Common Test 1.13 Rolls Out!

Join the Common Test and try out the new features of one of the largest updates we've ever released, Commanders!

During this Common Test, you can experience the reworked mechanics for causing damage with HE shells and new features for countering SPGs. We’re also continuing to rebalance and improve the performance of four Tier VIII Premium vehicles and six reward tanks that you can obtain for achievements in battles on the Global Map. Plus, we’re introducing a new mode called Recon Mission, implementing a fresh set of interface solutions, and adding several other new features. Let’s roll!

HE Shell Reworking

A few months ago, we completed a whole series of Sandbox iterations in which we all tested important changes to key game mechanics. Together, we have come a long way and achieved a high-quality result. We fully assessed the impact of the new mechanics on the game's ecosystem and made sure that it works correctly and remains stable. Each Commander can now try out these important changes during the Update 1.13 Common Test.

One of the most important features of the Sandbox test that will be added to the game in this update is the complex rework of HE shells. Our main goal was to rework HE shells while keeping all the best things that you love about them—fun and exciting gameplay unique to the game, ease of use, and high chances of causing damage. We had to solve many issues, but we succeeded! Here’s a quick refresher on how the new mechanics for causing damage with HE shells work.

1. In the new system, HE shells will be able to penetrate armor and deal damage at the point of impact.

Upon impact with armor, an HE shell will still try to penetrate, but if its penetration value is not high enough, then damage will be calculated at the point of contact with the armor. At the same time, after exploding, small pieces of spall will be created inside the vehicle. By scattering inside the vehicle, the spall will injure crew members and cause damage to modules, as well as to the armor itself. The spall radius will be the same as a shell’s burst radius in the current system.

There is now a direct relationship between armor thickness and the amount of damage: the thicker the armor, the lower the damage. Heavy tanks with good frontal armor will feel more confident as they will take less HE damage. The use of HE shells by medium and small calibers will make more sense, since they tend to do minimal damage when hitting armor.

2. With the new mechanics, HE shells will be able to penetrate screens, tracks, and the wheels of wheeled vehicles at the point of impact. They will also be able to penetrate insignificant and/or destructible obstacles (fences, destructible structures, etc.).

The principle of their action will be the same as that of AP shells. However, if after penetrating a screen, an AP shell hits armor that is thicker than the remaining penetration value of the shell, no damage is caused. For HE shells in this situation, the "spall" mechanic takes effect and is guaranteed to cause damage. If an HE shell penetrates the screen and explodes on the armor, it will deal damage. The amount of damage will depend on the thickness of the armor plate on which the HE shell exploded.

If an HE shell does not penetrate a screen and therefore does not reach the armor, it will not cause any damage at all. To fire HE shells effectively through screens, you will need to consider the thickness and slope of the screens.

3. We adjusted the characteristics of vehicles with HE-based gameplay.

During Sandbox trials, there were concerns about the KV-2, Type 5 Heavy, XM551 Sheridan, and some other vehicles with HE-based gameplay. Recently, we launched a dedicated Supertest for them. Based on the results, we adjusted their performance.

After all the tests, we can see that the new mechanics work and solve the problems we set out to address. Join the Common Test and try out these significant changes we've been working on together for so long!

New Tactical Features to Counteract SPGs

Starting with Update 1.13, non-SPG players will have 3 new tactical features at their disposal to counteract artillery:

  1. Sound Detection (aka "Sixth Sense for Arty")
  2. Brighter shell tracers
  3. Field of fire markers on the minimap

Let's start from the top.

Vehicle commanders will be able to learn a new special perk—Sound Detection. When an SPG fires a shot, players whose vehicles are within the damage area will see a special indicator. It will trigger if their vehicle is inside the affected area. Depending on the shell velocity and travel distance, you will have a short time to react. These seconds may be enough for you to escape the blast zone or turn your vehicle so that a shot will hit thicker armor and minimize damage. Sound Detection turned out to be useful for both maneuverable and slow vehicles, but it may take you some time to learn how to maximize its full potential.

