The 8.3 Update went live on the NA server January 17th, 2013.
Table of Contents
Changes From 0.8.2
Changes to French Tanks
Changes to German Tanks
Changes to British Tanks
Changes to American Tanks
Changes to Soviet Tanks
Changes From 0.8.2
- Added the new Chinese tanks tech tree (17 light, medium, and heavy tanks)
- The tier I light tank Renault NC-31 is added with a slot
- Fixed tank model errors: T57, T28, AMX 13 75, Grille, M10 Wolverine, T25/2, Valentine GB, AC Mle 1946, SU 100Y, AT-15A, IS, TOG-2, Churchill I, Object 263, IS-2, T30, and KV-5
- Fixed armoring discrepancies: T82, Object 261, M22 Locust, Pz III/IV, VK 4502 P, and Т69
- Fixed camouflage cost for Type 62 and SU100 Y
- Changed HE explosion splash radius: slightly increased for small calibers, practically no changes to medium calibers, and decreased for large calibers. Changes to medium calibers can be found in the vehicle changes section of the update notes.
- Added new loading screens featuring Chinese tanks
- Fixed incorrect visualization of permitted vehicle tiers for participation in junior and medium tank companies
- Fixed some minor errors in the battle results screen
- Fixed the description of the "Confederate" achievement
- The criteria for crediting the "Spartan" commemorative has been brought into accordance to its description
- Fixed font quality in some places of the interface
- Fixed the system name of the ban at the login screen
- Fixed surname duplicates in the personal data of French tankers
- Removed from the store the turrets for TD/SPGs which have no turrets
- Fixed the visualization errors of vehicles track traces
Changes to French Tanks
- Speed of AMX 105a changed from 23 to 22
- Ability of AMX105a to traverse solid ground is decreased by 9%
- Ability of AMX105a to traverse medium ground is increased by 19%
- Ability of AMX105a to traverse on soft ground is increased by 15%
- Speed of AMX 105b changed from 25 to 24
- Maximum reverse speed is changed from 15 km/h to 14 km/h
- View range changed from 390 m to 360 m
- Hit points (HP) changed from 240 to 200
- Removed additional equipment "Improved Ventilation" (dismounted and moved to the Depot)
AMX 13 F3 AM
- Ability of AMX 13 F3 AM to traverse solid ground decreased by 9%
- Ability of AMX 13 F3 AM to traverse medium ground increased by 12%
- Ability of AMX 13 F3 AM to traverse soft ground increased by 14%
- Maximum reverse speed changed from 15 km/h to 14 km/h
- View range changed from 390 m to 370 m
- Reload time of the Canon de 155 mm de 33 calibres cannon changed from 22 sec. to 22.8 sec.
- Removed the M 107 shell (dismounted from the vehicle and moved to the Depot)
- Hit points (HP) changed from 300 to 240
Bat Chatillon 155
- Ability of Bat Chatillon 155 to traverse solid ground increased by 9%
- Ability of Bat Chatillon 155 to traverse medium ground increased by 7%
- Ability of Bat Chatillon 155 to traverse soft ground increased by 8%
- Speed of Bat Chatillon 155 hull traverse speed changed from 29 to 28
- Maximum reverse speed is changed from 18 km/h to 14 km/h
- View range changed from 350 m to 390 m
- Aiming speed of the Canon de 155 mm changed from 4.6 sec. to 5 sec.
- Rate of fire within the autoloader of the Canon de 155 mm reduced by 17%
- Gun dispersion after a shot from the Canon de 155 mm increased by 29%
- Gun dispersion during the Canon de 155 mm increased by 25%
- Turret traverse speed changed from 12 grad./sec. to 10 grad./sec.
