Features of Update 1.5: Join the Common Test

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Today, we're launching the first Common Test for Update 1.5, which will bring Swedish medium tanks with a unique gameplay feature: air suspension. During the Common Test, you also have the opportunity to check out a new Premium Account concept and Excluded Maps, one of the most commonly requested features. Finally, get ready to experience battles with rebalanced SPGs and Swedish heavy tanks. Read on for a detailed overview for each feature!

Swedish Medium Tanks

It wasn’t that long ago that French wheeled vehicles arrived, but we’re already ready to show off something new. Along with Update 1.5, three new formidable vehicles will join our game, high-Tier Swedish medium tanks. We already have Swedish medium machines in World of Tanks, but only up to Tier VII. Now we're adding a kind of Swedish "sub-branch" for Tiers VIII, IX, and X. Researching the new branch will start at Tier VII with the Leo.

Starting from Tier VIII, the Swedish mediums all have a unique gameplay feature, air suspension. They will be able to adjust their clearance level and change their hull inclination angle, giving themselves better gun depression angles. It's turned on automatically as soon as the speed drops lower than 10 km/h. If you start accelerating, and are going faster than 19 km/h, the vehicle turns it off and the hull levels out.

The suspension for the new tanks is similar to that of the Swedish TDs, but doesn't give them any other advantages apart from additional hull inclination. Learn more about the new Swedish mediums and their unique gameplay in the dedicated article, "High-Tier Swedish Medium Tanks Are Coming!" and video, "Developer Diaries: New Swedish Medium Tanks."

Swedish Heavy Tanks Rebalance

Previously we outlined that in 2019 we’re going to improve some vehicles with poor efficiency, as well as to overhaul some overpowered tanks. So, with the new branch of Swedish medium tanks coming, we’ll also take a look at some of the nation’s other vehicles — in particular, those in the heavy branch.

Now we’re ready to revise characteristics of the following tanks:

All of these tanks currently have a four-shell autoloader, and this is the feature we want to tweak. We plan to re-equip them with three-shell autoloaders, so all these vehicles will reload faster and have higher alpha damage. As a result, their DPM will increase too. So you will have to spend less time reloading and engage your adversaries more often. Together with other adjustments this will bolster the Kranvagn’s damage per minute by more than 20%.

Damage per minute
1,964 HP/min (▲ 178 HP/min)
Shells in the magazine
3 items (▼ 1 item)
Damage per shot
360 HP (▲ 40 HP)
Magazine reload time
27 s (▼ 7 s)
57 items (▲ 5 items)
Traverse Speed
26 deg/s (▼ 4 deg/s)
Gun dispersion during movement and on hull traverse
0.26 (▲ 0.01)
The vehicle has received a revised magazine: higher damage per shot and a faster reload time within the magazine. It will make the Emil I's gameplay stand out among other autoloader vehicles. Its core gameplay is close-range combat with regular magazine reloading. The vehicle's ammo rack capacity has also been increased. The new "faster" magazine loses one shell and is balanced with the altered aiming time, gun stabilization, and slightly decreased maneuverability.
Damage per minute
2,555 HP/min (▲ 635 HP/min)
Shells in the magazine
3 items (▼ 1 item)
Damage per shot
440 HP (▲ 40 HP)
Reload time within the magazine
3 s (▼ 0.33 s)
Magazine reload time
25 s (▼ 15 s)
48 items (▲ 8 items)
Engine Power
550 h.p. (▲ 30 h.p.)
The Emil II has received improvements for its gun parameters that are consistent with its predecessor: increased damage per shot, decreased reload time, minus one shell in the magazine, and increased ammo rack capacity. In addition to the improved firepower, the vehicle also received increased specific power, which ensures improved movement characteristics.
X Kranvagn
Damage per minute
2,933 HP/min (▲ 648 HP/min)
Shells in the magazine
3 items (▼ 1 item)
Damage per shot
440 HP (▲ 40 HP)
Reload time within the magazine
2.75 s (▼ 0.25 s)
Magazine reload time
21.5 s (▼ 11.5 s)
48 items (▲ 8 items)
Engine Power
810 h.p. (▲ 110 h.p.)
Turret traverse speed
28 deg/s (▲ 3 deg/s)
The Kranvagn, as the top vehicle of the Tech Tree, will become the pinnacle of the revised branch: the short reload time of the three-shell magazine, 440 HP of damage per shot, and the decreased aiming time will significantly improve the vehicle's combat performance. DPM is almost 3,000 HP! The movement characteristics and the turret traverse speed of the vehicle will also be improved. This should make the vehicle's gameplay more enjoyable.
Emil I
Emil II

The technical characteristics of the vehicles are specified for the top module configuration.

Excluded Maps

We're also very pleased to announce that we're ready to introduce one of the most commonly requested features, Excluded Maps. Now you'll be able to block one map of your choice and avoid it in the matchmaking queue. The feature will only be available for Standard Battles, and not for Assault or Encounter Battles. Also Excluded Maps will only work when playing Tier IV vehicles or higher and will be disabled for all Grand Battles maps (Klondike, Nebelburg, and Hinterland).

WoT Premium Account

We're going to present a separate WoT Premium Account, exclusively for World of Tanks players, in Update 1.5. Regular Premium Account will remain exactly the same as it is for the entire Wargaming trilogy (World of Tanks, World of Warships, and World of Warplanes). But a separate WoT Premium Account will provide you additional features and bonuses, including one additional slot, meaning you can block two (2) Random Battles maps instead of one (1).

