Update 9.20.1 Release

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Update 9.20.1 is dropping Wednesday, Oct. 18, with a load of changes across the British, American, and Chinese lines, plus a veritable salvo of matchmaker adjustments, including balancing by vehicle roles. Personal Missions see a major overhaul with a new interface, improved rewards and revised completion mechanics designed to enhance the overall experience. Finally, Epic Medals and Battle Heroes achievements now get you Bonds. Read on for more details!


World of Tanks servers will be down Wednesday, Oct. 18, from 01:00-07:30 PT (04:00-10:30 ET) to get everything in order.


Current Premium players will be credited an additional 24 hours ofPremium account time to make up for the maintenance period. If you’d like to make any in-game purchases, please wait until the servers are up and running again.

If you're excited to read up in-depth takes on key features, click the images below.

What’s new

Vehicle Rebalances

British TDs from the FV4005 Stage II line were revised to provide for a much more accessible experience, while the nation’s medium tanks at tiers VIII–X cemented their role as mid-range support vehicles receiving stronger front armor. Heavy Brits from tier VIII onward were reshaped into a coherent line built around the Conqueror’s gameplay with the all-new Super Conqueror replacing the FV215b at tier X.

The update also ramps up the firepower of tier X light tanks and reshuffles American LTs so that they offer unique, distinct gameplay. Finally, Chinese Premium tanks that grew obsolete over the years welcome a series of tweaks designed to make them relevant again.

We once again revisited the combat parameters of Super Conqueror, Conqueror, FV4005 Stage II, FV4004 Conway, and FV4202 after your feedback from Common Tests. Head to the article on rebalances for more details.

Personal Mission Revisions

Listening to community feedback, we came through with a set of major changes to Personal Missions. Together with adjusting conditions to better reflect the current state of the game, 9.20.1 replaces Commendations with Orders and Components, which should streamline progression through the first campaign. We’ve taken steps to improve on navigation, too, with a revamped mission interface. We hope these changes improve your experience.

Bonds and Medals

If you haven’t made it to tier X, enjoy playing at lower tiers, and excel at it, 9.20.1 gives you extra motivation to bring your A-game to the table every time you roll out. It makes Bonds an extra reward for Epic Medals and Battle Heroes achievements. Now, these rare accolades earned in tier IV–X vehicles don’t just reinforce your personal record, but add a set number of Bonds to your accounts. This new rule only applies to medals received after the release of 9.20.1.

Matchmaker Improvements

Medium and heavy tanks are no longer distributed randomly. The matchmaker now organizes TDs, medium and heavy tanks into smaller packs grouped around a certain combat role, and it tries to ensure each side has a similar number of vehicles of the same role. Along with this, we addressed some of your most vocal requests: refined team assembly logic, increased the chances of getting matched in a Grand Battle, and more.

Full List of Changes


New Features

  • Update to the Personal Missions

Idea Behind Changes

  • Reworked the visual and sound component
  • Added new rewards
  • Revised mission conditions: to receive a reward vehicle, completion in vehicles of higher tiers is no longer required
  • Added Orders that simplify completion of the Personal Missions
  • Learn more about the changes to the Personal Missions in a special video that can be watched in the game client

Interface and Sound

Reworked all interfaces of the Personal Missions:

  1. Changed the point of entry to the Personal Missions: now it is located on the upper panel of the Garage, under the Battle! button. The tab name is Campaign
  2. Added the "General" screen that displays all operations
  3. Completely reworked the screen of operations: now it looks like a geographical map with objectives displayed as map areas
  4. Completely reworked the Campaign reward screen:
    1. now the main reward (a vehicle) is located in the center of the screen
    2. added operation statistics: now players can see how much more credits can be earned

Added new sounds:

  1. Added a special sound track for the Personal Missions
  2. Added interactive sounds: the more missions within a set are complete, the more intensive music is played

New Way of Earning Reward Vehicles

Commendations were replaced with Components:

  1. To receive the reward vehicle for an operation, all five Components should be collected: hull, suspension, gun, power unit, radio
  2. Each component corresponds to an appropriate mission set within the operation:
    1. Power unit: set of missions for light tanks
    2. Suspension: set of missions for medium tanks
    3. Hull (+turret or cabin): set of missions for heavy tanks
    4. Gun: set of missions for tank destroyers
    5. Radio: set of missions for SPGs
  3. To receive a component, the final (15th) mission of the corresponding set of missions should be completed