- Hit points (HP) changed from 620 to 480
- Removed additional equipment "Improved Ventilation" (dismounted and moved to the Depot)
Lorraine155 50
- Hull traverse speed of Lorraine155 50 changed from 25 to 24
- Gun dispersion for moving or turning Lorraine155 50 increased by 14%
- Ability of Lorraine155 50 to traverse solid ground increased by 9%
- Ability of Lorraine155 50 to traverse medium ground increased by 18%
- Ability of Lorraine155 50 to traverse soft ground increased by 7%
- Speed of Lorraine155 50 Bis changed from 28 to 26
- Gun dispersion on moving or turning of Lorraine155 50 Bis increased by 15 %
- Maximum reverse speed changed from 15 km/h to 14 km/h
- View range changed from 330 m to 370 m
- Removed the M 107 shell (dismounted from the vehicle and moved to the Depot)
- Hit points (HP) changed from 400 to 330
Lorraine155 51
- Chassis traverse of the Lorraine155 51 changed from 24 to 22
- Gun dispersion on move or turning of Lorraine155 51 increased by 7%
- Ability of Lorraine155 51 to traverse medium ground increased by 12%
- Ability of Lorraine155 51 to traverse soft ground increased by 4%
- Traverse speed of Lorraine155 51 bis chassis changed from 27 to 24
- Gun dispersion on move or turning of Lorraine155 51 bis decreased by 8%
- Ability of Lorraine155 51 bis to traverse solid ground decreased by 11%
- Ability of Lorraine155 51 bis to traverse medium ground decreased by 8%
- Ability of Lorraine155 51 bis to traverse soft ground decreased by 4%
- Maximum reverse speed is changed from 15 km/h to 14 km/h
- View range changed from 350 m to 380 m
- Aiming speed of the Canon de 155 mm L GPF changed from 5.3 sec. to 5.5 sec.
- Reload time of the Canon de 155 mm L GPF changed from 23.5 sec. to 24 sec
- Hit points (HP) changed from 540 to 400
Lorraine39 L AM
- Influence of Lorraine39 L AM suspension movement on the gun dispersion increased by 4%
- Influence of Lorraine39 L AM suspension turn on the gun dispersion increased by 4%
- Lorraine39 L AM suspension characteristics decreased by 9% for solid ground
- Lorraine39 L AM suspension characteristics increased by 6% for medium ground
- Lorraine39 L AM suspension characteristics decreased by 7% for soft ground
- Influence of Lorraine39 L AM Bis suspension movement on the gun dispersion increased by 4%
- Influence of Lorraine39 L AM Bis suspension turn on the gun dispersion increased by 4%
- Maximum reverse speed changed from 12 km/h to 10 km/h
- View range changed from 400 m to 350 m
- Hit points (HP) changed from 160 to 140 points
- Influence of RenaultBS M17 suspension movement on the gun dispersion increased by 4%
- Influence of RenaultBS M17 suspension turn on the gun dispersion increased by 4%
- RenaultBS M17 suspension characteristics decreased by 9% for solid ground
- RenaultBS M17 suspension characteristics increased by 7% for medium ground
- RenaultBS M17 suspension characteristics decreased by 56% for soft ground
- Influence of RenaultBS M26/M27 suspension movement on the gun dispersion increased by 5%
- Influence of RenaultBS M26/M27 suspension turn on the gun dispersion increased by 5%
- Max back speed changed from 6 km/h to 7 km/h
- Hit points (HP) changed from 140 to 110 points
Changes to German Tanks
GW Type E
- Fgst E-100 suspension turn speed changed from 13 to 14
- Influence of Fgst E-100 suspension movement on the gun dispersion decreased by 9%
- Influence of Fgst E-100 suspension turn on the gun dispersion decreased by 9%
- Fgst E-100 suspension characteristics decreased by 27% for solid ground
- Fgst E-100 suspension characteristics decreased by 7% for medium ground
- Sd. Fgst. E-100 suspension turn speed changed from 15 to 16
- Influence of Sd. Fgst. E-100 suspension movement on the gun dispersion increased by 12%
- Influence of Sd. Fgst. E-100 suspension turn on the gun dispersion increased by 12%
- Sd. Fgst. E-100 suspension characteristics decreased by 18% for solid ground
- Sd. Fgst. E-100 suspension characteristics decreased by 7% for medium ground
- Sd. Fgst. E-100 suspension characteristics decreased by 59% for soft ground
- Max back speed changed from 11 km/h to 10 km/h
- Hit points (HP) changed from 660 to 580 points
GW Panther
- GW-Panther-Ketten Ausf. A suspension turn speed changed from 25 to 26
