Details added March 26, 2014:
- Fixed issue with artillery vehicles firing shells that did not actually appear
Details added March 6, 2014:
- Fixed an issue with users not able to log in when CPU usage is high
- Corrected a synchronization error that occured in conjunction with having an unmanned SU-85I
- FOV settings have been rolled back to the state that existed in version 8.10
- Fixed bug in rendering of hit indications
- Fixed error concerning daily reset time for combat missions progress
New Content
- New game mode: "Confrontation:" Teams are balanced by nations (U.S.S.R. vs. Germany; U.S.A. vs. France, etc.)
- New map: "Windstorm:" A 1000x1000m European city map during winter
- Various game elements were fixed on the following maps: Erlenberg, Redshire, Highway, Northwest
- "Port" map completely removed
- Fixed a bug with entering inside of the building near the cap area in Himmelsdorf (Encounter mode)
- Performance improved on Hidden Village, Fisherman’s Bay, Serene Coast, Severogorsk and Ensk
- Excessive brightness of some effects fixed on several maps
- Fixed inconsistencies between visual model and damage model for a number of buildings and objects
- Fixed blinking effects from tank tracks on winter maps
- "Sacred Valley" map removed from random battles
- New map variations:
- "Ruinberg on Fire:" Rainy version of Ruinberg blanketed in fire
- "Winter Himmelsdorf:" Winter-themed version of Himmelsdorf
Changes to Vehicle Characteristics
- Reworked the model of T-54
AMX 50 Foch (155):
- Engine Maybach HL 295 F (1200 h.p.) replaced with Saurer (1000 h.p.)
- Damage caused by AP-T T368 gun 155mm AC SA58 changed from 850 to 750
- Damage caused by HEAT T267 gun 155mm AC SA58 changed from 850 to 750
- Penetration value of the HEAT T267 shells (155mm AC SA58 gun) changed from 408mm to 395mm
Object 140:
- Price increased
- Repair cost increased by 25%
Object 268:
- Traverse speed changed from 30 to 28
- Dispersion during movement increased by 11%
- Dispersion caused by suspension traverse increased by 11%
- Max reverse speed changed from 18 km/h to 15 km/h
- Reloading speed of 152mm М64 gun changed from 17 sec. to 16.5 sec.
- Damage caused by UBK551M (152mm M64 gun) changed from 850 to 750
- Penetration value of shells UBK551M (152mm M64 gun) changed from 450mm to 395mm
- Damage caused by UBR551M (152 мм М64 gun) changed from 850 to 750
- Reloading speed of the 155mm AT Gun T7E2 gun changed from 18.3 sec to 17 sec.
- Damage caused by the AP M111E1 (155mm AT Gun T7E2) changed from 850 to 750
- Damage caused by the APCR M112E1 (155mm AT Gun T7E2) changed from 850 to 750
- Reload speed of 155mm AT Gun T7E2 changed from 21 sec. to 19.5 sec.
- Damage caused by AP M111E1 (155mm AT Gun T7E2) changed from 850 to 750
- Damage caused by APCR M112E1 (155mm AT Gun T7E2) changed from 850 to 750
WT E-100:
- Traverse speed of the WT E-100 suspension changed from 30 to 26
- Turret traverse dispersion of the 12,8 cm Kanone L/61 increased by 212%
- Turret traverse dispersion of 15 cm Pak L/38 gun increased by 75%
- Turret traverse speed of WT E-100 changed from 24 deg/sec to 22 deg/sec
- Durability decreased by 200 hit points
Vehicle profitability changes:
- 112 profitability increased by 10%.
- Conqueror Gun Carriage profitability decreased by 10%
- FCM 50 t profitability increased by 5%
- G.W. Panther profitability increased by 5%
- Lorraine 155 mle. 50 profitability increased by 5%
- Löwe profitability increased by 5%
- M12 profitability increased by 3%
- M6A2E1,profitability increased by 8%
- Sexton I profitability increased by 10%
- T34 profitability increased by 5%
- T-34-3 profitability increased by 10%
- VK 20.01 (D) profitability increased by 10%
- VK 28.01 profitability increased by 10%
- VK 30.01 (D) profitability increased by 10%
- С-51 profitability increased by 5%
- СУ-14-1 profitability increased by 5%
Other Bug Fixes and Changes
- Size bugs of Nashorn, T-54, Type 59, and WZ-120 fixed
- Balance weight for Artillery vehicles reduced by 10%
- Fixed low point of drowning for M44 artillery
- For the sake of unified display, we changed details in the following American vehicles' damaged suspension models: M103, M18 Hellcat, M24 Chaffee, M26 Pershing, M37, M41, M44, M46 Patton, M4A2E4, M53/M55, M60, T110E3, T110E4, T110E5, T26E4 SuperPershing, T29, T32, T34, T57 Heavy Tank, T69, and T92 HMC
- Fixed errors in visual models for the following vehicles: KV-1S, Lorraine 40 t, M24 Chaffee, Type 3 Chi-Nu
- Fixed gun models on Conqueror and M48A1 Patton
- Fixed issues in WZ-120 camouflage patterns
- In order to decrease Tier VIII vehicle waiting time, removed 12-battle level from MM distribution
- Added new group operations with crews (e.g., retraining the whole crew and returning the whole crew on the tank)
- Added possibility to turn off battle chat, which will hide only custom chat text messages, while showing "Attention on minimap" and fast commands.