Added a new game asset: Order:

  1. To receive an Order, the final mission of any set should be completed with honors
  2. The Orders can be committed (i.e. used) to any mission. Thus:
    1. The selected mission will be considered completed without honors
    2. The player will receive the reward for the completion of the primary conditions
    3. A used Order remains committed to the mission
    4. The committed Order is not removed but disabled until the player retrieves it
  3. To retrieve a committed order, the mission should be completed with honors. Thus, the player receives the Order back and can use it again.
  4. Number of Orders to be committed to missions:
    1. Any mission from 1 to 14 requires 1 Order
    2. Mission 15 requires 4 Orders

Summary: orders can be used to pass complicated missions or missions that the player considers to be uninteresting. Important: players can commit Orders to the final mission of a set, even if the previous 14 missions are not completed. Having completed the four sets of missions with honors, players can immediately receive the last (fifth) vehicle component.

New Rewards

Added new rewards: badges

  1. The rank II badge is received together with the reward vehicle.
  2. The rank I badge is earned for completion of all 75 missions in a particular operation with honors.
  3. Two badges can be completed in each operation:
    1. After completing all missions in all operations, the player will receive the special unique badge: Campaign I Champion

Added new rewards: Camouflage patterns:

  1. A set of three Camouflage patterns for the reward vehicle is earned for completion of all 75 missions
  2. The same set of Camouflage patterns becomes available for any vehicle of the nation the reward vehicle belongs to, once all 75 missions are completed with honors
  3. A set of three unique Camouflage patterns (summer, winter, and desert) can be earned for completion of each operation:

Changes to the Mission Conditions

Missions in each operation were revised to correspond to the main reward. For example, now all missions of the StuG IV operation can be completed in Tier V vehicles; missions of the T28 Heavy Tank Concept operation can be completed in VII vehicles, etc. At the same time, participation restrictions remained unchanged. Players can complete missions of any operation even in Tier X vehicles.

Secondary conditions of final (15th) missions in each set were made more diverse. This is because of the fact that the additional reward of the final missions became more valuable: it now provides Orders.

Important! If the mission condition requires spotting 5 enemy vehicles (for example), and the player spots 7 vehicles, it is obvious that the mission is considered completed. This rule is true for all numeric conditions.

The following missions underwent changes


Mission Change

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot and cause damage to 1 SPG
  • Now: Cause damage to 1 SPG

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot 2 enemy vehicles while remaining unspotted
  • Now: Spot 1 enemy vehicle while remaining unspotted

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 500 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you. Remain unspotted at the moment when the damage is caused.
  • Now: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 250 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you. Remain unspotted at the moment when the damage is caused.

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 1,500 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you
  • Now: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 1,000 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 2,000 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you
  • Now: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 1,500 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you

Primary condition

  • Before: Damage caused and damage caused with your assistance must total 4,000 HP
  • Now: Damage caused and damage caused with your assistance must total 3,000 HP

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive
  • Now: Win the battle. Enable your allies to cause damage to 4 vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 500 HP of damage to medium tanks
  • Now: Cause 300 HP of damage to medium tanks

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 500 HP of damage to heavy tanks
  • Now: Cause 300 HP of damage to heavy tanks

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 3,000 HP of Damage (Personal/Platoon)
  • Now: Cause 2,000 HP of damage (Personal/Platoon)

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause damage to 5 enemy vehicles.

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 1,000 HP of damage
  • Now: Cause 500 HP of damage

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 1,000 HP of damage to heavy tanks
  • Now: Cause 500 HP of damage to heavy tanks

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 1,000 HP of damage
  • Now: Cause 500 HP of damage

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause, receive, and block a total of 6,000 of damage
  • Now: Cause, receive, and block a total of 4,000 of damage

Secondary condition

  • Before: Win the battle
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause 20% of total amount of damage caused by your team

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 3,000 HP of damage
  • Now: Cause 2,000 HP of damage

Secondary condition

  • Before: Destroy 1 vehicle
  • Now: Win the battle. Destroy 2 vehicles

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause 1,000 HP of damage.