- GW-Panther-Ketten Ausf. A suspension characteristics decreased by 18% for solid ground
- GW-Panther-Ketten Ausf. A suspension characteristics decreased by 12% for medium ground
- GW-Panther-Ketten Ausf. A suspension characteristics increased by 26% for soft ground
- Influence of GW-Panther-Ketten Ausf. B suspension movement on the gun dispersion increased by 8%
- Influence of GW-Panther-Ketten Ausf. B suspension turn on the gun dispersion increased by 8%
- GW-Panther-Ketten Ausf. B suspension characteristics decreased by 9% for solid ground
- GW-Panther-Ketten Ausf. B suspension characteristics decreased by 8% for medium ground
- Maximum reverse speed changed from 14 km/h to 12 km/h
- View range changed from 330 m to 350 m
- 15 cm sFH 18 L/30 elevation angle changed from 4 degrees to 3 degrees
- 15 cm sFH 36 L/30 Ausf. 1943 elevation angle changed from 4 degrees to 3 degrees
- Hit points (HP) changed from 410 to 350 points
GW Tiger
- GW-Tiger-Ketten Ausf. A suspension turn speed changed from 11 to 12
- GW-Tiger-Ketten Ausf. A suspension characteristics decreased by 36% for solid ground
- GW-Tiger-Ketten Ausf. A suspension characteristics increased by 9% for soft ground
- Influence of GW-Tiger-Ketten Ausf. B suspension movement on the gun dispersion increased by 9%
- Influence of GW-Tiger-Ketten Ausf. B suspension turn on the gun dispersion increased by 9%
- GW-Tiger-Ketten Ausf. B suspension characteristics decreased by 27% for solid ground
- GW-Tiger-Ketten Ausf. B suspension characteristics decreased by 7% for medium ground
- View range changed from 390 m to 380 m
- Hit points (HP) amount changed from 570 to 470 points
- Grille-Ketten Ausf. A suspension turn speed changed from 19 to 20
- Grille-Ketten Ausf. A suspension characteristics decreased by 18% for solid ground
- Grille-Ketten Ausf. A suspension characteristics increased by 12% for medium ground
- Grille-Ketten Ausf. A suspension characteristics increased by 14% for soft ground
- Grille-Ketten Ausf. B gun dispersion on the move increased by 4%
- Grille-Ketten Ausf. B gun dispersion upon hull rotation increased by 4%
- Grille-Ketten Ausf. B suspension perfomance on solid ground decreased by 9%
- Reverse speed limit altered from 8 km/h to 10 km/h
- View range altered from 390 m to 360 m
- 15 cm sFH 13 L/17 elevation angle altered from -72 degrees to -73 degrees
- 15 cm sFH 13 L/17 declination angle altered from 5 degrees to 0 degrees
- 15 cm sIG 33 L/11 elevation angle altered from -72 degrees to -73 degrees
- 15 cm sIG 33 L/11 declination angle altered from 5 degrees to 0 degrees
- Hit points (HP) altered from 240 to 220
- Hummel Ausf. A suspension traverse speed altered from 29 to 30
- Hummel Ausf. A suspension performance on solid ground decreased by 18%
- Hummel Ausf. A suspension performance on moderately soft ground increased by 12%
- Hummel Ausf. A suspension performance on soft ground increased by 14%
- Hummel Ausf. B gun dispersion on the move increased by 4%
- Hummel Ausf. B gun dispersion upon hull rotation increased by 4%
- Hummel Ausf. B suspension performance on solid ground decreased by 9%
- View range altered from 390 m to 370 m
- 15 cm sFH 13 L/17 elevation angle altered from -45 degrees to -42 degrees
- 15 cm sFH 13 L/17 declination angle altered from 4 degrees to 3 degrees
- 15 cm sFH 18 L/30 elevation angle altered from -45 degrees to -42 degrees
- 15 cm sFH 18 L/30 declination angle altered from 4 degrees to 3 degrees
- Hit points (HP) altered from 320 to 280
Sturmpanzer II
- StPz-Ketten Ausf. A suspension traverse speed altered from 19 to 20
- StPz-Ketten Ausf. A suspension performance on solid ground decreased by 9%
- StPz-Ketten Ausf. A suspension perfomance on moderately soft ground increased by 12%
- StPz-Ketten Ausf. A suspension performance on soft ground increased by 14%
- StPz-Ketten Ausf. B gun dispersion on the move increased by 4%
- StPz-Ketten Ausf. B gun dispersion upon hull rotation increased by 4%
- View range altered from 400 m to 360 m
- 15 cm sIG 33 L/11 elevation angle altered from -65 degrees to -73 degrees
- Wespe-Ketten Ausf. A suspension performance on solid ground decreased by 9%
- Wespe-Ketten Ausf. A suspension performance on moderately soft ground increased by 17%
