Update 1.1 Common Test

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Today, we launch the first Common Test of Update 1.1 with a new campaign of Personal Missions, new maps and those long-awaited Polish tanks.

Personal Missions: The Second Front

The anticipated second set of Personal Missions are here and they are coming in hot with a new name: “The Second Front”. Based on the same principles as the original set, it’s a completely new challenge for you to take on and you’ll be thrown into the midst of battle on the Second Front. Each success on the Front will bring even more rewards.

The Second Front will be available to all players. For those who haven't completed the fist campaign, both sets of Personal Missions can be run in tandem.

Don’t think with the new set that it’s no longer about skill. Now Personal Missions will have three operations with different sets of conditions:

  • 1st operation: All about persistence
  • 2nd operation: All about skill in one battle (similar to the first campaign)
  • 3rd operation: All about showing consistently good results over several battles

List of Personal Missions


A big change to the feature is that tank classes will no longer be the restriction for Personal Missions. Instead, we now have a collection of national allegiances, which can take on certain missions.

  • Union: U.S.S.R. and China
  • Bloc: Germany and Japan
  • Alliance: U.S.A., U.K., and Poland
  • Coalition: France, Sweden, Czechoslovakia, and Italy

The spoils of war are great for The Second Front. Three brand-new tanks, exclusive only to these missions with some interesting features. These tanks are:


Tier VI British tank destroyer. One vehicle of a British project that would be collectively known as “bugs” due to their odd-looking hulls

Mouse over the points to display the info on the vehicle
Main Characteristics
Hit Points
750 HP
Average Damage
150/150/190 HP
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
50/15 km/h
Commander / Gunner / Driver / Loader (Radio Operator)
Average Damage
150/150/190 HP
Average Penetration
165/192/70 mm
Dispersion at 100 m
0.3 m
Aiming Time
1.6 s
Rate of Fire
15 rounds/min
Gun Reload Time
4 s
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
Traverse Speed
22 deg/s
Signal Range
750 m
Turret Armor
50/30/7 mm
View Range
360 m
Hit Points
750 HP
Load Limit
30 t
Hull Armor
50/25/15 mm
60 items
Engine Power
500 h.p.
Specific Power
18.3 h.p./t
Traverse Speed
35 deg/s
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
50/15 km/h


Tier VIII British medium tank. The result of trying to make a British version of PzKpfw. V Panther

Mouse over the points to display the info on the vehicle
Main characteristics
Hit Points
1,400 HP
Average Damage
440/440/530 HP
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
55/20 km/h
Commander / Gunner / Driver / Loader (Radio Operator)
Average Damage
440/440/530 HP
Average Penetration
202/252/64 mm
Dispersion at 100 m
0.38 m
Aiming Time
2.9 s
Rate of Fire
3.63 rounds/min
Gun Reload Time
16.5 s
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
Turret Traverse Speed
26 deg/s
Signal Range
750 m
Turret Armor
203/76/76 mm
View Range
360 m
Hit Points
1,400 HP
Load Limit
60 t
Hull Armor
114/76/50 mm
40 item(s)
Engine Power
900 h.p.
Specific Power
15.9 h.p./t
Traverse Speed
30 deg/s
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
55/20 km/h

Obj. 279E

Tier X Soviet heavy tank. A project tank with four tracks, which was proposed by designer Troyanov in 1948, later evolving into the Object 279.

Mouse over the points to display the info on the vehicle
Main characteristics
Object 279E
Hit Points
2,400 HP
Average Damage
440/440/530 HP
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
40/13 km/h
Commander (Radio Operator) / Gunner / Driver / Loader
Average Damage
440/440/530 HP
Average Penetration
258/340/68 mm
Dispersion at 100 m
0.38 m
Aiming Time
2.5 s
Rate of Fire
5.7 rounds/min
Gun Reload Time
10.5 s
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
Turret Traverse Speed
28 deg/s
Signal Range
720 m
Turret Armor
300/140/90 mm
View Range
400 m
Hit Points
2,400 HP
Load Limit
65 t
Hull Armor
170/130/90 mm
40 item(s)
Engine Power
850 h.p.
Specific Power
14.2 h.p./t
Traverse Speed
30 deg/s
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
40/13 km/h

NOTE: All operations of The Second Front will have strict Tier limits:

  • Excalibur: Tiers VI-X
  • Chimera: Tiers VII-X
  • Obj. 279E: Tiers VIII-X


Not only will you be rewarded with these tanks, you will also get other goodies including those elusive female Crew members.

