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Vote for WoT! UPDATE

21/07/2011 General News

On August 13th, one week before Gamescom, the famous exhibition in Cologne, Germany, the European Games Award organization will be bestowing its prizes.

The European Games Award is the first award exclusively for European video and computer game developers, which lets professionals and gamers from all over Europe participate in the voting for the best games. World of Tanks is nominated for the Best European Online Game and the public voting is already open. Anyone is welcome to take part in the process, which is simple and easy. If you want to support your favorite title, register and give your vote for World of Tanks.

UPD. July 21. presents its special video in which Victor Kislyi, CEO, speaks about World of Tanks nomination for the Best European Online Game. Check it out!

World of Tanks awaits the dedicated tankers’ support and appraisal. Express it by casting your vote for WoT!