- Wespe-Ketten Ausf. A suspension performance on soft ground increased by 19%
- Wespe-Ketten Ausf. B gun dispersion on the move decreased by 4%
- Wespe-Ketten Ausf. B gun dispersion upon hull rotation decreased by 4%
- View range altered from 400 m to 350 m
- Hit points (HP) altered from 160 to 170
Sturmpanzer I Bison:
- Influence of Sturmpanzerketten I suspension movement on the gun dispersion reduced by 3%
- Influence of Sturmpanzerketten I suspension turn on the gun dispersion reduced by 3%
- Sturmpanzerketten I suspension passability characteristics decreased by 9% for solid ground
- Sturmpanzerketten I suspension passability characteristics increased by 12% for medium ground
- Sturmpanzerketten I suspension passability characteristics increased by 14% for soft ground
- Influence of Sturmpanzerketten II suspension movement on the gun dispersion increased by 3%
- Influence of Sturmpanzerketten II suspension turn on the gun dispersion increased by 3%
- View range decreased from 400m to 320m
- 15 cm sIG 33 L/11 elevation angle changed from -65 degrees to -73 degrees
- Hit points reduced from 140 to 120
Changes to British Tanks
Centurion Mk. I
- Centurion Mk. I turret price altered from 32,500 to 15,000 credits
Changes to American Tanks
- M12T48 suspension traverse speed altered from 17 to 18
- M12T48 gun dispersion on the move decreased by 10%
- M12T48 gun dispersion upon hull rotation decreased by 10%
- M12T48 suspension performance on soft ground increased by 26%
- M12T51 gun dispersion on the move decreased by 4%
- M12T51 gun dispersion upon hull rotation decreased by 4%
- M12T51 suspension performance on solid ground decreased by 11%
- View range altered from 390 m to 380 m
- Hit points (HP) altered from 400 to 340
- T85E1 suspension traverse speed altered from 17 to 18
- T85E1 gun dispersion on the move increased by 3%
- T85E1 gun dispersion upon hull rotation increased by 3%
- T85E1 suspension performance on solid ground decreased by 9%
- T85E1 suspension performance on moderately soft ground increased by 18%
- T85E1 suspension performance on soft ground increased by 14%
- Maximum reverse speed altered from 16 km/h by 14 km/h
- View range altered from 390 m to 370 m
- Hit points (HP) altered from 160 to 150
- M40 suspension traverse speed altered from 19 to 20
- M40 suspension performance on solid ground decreased by 9%
- M40 suspension performance on moderately soft ground increased by 6%
- M40 suspension performance on soft ground increased by 14%
- M43 gun dispersion on the move increased by 3%
- M43 gun dispersion upon hull rotation increased by 3%
- Hit points (HP) altered from 530 to 410
- T72 gun dispersion on the move T72 decreased by 9%
- T72 gun dispersion upon hull rotation decreased by 9%
- T72 suspension performance on moderately soft ground increased by 16%
- T72 suspension performance on soft ground increased by 10%
- T72E1 suspension traverse speed altered from 21 to 20
- View range changed from 390 m to 370 m
- Declination angle of 155 mm Gun M1918M1 changed from 5 deg to 2 deg
- Declination angle of 155 mm Howitzer M1 changed from 5 deg to 2 deg
- Hit points (HP) changed from 300 to 250.
- Cost of QF 6 pounder Mk. III gun changed from 22,250 to 30,500
M7 Priest
- Traverse speed of VVSS T49 chassis changed from 17 to 18
- Gun dispersion on the move or turning of VVSS T49 chassis decreased by 8%
- Ability of VVSS T49 to traverse solid ground decreased by 9%
- Ability of VVSS T49 to traverse medium ground increased by 6%
- Ability of VVSS T49 to traverse soft ground increased by 14%
- Maximum reverse speed changed from 14 km/h to 12 km/h
- View range changed from 390 m to 370 m
- Hit points (HP) changed from 240 to 210.
- Cost of QF 6 pounder Mk. III gun changed from 22,250 to 30,500
- Traverse speed of VVSS T36E6 chassis changed from 17 to 18
- Ability of VVSS T36E6 to traverse solid ground increased by 8%
- Ability of VVSS T36E6 to traverse medium ground increased by 11%
- Ability of VVSS T36E6 to traverse soft ground increased by 21%
- Gun dispersion on the move or turning of VVSS T55E1 increased на 4%
- Ability of VVSS T55E1 on soft ground decreased by 9%
- View range changed from 390 m to 330 m
- HP changed from 140 to 115.