Brighter and more noticeable shell tracers will also become an important tactical feature for non-SPG players. Such shell tracers will allow you to understand the approximate positions of SPGs, as well as the direction they fire. Thus, it will be easier to find a safer position that is not vulnerable to artillery fire.

Once an artillery shell hits the ground, a vehicle, or any other object, a field of fire marker will be displayed in that spot on the minimap. It will be visible for 10 seconds before disappearing. There are not many positions for SPGs on any map, so combined with the brighter shell tracers, you will get an even clearer idea of the positions and targets of enemy SPGs. In addition, once a field of fire marker has appeared, you can be sure that you will not take damage from above for the next 10–20 seconds, giving you time to find cover or plan your next move.

Changes to SPGs

SPGs will now have three available shell types. Each of them will feature its own combat purpose, trajectory, and velocity. Let’s look at them individually.

  • Penetration
  • Damage
  • Burst Radius
  • Damage to Modules
  • Stun
Stuns the crew. Has a large burst radius and can damage several targets at once. Causes low damage. Does not damage modules/injure crew members upon non-penetration. Has a low shell velocity but a high angle trajectory.
  • Penetration
  • Damage
  • Burst Radius
  • Damage to Modules
  • Stun
Does not stun the crew. Has decent penetration and a small burst radius. Causes higher damage. Causes damage to modules/injures crew members upon penetration. Has a higher shell velocity but a lower angle trajectory.
  • Penetration
  • Damage
  • Burst Radius
  • Damage to Modules
  • Stun
Has no burst radius or stun effect. Causes the highest damage upon penetration. Can only damage one target. Has the highest penetration and shell velocity but the lowest angle trajectory.

  1. Standard HE shell: The easiest shell type to use, it causes low damage and stuns several opponents with a single shot. It will have the lowest velocity of all three shell types, but a more comfortable, high-angle trajectory.
  2. Alternative HE shell: It causes no stun and has a relatively small burst radius, but features better armor penetration and higher damage per shot values than the standard shell. This shell also has a higher velocity but a lower angle trajectory.
  3. Tactical AP shell: In cases where the previous two shells are not as effective, try using an AP shell that can only hit one target. Its penetration value will be higher than that of HE shells, and its velocity will be the highest of all three shell types, allowing you to cause some serious damage. However, you should remember that the trajectory of this shell type is the flattest and travels at the lowest angle to the ground.

In the new system, you will need to use a range of shell types for different situations on the battlefield, so you will now have a greater variety of strategic opportunities. Learn to use them appropriately and secure your victory!

The changes in the arsenal of artillery led to the refinement of the interface for SPG players. You will now be able to easily see which shell type is currently loaded, and each shell type will have colored indicators (green and red) that will inform you whether this shell can reach what you’re aiming at. In addition, a zoom scale will be displayed on the interface. By scrolling the mouse wheel, you can switch from the regular top-down view of Artillery mode to Trajectory View.

Another important new feature is the reworked Intuition perk, which will still be available for the Loader to learn. It will become a skill that allows you to greatly speed up the process of changing the shell type and will be available for both SPGs and all other vehicles in the game.

After the first Sandbox test, we noticed that the performance of tactical AP shells was lower than expected. To improve the situation, we increased their damage per shot and made the flight trajectory more comfortable for firing. As a result, the battle performance of AP shells increased. These changes did not affect the popularity of this shell type—AP shells remain a situational shell type that requires careful consideration and use.

We also see that tactical AP shells are less popular than HE shells for vehicles featuring high damage per shot. It’s harder to hit a target for SPGs like the G.W. E 100, the T92 HMC, and the Conqueror Gun Carriage, so the rewards for accurate shots in these vehicles should be appropriate. Therefore, we slightly increased the damage per shot for the AP shells of these particular SPGs.

We will monitor the combat effectiveness of these vehicles and artillery as a whole and, if necessary, adjust the characteristics of both SPGs and the shells they use.

Vehicle Rebalancing Continues!