T28 Heavy Tank Concept

Mission Change

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot and cause damage to 2 SPGs
  • Now: Spot and cause damage to 1 SPG

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot 4 enemy vehicles while remaining unspotted
  • Now: Spot 2 enemy vehicles while remaining unspotted

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 1,000 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you. Remain unspotted at the moment when the damage is caused.
  • Now: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 750 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you. Remain unspotted at the moment when the damage is caused.

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 3,000 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you
  • Now: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 2,500 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you

Primary condition

  • Before: Damage caused and damage caused with your assistance must total 5,000 HP
  • Now: Damage caused and damage caused with your assistance must total 4,000 HP

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive
  • Now: Win the battle. Enable your allies to cause damage to 5 vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 3,000 damage to enemy vehicles of 3 different types
  • Now: Cause 2,000 damage to enemy vehicles of 3 different types

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 1,000 HP of damage to medium tanks
  • Now: Cause 750 HP of damage to medium tanks

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 1,000 HP of damage to heavy tanks
  • Now: Cause 750 HP of damage to heavy tanks

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 2,000 HP of damage
  • Now: Cause 1,500 HP of damage

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 2,000 damage to tank destroyers
  • Now: Cause 1,000 damage to tank destroyers. Destroy 2 tank destroyers.

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive. Win the battle
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause damage to 6 enemy vehicles.

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 2,000 HP of damage
  • Now: Cause 1,000 HP of damage

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 2,000 HP of damage to heavy tanks
  • Now: Cause 1,000 HP of damage to heavy tanks

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 1,500 HP of damage
  • Now: Cause 1,000 HP of damage

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause, receive, and block a total of 8,000 of damage
  • Now: Cause, receive, and block a total of 6,000 of damage

Secondary condition

  • Before: Win the battle
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause 20% of total amount of damage caused by your team.

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 4,000 HP of damage.
  • Now: Cause 3,000 HP of damage.

Secondary condition

  • Before: Destroy 2 vehicles
  • Now: Win the battle. Destroy 3 vehicles

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause 1,500 HP of damage.



Mission Change

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot 5 vehicles
  • Now: Spot 4 vehicles

Secondary condition:

  • Before: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause damage to 6 vehicles spotted by you
  • Now: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause damage to 5 vehicles spotted by you

Primary condition:

  • Before: Enable your allies to cause damage to 6 vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks
  • Now: Enable your allies to cause damage to 5 vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks

Primary condition:

  • Before: Spot and cause damage to 3 SPGs
  • Now: Spot and cause damage to 1 SPG. Destroy 1 SPG

Primary condition:

  • Before: Spot 6 vehicles while remaining unspotted
  • Now: Spot 4 enemy vehicles while remaining unspotted

Primary condition:

  • Before: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 2,000 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you. Remain unspotted at the moment when the damage is caused.
  • Now: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause 1,500 HP of damage to vehicles spotted by you. Remain unspotted at the moment when the damage is caused.

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive
  • Now: Win the battle. Enable your allies to cause damage to 4 vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks

Primary condition

  • Before: Destroy 1 tank destroyer that is one tier higher
  • Now: Cause 2,500 Damage to tank destroyers

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive. Win the battle. Cause 2,000 HP of damage
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause damage to 7 enemy vehicles.

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 3,000 HP of damage to heavy tanks
  • Now: Cause 2,000 HP of damage to heavy tanks

Primary condition

  • Before: Destroy 6 vehicles of 3 different types
  • Now: Destroy 5 vehicles of 3 different types

Secondary condition

  • Before: Win the battle
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause 25% of total amount of damage caused by your team.

Secondary condition

  • Before: Destroy 3 vehicles
  • Now: Win the battle. Destroy 5 vehicles

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause 3,000 HP of damage.


Object 260

Mission Change

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot 7 vehicles
  • Now: Spot 6 vehicles

Secondary condition

  • Before: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause damage to 8 vehicles spotted by you
  • Now: Spot enemy vehicles and enable your allies to cause damage to 6 vehicles spotted by you

Primary condition

  • Before: Enable your allies to cause damage to 8 vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks
  • Now: Enable your allies to cause damage to 6 vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot and cause damage to 3 SPGs. Destroy 1 SPG
  • Now: Spot and cause damage to 2 SPGs

Primary condition

  • Before: Spot 7 vehicles while remaining unspotted
  • Now: Spot 6 vehicles while remaining unspotted

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive
  • Now: Win the battle. Enable your allies to cause damage to 5 vehicles by spotting them or destroying their tracks.

