One of the first postwar designs for Italian tank destroyers with a limited turret traverse arc (up to 60 degrees). The project was heavily influenced by designs for American tank destroyers, such as the T95 tank program, in particular. A distinguishing feature of the Italian tank destroyer was the placement of the entire crew in a rotating turret. The vehicle was supposed to use components of the American T95, but the latter did not reach mass production. Further development was discontinued.
Radio Operator
CC mod. 56
Continental AOI-1490-I
R.F. 2 C.A.
CC 56 tipo 1
Cannone da 90/53 S.
CC mod. 57
MTU 870
Cannone da 90/60
CC 56 tipo 2
Cannone da 105/56
Characteristics are specified for vehicles with crews trained to 100%.