Looking for 20 players for Saturday night Tier 8 Tournament. Any gold won will be awarded next week when it is released by War Gaming, Clan gets 2000 gold off the top, rest gets divided by the active players. Final roster by PR rating.
Captain's contacts
US 1
Game server
Player | WTR |
Ragweed55 | 4,094 |
LilRedRidingHood | 4,199 |
ThePirateKing9 | 7,104 |
boughtandsold | 4,369 |
cheesynugets | 6,333 |
Droll | 4,511 |
_Dragon_Reborn_ | 6,356 |
Davidsray | 4,434 |
Tank_Girl678 | 3,276 |
Xantros_2015 | 4,440 |
fatman11691 | 4,648 |
Gr33nThumb | 6,370 |
RotorBlades | 5,091 |
DemonDuck | 4,227 |
facepuncher_22 | 4,448 |
Possibly_Insane | 5,913 |
Highboy | 2,516 |
Eyrish | 4,771 |
bichen | 3,017 |
Timmy_u_noob | 5,358 |