We are continuing to work on rebalancing popular Premium tanks and improving their combat effectiveness. In Update 1.12.1, we rebalanced four Tier VIII vehicles. This time, three light tanks of different nations will receive their own improvements. We’re updating their combat parameters and enhancing their strengths to emphasize their gameplay. At the same time, the next several Premium vehicles that need to be rebalanced have already headed to a dedicated Supertest. Stay tuned to find out more about the next series of improvements!

  • M41DA modernized version of the American M41A3 Walker Bulldog, the Chinese Tier VIII light tank will now become more confident in its role as a fast and mobile scout. We slightly increased its maximum forward and reverse speed, and increased its view range from 390 to 410 meters.
  • FV1066 SenlacAlso received an increased view range (from 400 to 410 meters), and its gun became more accurate. This will make the British Tier VIII light tank more competitive.
  • T92: Received a slight increase in armor penetration for both standard and special shells. These improvements will help the U.S. Tier VIII light tank not only effectively fulfill the role of an active scout, but also increase the chances of causing damage.
  • ISU-130: In addition to light tanks, we've improved the performance of the Soviet Tier VIII ambush tank destroyer. It now features increased engine power and horizontal aiming angles. We also increased the armor penetration of both standard and special shells, as well as the velocity of standard and HE shells. It will be more comfortable for you to shoot and deal damage from long distances when playing in this TD.

Engine Power
600 h.p. (▲ 10 h.p.)
Standard Shell Velocity
960 m/s (▲ 62 m/s)
HE Shell Velocity
850 m/s (▲ 148 m/s)
Special Shell Penetration
212 mm (▲ 25 mm)
Standard Shell Penetration
238 mm (▲ 23 mm)
Gun Traverse Limits
–10/10° (▼ 8/0°)
35 Shells (▲ 10 shells)
Standard Shell Penetration
189 mm (▲ 14 mm)
Special Shell Penetration
230 mm (▲ 20 mm)
VIII FV1066 Senlac
View Range
410 m (▲ 10 m)
Dispersion at 100 m
0.35 m (▼ 0.03 m)
View Range
410 m (▲ 20 m)
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
68/24 km/h (▲ 3/2 km/h)
FV1066 Senlac

We took a closer look at the combat performance of the following 6 tanks that you can get for achievements in battles on the Global Map:

We already improved the characteristics of the Tier X tanks (the M60 and the 121B) several years ago, but we think there is still some room for improvement. The gameplay of these vehicles will not change, but we see an opportunity to adjust some of their battle parameters so that they can better perform their proper roles. Let’s look at each tank individually.

The M60 received more durable turret armor, which will allow it to perform more effectively in battles at short and medium ranges.

We improved the turret armor of the 121B, while strengthening its upper frontal plate. In addition, this Chinese medium tank now boasts a faster reload time, which means its DPM has slightly increased. Plus, we’ve improved its maximum forward and reverse speed.

We also want to update the characteristics of the Tier VII–VIII reward tanks. These vehicles are becoming more accessible, so their audience in the game is growing. It’s high time to revise their performance and make them correspond better with the current environment.

The Chieftain/T95 received a more comfortable gun with improved stabilization and a reduced reloading time. In addition, this vehicle now features an increased view range and better engine power.

The KV-4 Kreslavskiy has more HP. We also strengthened its frontal turret armor and the sides of the gun mantlet. Its engine has become more powerful, and its maximum forward speed has been increased. Taken together, these changes will increase the survivability of this heavy tank.

Slight changes were also made to the IS-5 and the T23E3. The gun stabilization of these vehicles was improved, and the gun depression angles of the Soviet tank were increased from –5 to –7 degrees.

