Summer—and our anniversary—may be over, but the fun in World of Tanks continues, Commanders!
We’re launching the first Common Test of Update 1.22.1 featuring a series of major improvements to the crew interfaces. We’re also introducing the brand-new Elite Levels feature that will highlight your achievements and battle experience when playing in a specific vehicle. On top of that, don’t miss out on the opportunity to try out Steel Hunter with a bunch of important balance and gameplay changes, and Frontline Episode 3 with its massive 30v30 clashes. Roll out!
Crew Interface Overhaul: Clearer and More Informative
In Update 1.20.1, we introduced several important changes aimed at making the entire system more useful, simple, and convenient for all players. Now we're ready to take the next step and redesign most of the existing crew interfaces to improve your World of Tanks gaming experience. Here are some of the most significant changes you can try out right away.
Crew Widget and Profiles
All interface improvements follow the same logic and will make your interaction with crews easier, more intuitive, and more convenient at all stages, from the moment you open tankers’ Profiles in the crew widget.
Crew appearances are now larger. All perks are more clearly arranged in a single matrix. The Profile also has two separate tabs (Appearance and Service Record) where you can find additional information. When hovering over the major qualification, you will also be able to understand more clearly how its level affects perks and improves your vehicles.

Quick Training and Crew Books
You will also find it easier to train your crew members. Now, you can use several different types of Crew Books at once, or even all Crew Books on your account. You can also apply them together with Free XP. On top of that, we’re introducing two new types of Universal Manuals that provide all crew members with 20,000 and 100,000 XP, respectively.

Crew Member and Vehicle Change Screen
Another useful improvement is a full-fledged crew member change screen with intuitive navigation. You can move or assign crew members to other vehicles in several clicks, as well as filter your crew member list by various criteria. In this screen, you can also recruit new crew members.
Selecting a vehicle for crew retraining now also takes place in a separate screen, with its own handy filters.

We’ve expanded the list of filters available in the Barracks. You can even search for specific crew members (for example, unique Battle Pass or Holiday Ops characters) by their names.

To make it even easier for you to navigate crew operations, we have provided various pop-up tooltips and information screens inside the game client. For example, hovering over a perk will show how it affects the corresponding characteristics when trained to 100%.
We’ll cover the details of the crew interface overhaul in a dedicated article, so stay tuned!
We are continuing our consistent work to improve crew in World of Tanks and are sure that these changes lay a solid foundation for further improvements. In the meantime, join the Common Test and give us your feedback on the overhauled interfaces!
Elite Levels: Show Off Your Experience!
Even if you have hundreds of vehicles in your Garage, you still have your favorites: the ones you enjoy the most and have fought thousands of battles in. Elite Levels is a new achievement system which will help you showcase your experience level when playing in a specific vehicle. This system only applies to Elite vehicles (i.e., those with all modules and subsequent vehicles researched) at Tier V and above. The vehicle's Elite Level will be shown as a numerical counter both in battle (in the team lists) and in the Garage (vehicle stats and post-battle screen). Take a look.

