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10.0 Public Test

29/10/2015 General News

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It's time again for a new World of Tanks Public Test! We're gearing up for the next update by letting everyone sample what we've been working on just before it's wrapped up and ready to go. Not to mention you can help us gather data and feedback in the days leading up to the final update release!

All World of Tanks players are eligible to take part in this Public Test as long as they were registered within the past two weeks. You don't need to be an experienced tester to join in, you just need to be willing to try out as many of the new features as you can, and send us your feedback!

Any new or changed content for the Public Test should be considered not final and subject to change upon final update release.

Featured Changes

...And more! For the full list of changes, please see the Notes section below.

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Technical Test Notes


Iteration 2

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

  • Reworked aiming system to minimize the discrepancy between shot trajectories on client and server side
  • Fixed twitching of the reticle in sniper mode when moving along the lower boundary of a gun's depression angle
  • Fixed an issue with invisible vehicles in Rampage mode
  • Increased Credit profitability in Steel Hunt mode
  • Improved quality of TSAA full-screen anti-aliasing
  • Optimized performance on some PC configurations
  • Fixed many hang-ups and crashes of the game client

Iteration 1

Important Changes

  • Introduced numerous improvements to the game engine that will allow for further introduction of modern functionality
  • Added the final version of the new Rampage battle mode for high-tier vehicles
  • Added the new Berlin and Ravaged Capital maps to the Rampage mode
  • Added bots that will fight against new players in a number of entry-level battles
  • Changed the principle according to which spotted enemy vehicles are displayed. Before, vehicles were displayed within a 1000x1000 m area around the player's vehicle. Now, this is replaced by a circle with a 564 m radius
  • Changed the interface for the purchase and mounting of vehicle customization elements: Camouflage, Inscriptions, and Emblems
  • Added bonuses from Inscriptions and Emblems to crew members' characteristics


  • Added the following vehicles for testing by Supertest players
    • Panzer 58, German tier VIII medium tank
    • AMX M4 mle. 49, French tier VIII heavy tank
    • Chieftain Mk. 6, U.K. tier X heavy tank
    • Chieftain/T95, U.K. tier VIII medium tank
    • KV-4 KTTS, U.S.S.R. tier VIII tank destroyer
    • Т-44-100, U.S.S.R. tier VIII medium tank
    • VK 45.03, German tier VII heavy tank
    • Turán III prototípus, German tier V medium tank
    • 43 М. Toldi III, German tier III light tank
  • Reworked 28 vehicles in HD quality:
    • KV-220 (renamed to KV-220-2), KV-1, 212A, IS-8 (renamed to Т-10)
    • Marder 38T, Sturmpanzer I Bison, G.Pz.Mk.VI (e), Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A., Wespe, VK 20.01 (D), Pz.Kpfw. II, Grille, Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J, Tiger II, Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f), 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger, Jagdpanther II
    • T2 Medium Tank, M2 Мedium tank, M3 Stuart, M7, T34
    • AMX 12t, AMX AC mle. 46
    • Vickers Medium Mk.III, Matilda, Loyd Gun Carriage, Covenanter
  • Made the following replacements in the U.S. tank destroyer and SPG tech trees:
    • Rebalanced the T82 tier III tank destroyer. Now this vehicle is a tier IV SPG
    • Replaced the T82 tier III tank destroyer with the T56 GMC tier III tank destroyer
    • Rebalanced the T18 tier II tank destroyer. Now this vehicle is a tier III SPG
    • Replaced the T18 tier II tank destroyer with the T3 HMC tier II tank destroyer
    • Replaced the T57 tier II SPG with the new T1 HMC
  • Replaced the FV4202 U.K. tier X medium tank with the new Centurion Action X. Also, completely rebalanced the FV4202 medium tank. It is now a Premium vehicle
  • Replaced the top (2nd) turret of the Caernarvon U.K. heavy tank with the turret of the Centurion Action X
  • Replaced the standard (1st) turret of the Conqueror U.K. heavy tank with the turret of the Centurion Action X
  • Changed the scale and color of desert and summer clan Camouflage
  • Rebalanced the following vehicles:
    • Covenanter: Chance of fire for the Meadows D.A.V. O.C. engine decreased from 40 to 20 percent
    • Slope angles for the upper glacis plate of the FV4005 and FV4004 (based on the Centurion) tank destroyers reduced to 57 degrees
    • Replaced stock turret with Centurion II turret
    • Maus: Increased the armor protection of some sections of the gun mantlet
    • Löwe: Increased the armor protection of the gun mantlet
    • T23E3: Increased penetration of standard shells from 128 to 149mm and Premium shells from 177 to 190mm
    • 8,8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger: Top forward speed increased from 28 to 38 km/h
    • Jagdpanther, Ferdinand, Jagdpanther II: Shell flight speed for the 10,5 cm Pak L/52 gun changed from 805/1006/805 m/s to 950/1188/950 m/s. Now, shell flight speeds for the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 and 10,5 cm Pak L/52 guns are equal
    • E 50 Ausf. M: Shell flight speed for the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 Ausf. K gun changed from 1478/1173/1173 m/s to 1500/1200/1200 m/s. Now, shell flight speeds for the 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 Ausf. B and 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/52 Ausf. K guns are equal


    • Increased the engine power from 650 to 850 h.p. Slightly decreased crossing capacity to balance this change
    • Increased the armor protection of the upper glacis plate from 100 to 120 mm

    T-54 first prototype:

    • Dispersion of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun decreased from 0.38 to 0.36 m
    • Reload time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun decreased from 8.1 to 8 s
    • Aiming time of the 100 mm D-10T-K gun decreased from 2.6 to 2.4 s

    Maps and Objects

    • Removed the South Coast map from the Random Battle mode
    • Deleted the resources of the Hidden Village and Province maps from the game client
    • Added extra special effects to a number of maps
    • Fixed the issues with the visual and damage models of some environmental objects

    Graphics and System

    • Optimized performance of the game client on some PC configurations
    • Improved the loading speed for both the game client and maps
    • Fixed some issues in the new mechanism of shadow display for the Improved graphics preset
    • Optimized the performance of some special effects


    • Added Clan profile—a new interface that contains detailed information about Clans
    • Added voice notifications to the functionality of Dynamic Platoons
    • Fixed minor issues with interface
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