- Cost of 76 mm Gun T185 changed from 60,000 to 63,000
- Cost of T71 chassis changed from 8,350 to 15,000
- Cost of Continental AOI-628-1 engine changed from 9,300 to 14,000
- Cost of 76 mm Gun T185 changed from 60,000 to 63,000
- Traverse speed of T92 T80E1 chassis changed from 19 to 20
- Ability of T92 T80E1 to traverse solid ground decreased by 9%
- Ability of T92 T80E1 to traverse medium ground increased by 16%
- Ability of T92 T80E1 to traverse soft ground increased by 26%
- Gun dispersion on the move or turning of T92 T82E4 increased by 3%
- Maximum reverse speed changed from 10 km/h to 12 km/h
- View range changed from 390 m to 400 m
- Hit points (HP) changed from 630 to 500.
Changes to Soviet Tanks
Object 212
- Load limit of Object 212 chassis changed from 55,500 kg to 55,000 kg
- Gun dispersion on the move or turning of Object 212 chassis increased by 4%
- Ability of Object 212 to traverse solid ground decreased by 9%
- Ability of Object 212 to traverse soft ground decreased by 7%
- Load limit of Object 212М chassis changed from 60,000 kg to 57,500 kg.
- Gun dispersion on the move or turning of Object 212М increased by 10%
- Gun dispersion on the move or turning of Object 212М chassis increased by 10%
- Hull weight changed from 31,500 kg to 32,985 kg
- Hit points (HP) changed from 560 to 460
Object 261
- Load limit of Object 261 chassis changed from 59,900 kg to 59,200 kg
- Traverse speed of Object 261 chassis changed from 18 to 20
- Gun dispersion on move or turning of Object 261 chassis decreased by 4%
- Ability of Object 261 to traverse medium ground increased by 11%
- Ability of Object 261 to traverse soft ground increased by 6%
- Load limit Object 261М changed from 65,900 kg to 62,200 kg
- Gun dispersion on the move or turning of Object 261М increased by 11%
- Ability of Object 261М chassis on soft ground increased by 6%
- Hull weight changed from 21,500 kg to 18,575 kg
- Maximum reverse speed changed from 13 km/h to 12 km/h
- View range changed from 400 m to 380 m
- Hit points (HP) changed from 650 to 520
- Load limit of S-51 chassis changed from 52,000 kg to 50,500 kg
- Traverse speed of S-51 chassis changed from 17 to 18
- Ability of S-51 to traverse solid ground decreased by 9%
- Ability of S-51 to traverse medium ground increased by 11%
- Ability of S-51 to traverse soft ground increased by 14%
- Speed of S-51 bis chassis changed from 19 to 20
- Gun dispersion on the move or turning of S-51 bis increased by 4%
- Hull weight changed from 29,300 kg to 30,800 kg
- Maximum reverse speed changed from 12 km/h to 10 km/h
- View range changed from 390 m to 370 m
- Hit points (HP) changed from 380 to 310
- Load limit of suspension SU-14 changed from 66,000 kg. to 64,000 kg.
- Perfomance of SU-14 suspension on solid ground increased by 14%
- Performance of SU-14 suspension on moderately soft ground increased by 26%
- Performance of SU-14 suspension on soft ground increased by 14%
- Load Limit of suspension SU-14 bis changed from 67,900 kg. to 66,000 kg.
- Dispersion of gun during suspension movement SU-14 bis increased by 4%
- Dispersion of a gun during suspension rotation/turning SU-14 bis increased by 4%
- Hull weight changed from 38,400 kg to 41,930 kg
- View Range changed from 260 m. to 300 m.
- Hit points (HP) changed from 460 to 370
- Load limit of suspension SU-18 changed from 9,700 kg. to 6,000 kg.
- Dispersion of gun during suspension movement SU-18 decreased by 35%
- Dispersion of a gun during suspension rotation/turning SU-18 decreased by 35%
- Performance of SU-18 suspension on solid ground decreased by 9%
- Load Limit of suspension SU-18 bis changed from 9,950 kg. to 8,500 kg.
