Fury Sherman Leads a x2 Crew XP Weekend

Back in the shop is the M4A3E8 Fury, the movie star with a more powerful engine and bigger 76mm cannon than the regular model. Our Fury bundle includes a fully trained Crew, Personal Reserves, Gold, and more!

Also check out our weekly deal for 10% off a bundle of several bonuses to boost earnings on the battlefield*, a 50% discount on Barracks a slot, and an x2 Crew XP weekend.

Available once per account.

Premium Tank Sale: M4A3E8 Fury

Oct. 19-30, 04:20 PT (07:20 ET)

  • Fury! $29.99
Fury! $29.99

Bundle Contents:

  • VI M4A3E8 Fury
  • 1xGarage slot
  • 5x Personal Reserves: +300%Crew XP (2 hours)
  • 2,500 Gold
  • Special 100% Crew
  • GetXP for the first 30 wins in the M4A3E8 Fury

Note: These missions can only be completed in the M4A3E8 Fury and expire on February 1, 2018.


Weekly Deal: Boost

Oct. 19-30, 04:20 PT (07:20 ET)
Once Per Account

  • Weekly Deal: Boost $49.99 (10% Off)
Weekly Deal: Boost $49.99 (10% Off)

Bundle Contains:

  • 20x Personal Reserves: +50%Credits (2 hours)
  • 20x Personal Reserves: +300%Crew XP (2 hours)
  • 20x Personal Reserves: +300%Free XP (2 hours)
  • 20x Personal Reserves: +100%XP (2 hours)

Barracks Discount

Oct. 20-23, 04:20 PT (07:20 ET)

50% Gold Discount on a Barracks Slot

x2Crew XP Weekend

Oct. 20-23, 04:20 PT (07:20 ET)

  • Mission: x2 Crew XP Weekend
Mission: x2 Crew XP Weekend


  • x2Crew XP

Conditions: Be one of the top 10 XP earners on your team


  • For all vehicles
  • Random, Grand, 7v7 unranked Team Battles, Skirmishes, and Strongholds
  • Repeatable

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