There will be 350 Elite Levels in total. To achieve new Levels, simply play in any regular in-game modes, where your Elite vehicles gain Combat XP, and earn special Elite Points. After you earn a certain number of Points, your current Level will be updated automatically. The more Combat XP you earn, the more Elite Points you get and the higher your Elite Level will be.
After the release of the update, the calculation of the initial Elite Levels for all Elite vehicles will be based on their lifetime Combat XP earned—you won’t start from zero. Once reached, all Elite Levels are always with you, so you’ll never lose them.
We’ll share more details about the Elite Levels system with you in a dedicated article coming soon, so stay tuned!
Frontline 2023: Get Ready for Episode 3!
Frontline is here again with Episode 3! We invite you to take a break from the Twist of Fate scenario and participate in epic Frontline battles with standard rules. The mode’s core gameplay remains unchanged and will be essentially the same as in the first Episode. Enjoy!
Steel Hunter: Extensive Balance and Gameplay Changes
The upcoming Steel Hunter event includes some of the best features of previous launches, as well as many new gameplay and balance adjustments. And this time, the battles will be even more exciting! What awaits you is the same frantic fight for the right to be the last hero standing.
What's Changed?
Gameplay and Balance Changes
- The respawn mechanics that you found useful and interesting during the Steel Hunter: Reborn event, as well as Marauders, AI-controlled opponents, have been added. We’ve also implemented various game balance changes inspired by Steel Hunter: Reborn.
- A timer has been added for the Dangerous Zone (yellow), which is displayed when you are inside, and counts down the time until it turns into a Destruction Zone (red). We’ve also added a timer that counts how long until Airdrops arrive.
- The loot you get after defeating Marauders is now more valuable.
- The longer the battle lasts, the greater the chance of dropping Combat Abilities from Supplies (yellow loot).
- Now you get less Battle XP for upgrading your special vehicle when dealing damage.
- Now, by collecting Spoils of War (red loot), you get more Battle XP. If your Combat Abilities were on cooldown at that moment, this cooldown will be significantly reduced.
- The upgrade Tier of all special vehicles is now displayed over the course of the battle. You can enable/disable this feature in the game settings.
Progression and Rewards
- You will earn Progression points not only for completing daily missions available in the mode, but also for your position in the post-battle ranking.
- If you leave the battle before your vehicle is destroyed, you will not receive any rewards after it is over.
Vehicle Rebalancing
- The Bái Láng and the Huragan have received a slight buff in performance characteristics. Now they’re faster and equipped with more menacing guns and more dangerous Combat Abilities, and also have thicker armor.
- Heavy tanks (the Walküre, the Varyag, and the Beowulf) received a slight nerf: their weak spots in the researchable turrets and hulls will have less armor, so you'll have a better chance of penetrating them.
- The Harbinger will have more HP and improved guns.
- The Raven will have less armor and less dangerous guns.
It's time to join the Common Test and let us know what you think about these changes, Commanders!
To take part, you'll need the Game Center (WGC), the latest Common Test game client, and an active World of Tanks account created prior to the cut-off date (see below).
All active World of Tanks accounts created before September 10, at 14:59 PT | 16:59 CT | 17:59 ET can participate in the test.
Download and Install the Test Client
- Run the test client installer.
- Choose a different installation folder from where your regular World of Tanks game files are.
- Select the freshly installed test client from the dropdown menu at the top of the WGC.
- Roll out—and remember to pass on your feedback!
You can find more details about the WGC in the dedicated Game Center guide.
Check out our handy public test guide with all the details about Common Tests, Sandbox Tests, and Supertests.
Patch Notes
ExpandMain Changes
The crew widget in the Garage has been reworked.
All tabs of the Personal File have been reworked. The Personal Data and Crew Skins tabs have been merged.
The Barracks window has been reworked.
The dismissal, confirmation, and other windows have been reworked.
A completely new crew management flow has been implemented.
The Universal Training Booklet (20,000 XP to each crew member) has been added.
The Universal Training Guide (100,000 XP to each crew member) has been added.
The Accelerated Crew Training screen has been reworked.
Crew Books and conversion of Combat XP to Free XP have been merged into a single screen.
The functionality to use several Crew Books at the same time has been added.
Restrictions on the number of stored crew skins have been removed.
The crew skins/major qualification binding has been removed.
Some minor UI changes have been made.
The mode settings are similar to those of the first Episode in 2023.
The Twist of Fate scenario has been disabled.
Combat Reserves have three upgrade levels.
Some technical improvements have been made.
Back to the Game
Some players will have the Bring Your Fellow Commanders Back to the Game mini-event.
Elite Levels System
A new system of Elite Levels for vehicles has been added.
The system uses experience earned in vehicles to assign an Elite Level to a vehicle.
Starting from Tier V, every Elite vehicle receives a special icon that showcases the player’s dedication to this particular vehicle.
Players that have at least one Elite vehicle will receive a notification about Elite levels being assigned to their vehicles.
Elite Levels are displayed both in the Service Record and in battle (next to the vehicle icon in the team list).
Changes to Technical Characteristics of Vehicles
The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: Object 452K
The following vehicle has been added for testing by Supertest players: M48A2 (120)
The possibility to mount the Spall Liner equipment has been added.
Bofors Tornvagn
Hull traverse speed has been changed from 22 to 25 deg/s
Gun dispersion has been changed from 0.42 to 0.4 m
Dispersion on turret traverse has been decreased by 20%
View range has been changed from 360 to 370 m
Turret traverse speed has been changed from 22 to 25 deg/s
Top speed has been changed from 32 to 35 km/h
Fixed Issues and Improvements
The screen to add an email to an account on Steam has been changed.
A tooltip displayed when equipping an incompatible directive has been added.
The vehicle sale flow has been reworked.
- By default, any equipment is demounted and sent to the Depot, instead of being sold or disassembled for components. The sale screen also now displays warnings if the option to sell or disassemble mounted equipment is selected.
- Pop-up windows with errors and warnings about the inability to perform the selected action have become more informative.
- The order of the equipment tabs in the Garage and equipment sorting at the Depot has been changed. Display priority: Standard, Bounty, Improved, Experimental.
- When selling or disassembling equipment from the Depot, a new interface is now used.
- The icons and buttons to sell and disassemble equipment at the Depot have been changed.
- The icons that display the Experimental Equipment level have been replaced with more informative ones.