IX E 77
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E 77 Germany

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Premium Vehicles

A nameless project for a heavy tank considered as an alternative to the E-series. It was planned to be equipped with a compact gas-turbine engine. The transmission would have been placed in the rear part of the vehicle and the turret would have been cast. Together, these features would have made it possible to reduce the tank's weight and mount a more powerful gun. According to reports of a Soviet committee working in Germany after World War II, German designers had also been actively working on mechanized loading. However, the end of the war put paid to many developments, including this nameless project, which could have become a dangerous opponent to the latest generation of Soviet tanks.

Nation Germany Germany
Tier Tier IX
Type Heavy Tank Heavy Tank
Role Breakthrough Heavy Tank Breakthrough Heavy Tank


Crew Member Commander
Crew Member Gunner
Crew Member Driver
Crew Member Radio Operator
Crew Member Loader

This is a Premium vehicle. Premium vehicles earn more credits and experience per battle, and provide a range of other bonuses.

This vehicle has the ability to earn bonds in certain game modes.



HP Damage Damage at 50 m
mm Armor Penetration
HP/min Damage per Minute
s Aiming Time
m Dispersion at 100 m Improved dispersion at 100 m
pcs Ammo Capacity


/ / t Weight/Load Limit
hp Engine Power
hp/t Specific Power
km/h Top Speed
deg/s Traverse Speed
deg/s Turret Traverse Speed


HP Hit Points
/ / mm Hull Armor
/ / / / mm Turret Armor
s Suspension repair time


m View Range
m Signal Range

Characteristics are specified for vehicles with crews trained to 100%.
