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Community Gathering, Austin, TX, 09 October

26/09/2011 General News


Wargaming consultant Chris Keeling will be hosting a community gathering at the Texas Military Forces Museum in Camp Mabry, Austin, just ahead of GDC, and we invite you to join him.

Attendees will gather at the museum entrance on Sunday, 9th October, by 1100. Entrance is by way of Maintenance Drive, West 35th Street. After setting the atmosphere, the excursion will then adjourn to a local eatery for a general Q&A and feedback session about the game.

However, in order to keep the numbers manageable, we’ll have to put a top end limit on attendees. Please ‘book’ your slot by clicking on the ‘Add Comment’ button below, and posting on the thread.

Museum Website:

Please note that Camp Mabry is an active military installation and there are some restrictions, the website has the full list. Photo ID will be required, motorcyclists have specific attire requirements, and those with CCWs may wish to either contact the Provost Marshal’s office for guidance, or just leave it at home.

So, again, please click on the button below, and we look forward to your attendance.