VIII Chieftain/T95
Engine Power
850 h.p. (▲ 100 h.p.)
Gun Dispersion During Movement and on Hull Traverse
–22% (▼ 22%)
Gun Dispersion During Turret Rotation
–22% (▼ 22%)
View Range
400 m (▲ 20 m)
Gun Reload Time
7.5 s (▼ 0.8 s)
VIII IS-5 (Object 730)
Gun Dispersion During Movement and on Hull Traverse
–17% (▼ 17%)
Gun Dispersion During Turret Rotation
−38% (▼ 38%)
Gun Depression Angle
−7° (▼ 2°)
VIII KV-4 Kreslavskiy
Top Speed
40 km/h (▲ 10 km/h)
Engine Power
1,350 h.p. (▲ 150 h.p.)
Gun Dispersion During Movement and on Hull Traverse
−38% (▼ 38%)
Hit Points
1,700 HP (▲ 200 HP)
Enhanced Turret Armor
Gun Dispersion During Movement and on Hull Traverse
−30% (▼ 30%)
X 121B
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
55/25 km/h (▲ 5/5 km/h)
Gun Reload Time
8.1 s (▼ 0.6 s)
Enhanced hull and turret armor
X M60
Enhanced Hull and Turret Frontal Armor
IS-5 (Object 730)
KV-4 Kreslavskiy

Changes to the Mode Selection Interface

We improved the Garage mode selection interface to make it clearer and more informative. Now it will be more convenient for you to choose the mode you want to play. Instead of a dropdown menu to the right of the Battle! button, a standard full-size screen with separate windows for the available modes will be introduced. Random Battles and other modes that may be of the greatest interest will have large windows. For permanent modes, their windows will be smaller.

  • Main display mode
  • Alternative display mode

Detailed info about the game mode
Name and logo of the game mode
Short description; team size; allowed vehicle tiers
Battle type menu for Random Battles
Rewards that can be earned in the mode
Button to select the alternative display mode
Dates and schedule of the game mode
Detailed info about the game mode
Name and logo of the game mode
Short description; team size; allowed vehicle tiers
Battle type menu for Random Battles
Rewards that can be earned in the mode
Button to select the alternative display mode
Dates and schedule of the game mode

Progression level within the game mode
Progression level within the game mode
Progression level within the game mode
Progression level within the game mode
Progression level within the game mode
Progression level within the game mode

Each mode will feature a brief preview and a more detailed description on a separate page with information about the core rules and rewards. You will also be able to track your progression in some of the modes you play.

Explore New Maps in Recon Mission!

In Update 1.13, we will add a new mode to World of Tanks—Recon Mission. In this experimental mode, you will be able to try out maps that are in the late stages of development. It will become a collaboration platform where we will work together with you to improve and refine new locales.

After playing a certain number of battles in Recon Mission, you’ll be able to vote for one of three maps available for your consideration (this number may change in the future) and complete a detailed questionnaire. Your feedback will help us better understand what adjustments need to be made to the game balance on a particular map to make battles on it more exciting.

Battles in Recon Mission will take place in vehicles Tier VIII and higher and will follow the rules of Standard Battles. In this mode:

  • Personal Missions will be unavailable, but you’ll be able to complete other battle missions (including Daily Missions).
  • The battle economy will be the same as in Random Battles.
  • You will be able to earn Battle Pass Points.

You will also have the opportunity to earn various rewards for participating in this mode.

We’re still working on Recon Mission and improving the feedback collection system. We need your help right away, so join the Common Test, try out this mode, and share your opinions! More details on Recon Mission will come later, so stay tuned!

Minsk Map Rebalancing

After analyzing the statistics and your comments, we decided to make several improvements to the Minsk map. We've also made some visual changes to address pressing gameplay issues and make battles on it more comfortable and exciting.

Autumn has come to Minsk, and as such, visibility on the map has improved in some areas. We also removed some objects that interfered with shooting and optimized the volume of flying helicopters and planes on the map. Now their noise will not distract you from what is happening on the battlefield.

Based on your feedback, we lowered the water level in the Svisloch River, which resulted in the formation of many hills and lowlands. We also provided additional passages through it. Now, you will be able to quickly change flanks and reach additional firing positions.

We changed the red line that marks the border of the map in some places. This will create areas with additional safe passageways and help avoid fire from enemy vehicles in the center.

While working on improving the Minsk map, we tried to preserve the historically accurate appearance of the Belarusian capital while at the same time making it more convenient for playing a variety of vehicle classes. Now the map will become more versatile in the choice of flanks and allow teams to implement creative new tactics.