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 4,000 HP of damage to tank destroyers
  • Now: Cause 3,500 HP of damage to tank destroyers

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive. Win the battle
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause damage to 8 enemy vehicles.

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 4,000 HP of damage to heavy tanks
  • Now: Cause 3,000 HP of damage to heavy tanks

Primary condition

  • Before: Cause 5,000 HP of damage
  • Now: Cause 4,000 HP of damage

Primary condition

  • Before: Destroy 8 vehicles of 3 different types
  • Now: Destroy 7 vehicles of 3 different types

Secondary condition

  • Before: Win the battle
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause 25% of total amount of damage caused by your team.

Primary condition

  • Before: Score 7 armor-penetrating hits in a row
  • Now: Score 6 armor-penetrating hits in a row

Secondary condition

  • Before: Destroy 5 vehicles
  • Now: Win the battle. Destroy 6 vehicles

Secondary condition

  • Before: Survive
  • Now: Win the battle. Cause 4,000 HP of damage.


Bonds and Awards

Starting with Update 9.20.1, the Epic Medals and Battle Heroes achievements will be additionally rewarded with Bonds. Exceptions are accumulative medals. The number of Bonds is not final and might change.

Improvements to Bootcamp


  • Disabled irrelevant options in the context menus of the vehicle research window, Tech Tree, and vehicle panel
  • Balanced the rewards (credits and experience) for victory and defeat when completing Bootcamp
  • Rewards received for completion of Bootcamp are displayed in the Notification Center
  • Added a notification that the reward is not received for repeated Bootcamp completion
  • Crew recruiting window was made more informative


  • Fixed issues related to inappropriate display of some interface elements in the Colorblind mode
  • Fixed issues related to saving and restoring the settings when entering Bootcamp and quitting it (vehicle panel and reticles)
  • Fixed issues related to inappropriate display of some game hints (losing concealment when shooting, returning to the base circle)
  • Fixed the rare issue related to inappropriate display of the Skip Tutorial button
  • Battle results were removed from the Notification Center in the mode
  • Fixed the issue related to display of the EULA window, when the game client is restarted
  • Updated the vehicle characteristics in the loading screens of Bootcamp
  • Music in battle, Garage, and in the final Bootcamp video no longer overlap
  • Added reward descriptions to the victory screen
  • Fixed issues related to bot behavior
  • Fixed the issues related to display of map borders

Improvements to the Grand Battle

The following changes were made to this battle type:

  1. Message about victory or defeat: added a new message about victory of defeat so that players know when and why the battle ended. The message displays separate animations for victory, defeat, and draw. The additional text provides information why the battle is over. When a battle ends because the base is captured, the progress bar of base capturing gets locked right before the message is displayed to show that the battle outcome cannot be changed. This functionality globally applies to all Random and Ranked Battles.
  2. Updated the reward tooltips that describe different completion conditions for the Grand Battle and other types of Random Battles. They were changed for simplicity of perception.
  3. Improved the HUD in the Grand Battle: transparency of the team list background was decreased to make information more legible on light backgrounds (sky, water, etc.) Borders were added in the top panel to make the empty progress bars more distinctive.

Reworked a number of vehicles to HD quality

Vehicles that have been remodeled in HD:

  1. M6
  2. T-34-3
  3. Batignolles-Châtillon 155 mle. 58
  4. Batignolles-Châtillon 155 mle. 55
  5. Vickers Medium Mk. I
  6. Valentine
  7. Vickers Medium Mk. II
  8. Churchill I
  9. Valentine AT
  10. STB-1
  11. Valentine II
  12. Object 416
  13. T-150
  14. KV-4
  15. T-44-122
  16. FV215b

Switching to Wwise 2017.1.1

Switched to the new version, Wwise 2017.1.1, which allows further sound improvements.

