Update 1.8: Common Test 2

In this second Common Test, the revamped Frontline is available with a shared progression with Steel Hunter along with other changes.


Frontline is available only for preliminary testing. Values and various characteristics relevant for the Common Test are subject to change after their release.

List of Changes


Main Changes


  • Balance changes to Kraftwerk and Normandy maps.
    • Normandy:
      • Zone B: Defenders can better repel attacks
      • Zone C: Is easier to capture.
    • Kraftwerk:
      • Added more routes and positions to approach pillboxes 2 and 3 from the center line.
      • Changed the Resupply Circle locations for the last defense line so the attacking team has easier access.


  • A large-scale 2020 event that includes two (2) modes: Frontline in the first part of the year and Steel Hunter in the second part of the year. Both modes share an exclusive token currency, and each mode has its own rewards. Players who earn all Frontline tokens can redeem them for one (1) exclusive Tier IX reward vehicle; players can earn a second Tier IX reward vehicle or collect the remaining number of tokens to receive the first Tier IX reward vehicle during the Steel Hunter event.

Changes to Frontline

  • Reworked Player Progression: In particular, additional missions become available once the maximum Frontline Tier of a Stage is achieved.
  • Expanded Vehicle Respawn: In addition to the lane, players can select one of several points on different flanks, including those behind the front lines.
  • Airstrike parameters changed
  • Reworked interfaces and associated sounds.

Fixed Issues

  • Fixed the issue of trimmed information about the start of Ranked Battles in the battle selector, which occurred when the operating system used an extended format for displaying time and date (U.S. format, for instance).
  • Fixed some technical issues.

Join the Common Test!

  • How the CT Works
  • Test Client
How the CT Works

New to testing? Check out our handy guide to public tests.

Eligibility: All players registered prior to: 12:59 PT | 14:59 CT | 15:59 ET on January 29, 2020 can participate in the test.

Feedback: Please post your general feedback about the test version and bug reports in the special thread on our forum.

Test Client

Participate in the test using Wargaming.net Game Center

  • The WGC will download all the additional data.
  • Start playing.


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