Interface Improvements

We continue to introduce the best solutions from popular mods into the game, making your experience more enjoyable. You can now track the HP of both allies and opponents in the player list and on the minimap. You will also be able to better analyze the combat situation on the battlefield and find new opportunities for attack or retreat thanks to Commander Camera.

All three modifications can be enabled or disabled in the settings under the "Game" tab.

  • Enable Tactical View & Commander Camera
  • Show Vehicle HP in Team Panels/on the Minimap

Battle Pass Season 5 Is Coming!

Season 5 of this epic progression-based activity is just around the corner! It will run for 3 months and comprise three Chapters, each consisting of 50 consecutive Stages. Battle Pass Season 5 will feature three new Core Vehicles:

You’ll be able to choose one of the three new progressive styles for the three Core Vehicles at the beginning of each Chapter. These striking custom looks will change their appearance and gain new 2D and 3D elements when you complete certain Stages. After completing each Chapter of the Season, you will also get a unique crew member.

Additionally, we extended the list of in-game modes where you can earn Battle Pass Points. You can now receive them when playing in Frontline and Recon Mission, our new mode where you can test maps currently under development. In Season 5, you will also have the opportunity to get your hands on a new piece of Bounty Equipment—Bounty Low Noise Exhaust System. We will tell you more about Battle Pass Season 5 in a dedicated article shortly before its release, so stay tuned!

Ranked Battles Season X

A new test season—Season X—is coming to Ranked Battles, and it will be noticeably different from the previous ones. This stand-alone game event is not associated with the upcoming cycle of Ranked Battles 2021–2022 and will feature an updated format of battles. They take place between two teams of 10 players instead of 15 so that you have greater influence over each battle’s outcome. Plus:

  • The number of chevrons needed to move from one rank to another will be reduced. Now it will be easier for you to get new ranks and reach Leagues.
  • The test Season will run for two weeks instead of the usual three. Shortening its duration will make battles even more intense.
  • The Role Experience system was reworked to better match each vehicle’s characteristics and its purpose in battle.

You'll be able to earn a new piece of improved equipment (Improved Compressor), brand-new Fuel Filter Replacement directives, and other rewards. We want to receive your feedback to help us decide what format the next cycle of Ranked Battles should take in 2021–2022, so join the fray and share your impressions! Learn more about the experimental Ranked Battles Season X in the dedicated article below.


Replacing Blueprint Fragments

We’ve slightly improved the blueprints system. Now countries of different national formations in the "Second Front" Personal Missions campaign will provide each other with mutual assistance.

If, when creating a blueprint for a specific vehicle, you don't have enough national fragments, you can replace them with national fragments of the allied nation at a 1:6 ratio. For example, if you don’t have enough Chinese national fragments to create a blueprint for a Chinese vehicle, then you can use Soviet national fragments instead, but you will need 6 times as many.

You can only use national fragments of one nation for conversions. For example, to replace 10 Chinese fragments, you will need 60 Soviet fragments, but you cannot use 5 Chinese fragments and replace the remaining 5 Chinese fragments with 30 Soviet fragments.

Here are the nations in each national formation:

  • Alliance: Poland, U.K., U.S.A.
  • Bloc: Germany, Japan
  • Coalition: Czechoslovakia, France, Italy, Sweden
  • Union: China, U.S.S.R.

To replace a national fragment with allied national fragments:

  • Go to the blueprint research interface of a specific vehicle.
  • Select one of the allied nations.

List of Changes CT1


Join the Common Test!

  • How the Common Test Works
  • Test Client
How the Common Test Works

New to testing? Check out our handy guide to public tests.

Eligibility: All players registered prior to Monday, May 17 at 13:59 PT | 15:59 CT | 16:59 ET can participate in the test.

Feedback: Please post your bug reports and general feedback on the test version in the special thread on our forum.

Test Client

Participate in the test using the Game Center.

  • The Game Center will download all the additional data
  • Start playing


Try out the reworked HE shells and other features, Commanders!

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