Find out more information regarding WoT Premium Account in the article, "World of Tanks Premium Account: Friendlier, Handier, Easier!"

NOTE: World of Tanks Premium Account is available during the Common Test only for your preliminary testing, so particular bonus values may change with its full release.

SPG Rebalance

For the first time since 2017, we decided to revise the basic parameters of artillery, a truly unique vehicle class in World of Tanks. We're planning to reduce:

  1. The minimum stun time
  2. The duration of the stun from all artillery hits on already stunned vehicles
  3. The stun time when an SPG shell hits a vehicle, which is already under the effect of a stun, if this machine is equipped with a Spall Liner
  4. The amount of damage at the edge of the splash

We're also planning to rework the performance characteristics of individual SPGs in order to finetune their effectiveness after the announced changes take effect.

All of the changes above are a bit complex for a short simple overview, so read about the upcoming SPG rebalance in our dedicated piece, "SPG Rebalance: Changing the Stun Parameters," for a more details.   

Ranked Battles

The new Season of Ranked Battles is getting closer, Commanders! It kicks off after the release of Update 1.5, but you already have the opportunity to experience it during the first Common Test.

With the new Season, some mechanics of Ranked Battles will change, but we’ll talk about them in detail a bit later on in a dedicated publication.

Please note: The settings and specific values of Ranked Battles that are relevant for the Common Test may change after the official start.

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Tanks for Bonds

With the release of Update 1.5, we're adding the ability to purchase tanks for Bonds. During the Common Test, you can see how this feature works on a trial basis. In the Premium Shop, in the “Items for Bonds” section, you will find the “Vehicles” tab where the first tank available for Bonds is located: the T2 Light Tank. Its price during the Common Test is only... 1 Bond!

NOTE: The T2 Light is only available in the Bonds shop during the Common Test and will be removed after it’s over. At the moment we’re compiling a list of other vehicles that may be purchased for Bonds. We can definitely say that these will be tanks of various tiers, but we'll announce them and their cost together with the release of Update 1.5, so stay tuned!


Very soon, modified versions of the Type 4 Heavy, the Type 5 Heavy, and the FV4005 — will roll out onto the Common Test. The changes being introduced are significant so let’s take a closer look at each vehicle.

IX Type 4 Heavy
15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun:
Damage of the 150 mm Common Type 0 HE shell
900 HP (▼ 200 HP)
Damage of the 150 mm Common Type 0 HE Kai shell
900 HP (▼ 500 HP)
Penetration of the 150 mm Common Type 0 HE Kai shell
192 mm (▲ 117 mm)
14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun:
Penetration of the 140 mm Capped Common Semi AP shell
252 mm (▲ 3 mm)
Penetration of the 140 mm Capped Common Semi AP Kai shell
290 mm (▲ 8 mm)
XType 5 Heavy
15 cm/45 41st Year Type gun:
Damage of the 150 mm Common Type 0 HE shell
900 HP (▼ 200 HP)
Damage of the 150 mm Common Type 0 HE Kai shell
900 HP (▼ 500 HP)
Penetration of the 150 mm Common Type 0 HE Kai shell
192 mm (▲ 117 mm)
14 cm/50 3rd Year Type gun:
Penetration of the 140 mm Capped Common Semi AP shell
252 mm (▲ 3 mm)
Penetration of the 140 mm Capped Common Semi AP Kai shell
290 mm (▲ 8 mm)
Type 5 Heavy suspension:
Dispersion during movement
0.16 (▼ 0.02)
Dispersion on hull traverse
0.16 (▼ 0.04)
Traverse speed
20 deg/s (▲ 3 deg/s)
Reverse speed
15 km/h (▲ 4 km/h)
X FV4005
Top speed
32 km/h (▼ 3 km/h)
Reverse speed
8 km/h (▼ 4 km/h)
Rolls-Royce Griffon engine:
Engine power
850 h.p. (▼ 100 h.p.)
Specific power
16.6 h.p./t (▼ 2 h.p./t)
FV4005 Stage II suspension:
Traverse speed
26 deg/s (▼ 4 deg/s)
183 mm L4 gun:
Dispersion at 100 m
0.42 (▲ 0.04)
Aiming time
3.7 s (▲ 0.7 s)
Type 4 Heavy
Type 5 Heavy

List of Changes


And now get out there and test all these features, Commanders! We can't wait to see your feedback!

Join the Common Test!

  • How the CT Works
  • Test Client
  • Server Restarts
How the CT Works

New to testing? Check out our handy guide to public tests.

Eligibility: All players registered prior to 13:59 PT | 15:59 CT | 16:59 ET on Apr. 3, 2019 can participate in the test.

Feedback: Please post your general feedback about the test version and bug reports in the special thread on our forum.

Test Client
  • Download the test client installer (4.9 MB).
    • Make sure you pick a save location that is different to your regular World of Tanks game files.
    • Save and run the installer.
    • Run the new copy of the game; the launcher will download all the additional data.
    • Log in and start playing.
  • If you do have Wargaming Game Center, use the following link: WGC
    • The WGC will download all the additional data.
    • Start playing.
Server Restarts

The test server will be restarted regularly, according to the following schedule:

  • First Periphery: 20:00 PT | 22:00 CT | 23:00 ET every day. Average duration will be around 25 minutes.
  • Second Periphery: 21:00 PT | 23:00 CT | 00:00 ET every day. Average duration will be around 25 minutes.
  • Central Database: 01:00 PT | 03:00 CT | 04:00 ET every day. Average duration will be around 2 minutes.

The test server may be subject to unscheduled restarts and maintenance.

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