And finally, you will also be able to check your progress towards the mission whilst in the heat of battle. For now, this is only for the new missions added with The Second Front, but we do aim to create a similar feature for the first set of Personal Missions.

A dedicated article will be coming to give further information and dive into the more juicy details of The Second Front.

New Maps and Updates


As we all know, Minsk is a city that is close to the heart of Wargaming. After all, the company was founded in the Belarusian capital. The new map creates the city’s center at the beginning of the 1970s. Though some things have been adjusted for the sake of gameplay, if you’ve visited Minsk, landmarks will be instantly recognizable. If not, just take in the scenery of this virtual city and dive into the past!

Important: The map is still on its final stage of optimization. During the Common test players might have some performance issues with the map.



Not based on any historical location in particular, but inspired by the great battle near Studzianki, this map combines open spaces with some brawling spots. The location encompasses large fields, lots of vegetation, small village houses centered around a tall church. Dead center of the map is a small brick factory that will become a important point of interest during the course of battle.


Changes to Current Maps


For the interest in gameplay balancing, many positions (including the aircraft carrier and the serpentine road) have been reworked. Both teams will see a more balanced fight when taking to the sub-zero climate of Glacier.

Siegfried Line

Siegfried Line has seen positions strengthened for the northern-spawning team. Many positions have been fortified with the addition of rocks and more opportunities have been added with terrain adjustments.


Mines needed a rebalance as it was favoring the north-spawning team too much. The left flank seemed to be a key point of advantage for the northerners with easier and quicker access to the big island. Using heat maps and observations in battle, we have made the map overall more balanced in favor of the south-spawning team.


Reduced the battle tier of the map. It’s now IV-VII. With slight modifications to help out the southern team, the majority of changes were made to add shelter in various positions to help hide from fire.


The map is now in HD and has been increased in size from 800x800 to 1000x1000. Many edits have been made to improve the experience for all vehicle classes throughout the map. You may also note that the eastern part of the location has been completely redesigned.


Just before the release of Update 1.1, there will be a dedicated article to really get into the details of what’s changed on each map and how the new maps play.

Polish Tanks

With the new Poland map, it’s the perfect time to add the compatriots that did battle on these lands. So please welcome the latest nation to be added to World of Tanks and the 10 new Polish tanks.

We decided to add this nation due to the size of our Polish community and their importance in both World Wars, with their homeland becoming the gateway to the East and the West.

Starting with light tanks and evolving into heavies further up the line through the mid-tier mediums, it’s time to take these tanks for a spin!

Here come the poles

Discover how you can join the Common Test!

  • How the CT works
  • Test client
  • Server restarts
How the CT works

New to testing? Check out our handy guide to public tests.

Eligibility: All players registered prior to 13:59 PT | 15:59 CT | 16:59 ET on July 24 can participate in the test.

Feedback: Please post your general feedback about the test version and bug reports in the special thread on our forum.

Test client
  • Download the test client installer (4.9 MB).
  • Make sure you pick a save location that is different to your regular World of Tanks game files.
  • Save and run the installer.
  • Run the new copy of the game. The launcher will download all the additional data.
  • Log in and start playing.
Server restarts

The test server will be restarted regularly, according to the following schedule:

  • First Periphery: 20:00 PT | 22:00 CT | 23:00 ET every day. Average duration will be around 25 minutes.
  • Second Periphery: 21:00 PT | 23:00 CT | 00:00 ET every day. Average duration will be around 25 minutes.
  • Central Database: 01:00 PT | 03:00 CT | 04:00 ET every day. Average duration will be around 2 minutes.

The test server may be subject to unscheduled restarts and maintenance.

Patch Notes


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