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Matryoshka Assault Shipping

06/06/2011 General News

World of Tanks has run The Cunning Matryoshka quest few weeks ago. That time many warriors went mad because of tough questions asked. But as each of you recalls, Matryoshka consists of several parts - it seems to be a pretty simple doll, but one should not judge a book by its cover - Matryoshka has its own secrets, and once you open it, you find the other one inside.

This time the nesting doll promotes you to another level, offering you partaking in Matryoshka Assault Shipping quest, which will take place at 11:00 AM EDT on June 8th. And this time you will face far more trickish riddles. The cunning doll might insert her questions wherever she wishes: on the official website, on Twitter and... who knows? Those only, who follow Matryoshka's advice and read the news attentively.

Follow the news and get ready for the Matryoshka Assault Shipping!
