Playoff rules
Official maximum battle time will be 15 minutes with 3 minutes between battles.
All maps are Attack/Defense w/ one Cap on each side.
Teams will play one battle on the attack and one battle on defense within each round.
There are two sides to each map: attack and defense.
Attacker wins if their team is able to 1) cap the enemy base or 2) destroy all enemy tanks.
Defender wins if their team is able to 1) successfully defend the bases from the attacker and survive for the full 15-minute timer or 2) destroy all enemy tanks.
We are going to allow mods from the mod portal; using mods outside the portal will result in disqualification.
Players must set replays to "record all." Wargaming reserves to right to request replays and/or python logs at any time. Players are required to submit those to Wargaming or risk forfeiture of the match and/or round.
All players must be in the clan at the time of the battle in order to participate. If any player is not in the clan and enters the battle, the team will forfeit that round.
Both team captains are allowed to make changes in their vehicle setup after each battle.
Battles will be in Training rooms.
All battles will be on the USC server.
Teams must play all battles for which they are scheduled in order to receive prizing. Any team that drops out before completing all their battles will be disqualified from the end results and receive no individual or team prizes.
All the rounds in playoff will be played BO9, except the Final, which will be BO13.