- Added possibility to see the history of battle chat
- Added voice-over for British crews
- Added new compensation and penalty system for damaging and/or killing allies
- Added a more easy-to-notice "Fire" icon, made in the same style as drowning icon
- Added possibility to disable the display of the tank that killed the player
- Fixed many errors & made general improvements to "Battle Missions" window
- Added button which leads to tank statistics directly when right-clicking on a tank in the Garage
- In research and tank research trees, added button which will open selected tank in Garage
- Added possibility to activate "Fire Extinguisher" consumable, if present, by clicking on the fire icon in the bottom left side of the screen.
- In post-mortem results, platooned tanks will be displayed first by right-clicking and only after the rest of the team
- Added reloading time for standard reloading message
- Added new markers and indicators to reticle settings
- Fixed the disappearance of achieved mastery badges
- Fixed work of in-game voice chat in "Team Battle"
- Fixed some issues in "Team Battle" interface
- Fixed large performacne drop on some graphic settings during close display of some Japanese tanks
- Change the principle of camouflage stocking: after purchase of camouflage patterns for Gold, it will remain and can be mounted for free again after use of other camouflage patterns
- Added two new "Battle Hero" achievements:
- Main Caliber (new achievement):
- Cause the highest damage in the course of a battle
- Must be at least 20% of the enemy team’s total HP
- Minimum of 1,000 damage caused
- Player must not hit an ally with a direct shot
- If two or more players have equal damage and equal claim to Main Caliber, the one with the highest experience earned from the match is awarded
- Random Battles only
- "Tank Sniper" (replaces the "Sniper" Achievement):
- Cause the highest damage in a battle at distances over 300 meters
- Minimum 8 shots fired
- Minimum 85% hit ratio
- Minimum 80% of hits must cause damage (modules or HP)
- Must cause more damage than the hit points of the vehicle used, at least 1,000 HP
- Player must not hit an ally with a direct shotOnly awarded once per battle
- Not available for SPGs
- Random battles only
- Main Caliber (new achievement):
- "Sniper" achievement moved to "Special" category. They will still be displayed in "Service Record," but there will be no possibility to receive a new one
- Added new unique achievements for the "Team Battles:"
- "Armored Fist:" Destroy the enemy team losing not more than one vehicle
- "Genius for War:" 100 times receive the biggest amount of XP in victorious battle
- "King of the Hill:" Be the only battle survivor, driving a tank or TD
- "Tactical Breakthrough:" Win 3 times in a row, while part of a random team
- "Wolf Among Sheep:" 100 times deal the biggest amount of damage in victorious battle
- Fixed the descriptions of some achievements
- Added display of "Mastery Badge" achievement for cases when player owns the Mastery Badge but completed its conditions again
- Fixed nonworking display of depot, modules or equipment for tanks, which are not available in the game shop
- Optimized "Motion Blur" effect
- In personal tanker record, added display of rates which influence the performance of the tanker
- Reworked ricochet visual effects
- Reworked visuals for "Hero of Raisennai" medal
- Reworked tankers badges of ranks for all nations
- Fixed several issues with replay recording
- Fixed some errors with replays playback
- Fixed the display of speed when moving in reverse
- Reset and generally decreased FOV for different resolutions and screen ratios
- Added save of used camouflage pattern between sessions
- Fixed some errors with UI sounds
- Fixed non-working save of camera position after battle ends
- Reworked sounds for falling trees
- Naidin's medal added to the list of "Courageous Defense" achievements
- Fixed errors when changing graphical presets
- Team damage/Team kill provision changes:
- The team damage and team kill control system has become slightly more strict, while at the same time more factors are taken into account:
- Penalty points for particular kind of violations are not accumulated as quickly (i.e. the punishment has been mitigated)
- The chance of account suspension increases with each consequent damaging of ally vehicles in one battle
- Damaging your platoon mates now counts towards your rating.Ramming allied tanks is also treated as foul play and an illegal action
- The accumulated penalty points can be forgiven when destroying the enemy vehicles in battles where the ally team won
- The term of first suspension has been reduced to one hour