- Dispersion of gun during suspension movement SU-18 bis decreased by 5%
- Dispersion of a gun during suspension rotation/turning SU-18 bis decreased by 5%
- Hull weight changed from 3,750 kg to 3,354 kg
- Max reverse speed changed from 5 km/h to 7 km/h
- Ammunition of Gun 76 mm Howitzer mod. 1927 changed from 20 to 24
- Declination angle of Gun 76 mm Howitzer mod. 1927 changed from 6 degrees to 3 degrees
- Hit points (HP) changed from 140 to 100
- Load limit of suspension SU-26А changed from 10,490 kg. to 8,200 kg.
- Traverse speed of suspension SU-26А changed from 19 to 20
- Dispersion of gun during suspension movement SU-26А increased by 4%
- Dispersion of a gun during suspension rotation/turning SU-26А increased by 4%
- Performance of SU-26А suspension on solid ground decreased by 18%
- Performance of SU-26А suspension on moderately soft ground decreased by 13%
- Performance of SU-26А suspension on soft ground decreased by 9%
- Load Limit of suspension SU-26B changed from 13,790 kg. to 10,500 kg.
- Dispersion of gun during suspension movement SU-26B increased by 4%
- Dispersion of a gun during suspension rotation/turning SU-26B increased by 4%
- Performance of SU-26B suspension on solid ground decreased by 9%
- Performance of SU-26B suspension on moderately soft ground decreased by 7%
- Hull weight changed from 7,100 kg to 5,045 kg
- View Range changed from 320 m. to 300 m.
- Ammunition of Gun 122 mm Howitzer mod. 1930 changed from 28 to 24
- Declination angle of Gun 122 mm Howitzer mod. 1930 changed from 6 degrees to 0 degrees
- Reloading speed of Gun 122 mm Howitzer mod. 1930 changed from 8.9 sec. to 9.3 sec.
- Declination angle of Gun 76 mm Howitzer mod. 1903/30. changed from 6 degrees to 2 degrees
- Aiming time of Gun 76 mm Howitzer mod. 1927 changed from 4.6 sec. to 4.4 sec.
- Declination angle of Gun 76 mm Howitzer mod. 1927 changed from 6 degrees to 2 degrees
- Reloading speed of Gun 76 mm Howitzer mod. 1927 changed from 6.9 sec. to 6.7 sec.
- Turret traverse speed of SU-26 changed from 12 deg/sec to 10 deg/sec
- Hit points (HP) changed from 150 to 140
- Traverse speed of suspension SU-5 changed from 27 to 28
- Dispersion of gun during suspension movement SU-5 decreased by 4%
- Dispersion of a gun during suspension rotation/turning SU-5 decreased by 4%
- Performance of SU-5 suspension on soft ground increased by 9%
- Load Limit of suspension SU-5 bis changed from 13,770 kg. to 12,500 kg.
- Dispersion of gun during suspension movement SU-5 bis decreased by 4%
- Dispersion of a gun during suspension rotation/turning SU-5 bis decreased by 4%
- Hull weight changed from 7,100 kg to 7,036 kg
- Elevation angle of Gun 122 mm Howitzer mod. 1930 changed from -45 degrees to -60 degrees
- Dispersion of Gun 122 mm Howitzer mod. 1930 after a shot increased by 25%
- Elevation angle of Gun 152 mm Mortar NM mod. 1931changed from -45 degrees to -72 degrees
- Ammunition of Gun 76 mm Howitzer mod. 1903/30. changed from 48 to 56
- Elevation angle of Gun 76 mm Howitzer mod. 1903/30. changed from -45 degrees to -60 degrees
- Hit points (HP) changed from 230 to 180
- Load limit of suspension SU-8 changed from 20,800 kg. to 21,800 kg.
- Performance of SU-8 suspension on solid ground decreased by 9%
- Performance of SU-8 suspension on moderately soft ground increased by 12%
- Performance of SU-8 suspension on soft ground decreased by 9%
- Load limit of suspension SU-8А changed from 22300 kg. to 24500 kg.
- Traverse speed of suspension SU-8А changed from 21 to 20
- Hull weight changed from 12,000 kg to 13,417 kg
- Maximum reverse speed changed from 10 km/h to 12 km/h
- View range changed from 390 m. to 360 m.
- Hit points (HP) changed from 310 to 260
Update 8.2 release notes can be found here