The AMX 13 57 GF Returns!

Tankers who think light class vehicles are only good for attracting shells should take a close look at this week's offer.

The French Tier VII AMX 13 57 GF packs a 57 mm, eight-round autoloader cannon, and it can fill the role of active and passive scout! The vehicle has a deep 890 HP pool, excellent dispersion at 100 m, and a 390 m view range. Most important, however, it can deliver a possible 700 HP damage in as little as 8 seconds!

Attention collectors: This is the Grand Finals (GF) version that comes with permanent camouflage for all map types!

Weekly Offer:
AMX 13 57 GF

OFFER BEGINS: Tuesday, November 26, 03:20 PT | 05:20 CT | 06:20 ET
OFFER ENDS: Tuesday, December 3, 03:20 PT | 05:20 CT | 06:20 ET

  • AMX 13 57 GF War Chest: $73.99 (19% Off)
  • AMX 13 57 GF Ultimate: $51.99 (11% Off)
  • AMX 13 57 GF Loaded: $38.99 (8% Off)
  • AMX 13 57 GF: $24.99
AMX 13 57 GF War Chest: $73.99 (19% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VII AMX 13 57 GF
  • GetXP for the first 40 wins in the AMX 13 57 GF
  • 100% Crew
  • 5,000 Gold
  • 5,000,000 Credits
  • Garage Slot


AMX 13 57 GF Ultimate: $51.99 (11% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VII AMX 13 57 GF
  • GetXP for the first 20 wins in the AMX 13 57 GF
  • 100% Crew
  • Camouflage Net
  • Coated Optics
  • Improved Ventilation Class 1
  • 10× Personal Reserves: +200%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • 30 DaysWoT Premium Account
  • 3,500 Gold
  • Garage Slot


AMX 13 57 GF Loaded: $38.99 (8% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VII AMX 13 57 GF
  • 100% Crew
  • Camouflage Net
  • Coated Optics
  • Improved Ventilation Class 1
  • 2,700 Gold
  • Garage Slot


AMX 13 57 GF: $24.99

Bundle Contents:


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