registro


Lugar Recompensa
1st: 11,200 Gold
2nd: 5,600 Gold
3-4: 4,200 Gold
5-8: 2,800 Gold
  Prizes listed are for the Playoff stage only

Tipos de torneo

Demasiados equipos para crear una llave: /64

No hay información sobre esta etapa.

Demasiados equipos para crear una llave: /32

No hay información sobre esta etapa.


Si te has registrado a un torneo, inicia sesión para ver el cronograma de las batallas.

Si te has registrado a un torneo, inicia sesión para ver el cronograma de las batallas.

Si te has registrado a un torneo, inicia sesión para ver el cronograma de las batallas.
