5v5(optional 3v5): Saturday Skirmish
Tournament status: Finished Finished

5v5(optional 3v5): Saturday Skirmish

Tournament status:

Finished Finished 25 Aug 2018
Welcome Tankers! This is a 5v5 (optional 3v5 if you can't find enough players) Tier VIII round robin on Malinovka. To keep with the usual trend, this will be an Encounter battle with the cap time reduced to 120 seconds.  Be sure to be spotting range of that circle!  Also, just food for thought, the less team members you have means the more gold you can potentially earn.


  • 120/120 Confirmed teams
  • RR Tournament bracket
  • GOLD! Prize pool
  • US 3 Server


Place Reward
1st Place 30,000 Gold
2nd Place 20,000 Gold
3rd Place 10,000 Gold

Tournament brackets
