Premium Vehicles
The development of the ARMT tank was based on the creation of an automated loading mechanism that would provide a rate of fire previously considered unattainable. This was made possible by the autoreloader, which delivered quick-firing rounds driven by a planetary gear mechanism and an electric motor. The innovative turret design allowed the gun to fire at an elevation of about 60 degrees and a tilt angle of about -15 degrees. The removal of the loader from the crew was also a tempting idea. In addition to the high complexity of production and the difficulties in maintaining the autoreloader, the tank was notable for its height and vulnerability. Its 75–76 mm gun was obsolete for fighting advanced Soviet tanks. At the same time, attempts to mount a 90 mm gun would have resulted in a significant increase in weight and a complete revision of the design, which was ultimately never built.
Radio Operator
Continental AV-1790-8 RM
76 mm Gun M1A1 RMT
This is a Premium vehicle. Premium vehicles earn more credits and experience per battle, and provide a range of other bonuses.
Characteristics are specified for vehicles with crews trained to 100%.