Crew Skins Checklist

When Update 1.4.1 was rolled out, players were credited three (3) Crew Skins when they were introduced with Random Rewards. Since then, however, players have probably earned more Skins. For those keeping track, here's a list of Crew Skins available via large Random Drops. How many do you have?

Crew Skins from Large Random Drops:

  • Historical Rare Crew Skins
  • Historical Common Crew Skins 1
  • Historical Common Crew Skins 2
  • Non-historical Common Crew Skins

Vasily Chapayev | Restrictions: Male; U.S.S.R.

Fought in the First World War as a division commander of the Red Army. He became popular in Russia at that time thanks to the novel Chapaev by Dmitry Furmanov. He still frequently appears in movies and anecdotes.

Charles de Gaulle | Restrictions: Commander; Male; France

A French army general and statesman who led the French Resistance in World War II and later became the President of France. De Gaulle resisted the very idea of surrendering France to the foe and fought hard to put an end to the occupation.

Švejk Josef | Restrictions: Male; Czechoslovakia

"Not every man can have wisdom. Stupid people have to exist too, because if everyone were wise then there would be so much good sense in the world that every other person would be driven crazy by it."

Mikhail Katukov | Restrictions: Commander; Male; U.S.S.R.

Marshal of Armored Troops, twice awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. His troops played critical role in the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Kursk, the Battle of Berlin, as well as other significant battles during World War II.

George Patton | Restrictions: Commander; Male; U.S.A.

One of the most influential generals during World War II. He commanded the U.S. troops in the Mediterranean, during the Allied attacks on Sicily and in Normandy. As a tough military leader, he required strict discipline from his soldiers.

Pavel Rybalko | Restrictions: Commander; Male; U.S.S.R.

A Soviet commander of the tank and combined arms troops, twice Hero of the Soviet Union. He participated in many military operations, including the Battle of Kharkov, the Battle of Kursk, and the Battle of Berlin.

Wilhelm Berghoff | Restrictions: Male; Germany

An old-school German officer, experienced and well-trained. Irreproachable in carrying out his line of duty. Of Nordic character, self-possessed. Single. No discrediting liaisons.

Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz | Restrictions: Male; Poland

He graduated from the Polish Artillery School in Chrząszczyżewoszyce (powiat Łękołody) and started service in the armored corps just by random luck.

Audrey Dupont | Restrictions: Female; France

Born in Marseille, Audrey joined the French Resistance and was assigned to the tank forces when France was invaded. She wears an axe for close combat that can discourage any enemy from acting up.

Christophe Lamber | Restrictions: Male; France

Commanded one of the Saint-Chamond tanks during World War I. In one of battles, the enemy artillery damaged his vehicle. Lamber ordered the crew to evacuate, but refused to abandon the tank himself saying, "There can be only one."

Alessandro Lotti | Restrictions: Male; Italy

He had a very strict and ascetic upbringing. Since childhood, he lived in the atmosphere of ultimate discipline, which is why he fitted well in the army. He is efficient, hard-working, and reliable. A true comrade.

Gabriel Lyman | Restrictions: Male; U.S.A.

A successful jazz musician and a saxophone god. He once bet he would give up everything to become a soldier...and that's exactly what happened. He waits for the end of the war to claim his reward and continue his career in showbiz.

Oliver Murdoc | Restrictions: Male; U.S.A.

We don't know a lot about his past, but there's definitely a dark story he wants to forget — that is why he joined the armored forces. Well, we should respect his privacy. He does his share, so let him be.

Chester O'Brien | Restrictions: Male; U.K.

A British engineer sent to Australia to consult the local specialists on manufacturing the Sentinel tanks. When the tank production had been stopped, he came to anchor in Brisbane.

Björn Ragnarsson | Restrictions: Male; Sweden

A true Northman: hardened, persistent, and committed. He dreamed about getting to the Swedish Navy, because of his genuine attachment to sea adventures (especially around the British shores).

Emran Shankar | Restrictions: Male; U.K.

He dedicated all his life to soldiery and made tremendous progress. The U.K. opened him the way to fulfilling his military potential, and he was even awarded the Order of British India of the second class.

Oksana Shevchenko | Restrictions: Female; U.S.S.R.

Born into a family of a seasoned military officer, she decided to follow in his footsteps. Do not be misled by her cute face — she is a real soldier who knows her duty very well.

Hideo Tanaka | Restrictions: Male; Japan

He knows the principles of Bushido and follows its rules and regulations rigorously. Though his reasonable obsession was rather strange to his comrades, they are unanimous that he is the most honest and reliable soldier.

Tzinedi Tzidane | Restrictions: Male; China

Before recruitment, he had been a professional footballer, so he's well-disciplined and has a lot of stamina. A real team player.

Konrad Wittmayer | Restrictions: Male; Germany

He is a reticent and grim fighter; however, he knows his duty well and shows top efficiency on the battlefield. His comrades have a wholesome respect for him and say they shudder to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask.

Arengee Penetrael | Restrictions: Without restrictions

The alpha and the omega that decides the fate of your shells. You'd better treat them with some respect, and perhaps your next shot will be more successful.

Hellu Van Oob | Restrictions: Male

He knows the specifics of all vehicles and maps. He has learned the game mechanics perfectly. A talented strategist and excellent tactician. Well, that's what he says anyway.

Kannot Gitgud | Restrictions: Male

Once a celebrity, he gained considerable tank-handling expertise. Now retired, he puts all his knowledge into practice.

Toma Teu | Restrictions: Without restrictions

Always the first one to move out and jump into action, because he hates having to catch up.

Uni Corn | Restrictions: Without restrictions

Do you see what I see? What exactly have we been eating today?

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