Improvements to the Matchmaker

  • Now, the matchmaker attempts to assemble the teams considering the roles within the vehicle types: e.g., the Maus is matched against another Maus, Type 5 Heavy, or E 100, while the T57 Heavy is matched against the AMX 50B, etc. However, in some situations, the matchmaking by roles will not be mirrored, e.g. in case of Platoons that comprise vehicles of different roles.
  • Increased the chance of getting ranked at the top of the list for Platoon players.
  • Equal chances of getting ranked in the top/middle/bottom of the list for different vehicle classes (previously, heavy and medium tanks would end up in single-level battles way too often, while SPGs and TDs tended to get ±2 and ±1 setups).
  • Increased the chance of getting matched in a Grand Battle.

Changes to vehicles


The following vehicle was added:

  • Super Conqueror (to replace the FV215b)

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:

  • Caernarvon
    • Changed the name of the second turret from Centurion Action X* to Centurion 32-pdr
    • Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with the ammo rack capacity of 50 shells to the Centurion 32-pdr. turret Gun parameters are as follows:
      • gun elevation angle: 18 degrees
      • gun depression angle: -10 degrees
      • dispersion at 100 m: 0.34
      • reload time: 6.5 s
      • aiming time: 2.3 s
    • Added the APCBC Mk. 3 shell for OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 280
      • penetration: 220 mm
      • shell velocity: 878 m/s
    • Added the APDS Mk. 3 shell for OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 280
      • penetration: 252 mm
      • shell velocity: 1098 m/s
    • Added the HE Mk. 3 shell for OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 370
      • penetration: 47 mm
      • shell velocity: 878 m/s
    • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with the ammo rack capacity of 60 shells for the Centurion Action X* turret
    • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with the ammo rack capacity of 60 shells for the Centurion Action X* turret
    • Removed the AP Mk. 1 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel
    • Removed the APC Mk. 2 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel
    • Removed the HE Mk. 3 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel
    • Removed the AP Mk. 1 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel
    • Removed the APC Mk. 2 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel
    • Removed the HE Mk. 3 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel
    • Changed load capacity of the FV221A suspension from 63,000 kg to 64,000 kg
    • Increased dispersion during movement of the FV221 suspension by 12%
    • Increased dispersion during movement of the FV221A suspension by 14%
    • Increased dispersion on hull traverse of the FV221 suspension by 12%
    • Increased dispersion on hull traverse of the FV221A suspension by 14%
    • Increased dispersion on turret traverse of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII for the Centurion 32-pdr turret by 25%
    • Changed the turret traverse speed of the Centurion Mk. II turret from 30 deg/s to 26 deg/s.
    • Changed the turret traverse speed of the Centurion 32-pdr turret from 36 deg/s to 30 deg/s.
    • Improved hull and turret armor.
    • Changed the elevation angle of OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII for the Centurion Mk. II turret from 15 degrees to 18 degrees
    • Changed the depression angle of OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII for the Centurion Mk. II turret from -8 degrees to -10 degrees
  • Conqueror
    • Changed the name of the first turret from Centurion Action X** to Conqueror Mk. II
    • Changed the name of the second turret from Conqueror Mk. II to Conqueror Mk. II ABP
    • Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with the ammo rack capacity of 50 shells to the Conqueror Mk. II turret Gun parameters are as follows:
      • gun elevation angle: 15 degrees
      • gun depression angle: -10 degrees
      • dispersion at 100 m: 0.33
      • reload time: 5.9 s
      • aiming time: 2.1 s
    • Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with the ammo rack capacity of 50 shells to the Conqueror Mk. II ABP turret Gun parameters are as follows:
      • gun elevation angle: 15 degrees
      • gun depression angle: -10 degrees
      • dispersion at 100 m: 0.33
      • reload time: 5.9 s
      • aiming time: 2.1 s
    • Added the APCBC Mk. 3 shell for OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 280
      • penetration: 220 mm
      • shell velocity: 878 m/s
    • Added the APDS Mk. 3 shell for OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 280
      • penetration: 252 mm
      • shell velocity: 1098 m/s
    • Added the HE Mk. 3 shell for OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 370
      • penetration: 47 mm
      • shell velocity: 878 m/s
    • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with the ammo rack capacity of 65 shells for the Centurion Action X** turret
    • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with the ammo rack capacity of 65 shells for the Centurion Action X** turret
    • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with the ammo rack capacity of 65 shells for the Conqueror Mk. II turret
    • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with the ammo rack capacity of 65 shells for the Conqueror Mk. II turret
    • Removed the AP Mk. 1 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel
    • Removed the APC Mk. 2 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel
    • Removed the HE Mk. 3 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel
    • Removed the AP Mk. 1 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel
    • Removed the APC Mk. 2 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel
    • Removed the HE Mk. 3 shell for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel
    • Changed load capacity of the Conqueror Mk. I suspension from 65,004 kg to 65,504 kg
    • Changed the reload time of 120 mm Gun L1A1 for the Conqueror Mk. II ABP turret from 10.5 s to 11.3 s
    • Changed the turret traverse speed of the Conqueror Mk. II turret from 36 deg/s to 30 deg/s.
    • Changed the turret traverse speed of the Conqueror Mk. II ABP turret from 34 deg/s to 32 deg/s.
    • Improved hull and turret armor.
    • Changed the depression angle of 120 mm Gun L1A1 for the Conqueror Mk. II ABP turret from -7 degrees to -10 degrees
  • FV215b
    • The FV215b was transferred to the special category
    • Changed the selling prize to 5 gold.
  • Centurion Mk. I
    • Improved turret armor
  • Centurion Mk. 7/1
    • Improved turret armor
  • Challenger
    • Added OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II with the ammo rack capacity of 30 shells to the Avenger turret Gun parameters are as follows:
      • gun elevation angle: 20 degrees
      • gun depression angle: -10 degrees
      • gun traverse angles: -60/60 degrees
      • dispersion at 100 m: 0.35
      • reload time: 7.8 s
      • aiming time: 2 s
    • Added the APCBC Mk. 3 shell for OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 280
      • penetration: 220 mm
      • shell velocity: 878 m/s
    • Added the APDS Mk. 3 shell for OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 280
      • penetration: 252 mm
      • shell velocity: 1098 m/s
    • Added the HE Mk. 3 shell for OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 370
      • penetration: 47 mm
      • shell velocity: 878 m/s
    • Changed the turret traverse speed of the Challenger turret from 14 deg/s to 16 deg/s
    • Changed the turret traverse speed of the Avenger turret from 16 deg/s to 18 deg/s
  • FV4202
    • Changed the engine power of the Rolls-Royce Meteor 202B engine from 510 h.p. to 650 h.p.
    • Improved turret armoring
  • Charioteer
    • Changed the gun depression angle for OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type A Barrel from -5 deggees to -9 degrees
    • Changed the gun depression angle for OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type B Barrel from -5 deggees to -9 degrees
    • Changed the gun depression angle of 105 mm AT Gun L7 from -5 degrees to -10 degrees
  • FV4004 Conway
    • Added B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun with the ammo rack capacity of 30 shells to the FV4004 Conway turret Gun parameters are as follows:
      • gun elevation angle: 10 degrees
      • gun depression angle: -10 degrees
      • gun traverse angles -90/90 degrees
      • dispersion at 100 m: 0.38
      • reload time: 14.4 s
      • aiming time: 2.4 s
    • Added the AP Mk. 1 shell to B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 600
      • penetration: 260 mm
      • shell velocity: 850 m/s
    • Added the HE Mk. 1T shell to B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun. Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 770
      • penetration: 70 mm
      • shell velocity: 850 m/s
    • Added the HESH Mk. 1 shell to B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun Shell characteristics are as follows:
      • damage: 770
      • penetration: 200 mm
      • shell velocity: 850 m/s
    • Changed the turret traverse speed of the FV4004 Conway turret from 16 deg/s to 18 deg/s
    • Changed the gun depression angle of 120 mm AT Gun L1A1 for the FV4004 Conway turret from -5 degrees to -10 degrees
    • Changed the top speed from 35 km/h to 40 km/h
    • Changed the reverse speed from 20 km/h to 15 km/h
  • FV4005 Stage II
    • Added the Rolls-Royce Griffon engine. Engine parameters are as follows:
      • power: 950 h.p.
      • chance of engine fire: 20%
    • Removed the Rolls-Royce Meteor Mk. IVB engine
    • Decreased dispersion on turret traverse of the 183 mm L4 gun by 12%
    • Changed the turret traverse speed from 12 deg/s to 16 deg/s
    • Changed the gun depression angle from -5 degrees to -10 degrees
    • Changed the gun traverse angles from -45/45 to -90/90 degrees
    • Increased the ammo rack capacity from 12 to 20 shells
  • Centurion Action X
    • Improved turret armor



Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:

  • Rheinmetall Panzerwagen
    • Decreased dispersion during movement by 22%
    • Decreased dispersion on hull traverse by 22%
    • Decreased dispersion on turret traverse of the 105 mm Kanone gun by 17%
    • Changed reload time from 10 s to 9 s
    • Changed aiming time from 1.9 s to 1.6 s
    • Changed damage of the Exp. APDS shell for the 105 mm Kanone gun from 360 to 320
    • Changed damage of the Exp. HE shell for the 105 mm Kanone gun from 440 to 420
    • Changed damage of the Exp. HEAT shell for the 105 mm Kanone gun from 360 to 320
    • Changed the ammo rack capacity from 30 to 35 shells



Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:

  • Type 59
    • Decreased dispersion during movement by 22%
    • Decreased dispersion on hull traverse by 22%
    • Changed dispersion on turret traverse by 25%
    • Changed aiming time from 2.9 s to 2.3 s
    • Changed the ammo rack capacity from 34 to 50 shells
  • T-34-3
    • Changed aiming time from 3.4 s to 2.9 s
    • Changed the gun depression angle on the vehicle rear from 0 to -4 degrees
    • Increased armor of the hull and turret.
  • 59-Patton
    • Changed penetration of the AP M318 shell from 190 mm to 212 mm
  • WZ-132-1
    • Changed the ammo rack capacity from 36 to 40 shells



Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:

  • T-100 LT
    • Changed reload time from 8.4 s to 7.8 s
    • Changed the ammo rack capacity from 38 to 43 shells



New Vehicles:

  • T71 CMCD (Tier VII light tank, added to the U.S. Tech Tree between the T37 and M41 Bulldog)
  • T71 was renamed to T71 DA
  • M48A5 Patton (new model instead of the M48A1 Patton)

Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:

  • XM551 Sheridan
    • Changed damage of the Exp. APDS shell for 105 mm Lightweight Gun from 360 to 390
    • Changed damage of the Exp. HE shell for 105 mm Lightweight Gun from 440 to 480
    • Changed damage of the Exp. HEAT shell for 105 mm Lightweight Gun from 360 to 390
    • Changed the ammo rack capacity for 105 mm Lightweight Gun from 37 to 42
  • M41 Walker Bulldog
    • Removed 76 mm Gun T91E5 with the ammo rack capacity of 60 shells for the M41 turret
    • Removed 76 mm Gun T91E5 with the ammo rack capacity of 72 shells for the M41A1 turret
    • Removed the HVAP-DS-T M331A2 shell for 76 mm Gun T91E5
    • Removed the HE M352 shell for 76 mm Gun T91E5
    • Removed the HEAT-T M496 shell for 76 mm Gun T91E5



Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:

  • Bat.-Châtillon 155 55
    • Changed the weight from 46.33 to 33.99 t
    • Changed load capacity of the Batignolles-Châtillon 155 mle. 55 suspension from 47.000 kg to 35.000 kg
    • Changed load capacity of the Batignolles-Châtillon 155 mle. 56 suspension from 50.000 kg to 38.000 kg
    • Changed the engine power of the SOFAM 12 GS/A engine from 810 h.p. to 630 h.p.
    • Changed the engine power of the SOFAM 12 GS engine from 770 h.p. to 600 h.p.
    • Decreased armor of the hull and turret
  • Bat.-Châtillon 155 58
    • Decreased the hull and turret armoring
  • AMX 13 105
    • Changed damage of the OCC-105 D. 1504 shell for the 105 mm D. 1504 gun from 360 to 390
    • Changed damage of the OE-105-Mle. 60 D. 1504 shell for the 105 mm D. 1504 gun from 440 to 480
    • Changed damage of the OFL-105 D. 1504 shell for the 105 mm D. 1504 gun from 360 to 390
    • Changed the ammo rack capacity from 30 to 33 shells



Changes to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:

  • STB-1
    • improved turret armor

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