Starting Sept. 9, Stronghold War Games are weekly, on Saturdays.
All Clans that participate in Stronghold automatically place on the War Games leaderboard. The top-rated Clans on the leaderboard get Tier XI and XII Reserves; all other players who participate in battles get Gold. The War Games prize pool is 147,000 Gold and 358 Reserves.
War Games Schedule:
A day of War Games plays out in two stages:
- Stage I: 16:00-19:00 PT (19:00 – 22:00 ET)
Prize pool: 40,000 Gold and 179 Tier XI and XII Reserves
- Stage II: 19:00-22:00 PT (22:00 – 01:00 ET)
Prize pool: 107,000 Gold and 179 Tier XI and XII Reserves
Four Disciplines of War Games:

- Demolition: Clans receive points for each enemy vehicle destroyed.
- Vanquish: Clans receive points for the difference between the teams’ scores. If the score is not in a Clan’s favor, this Clan does not receive points. Both winning and losing battles count in this variant.
- Rush: Clans receive points for each second left before the battle's time limit. Only winning battles count.
- Assembly: Clans receive points for each legionnaire in their detachment. Only winning battles count.
A Clan receives points on four leaderboards simultaneously for each victory in Stronghold.
The number of points depends on the battle mode. In Tier X Advances, the coefficient is higher than in Skirmishes. (Please see the “Disciplines” section of the War Games guide.)
War Games Leaderboards:

The War Games leaderboards rebuild three times daily. Once competition is over, the winners of each leaderboard get the reward.
The leaderboards are independent; if the same Clan takes the top position in different categories, it will get rewards in each category.
War Games Rewards:
Each stage within a day has a prize pool. Rewards include Tiers XI and XII Clan reserves and Gold. The prize pool and rankings can be found in the Stronghold interface.
Clans that win reserves get them automatically, and Gold is distributed among the players who participated in Stronghold, and depend on the contribution of each player. Legionnaires on the winning team get Gold.