The second Common Test of Update 1.19.1 is now available.
You can assess the many extensive balance changes on the Kraftwerk map for Frontline, which now offers a wider variety of tactics for both teams. We also return to standard first launch rules for activating and using Combat Reserves in our epic 30v30 mode. Additionally, Steel Hunter has received balancing changes.
Frontline will become available for testing shortly after the Common Test begins.
We appreciate your participation in the Common Test. To thank you for your time and engagement, we'll credit useful rewards to your main account.
- For 3 battles fought in Frontline
- For 5 battles fought in Frontline
- For 7 battles fought in Frontline
50 bonds and 9 directives (three of each type below):
- Orderly Ammo Rack
- Vent Purge
- Stabilizer Greasing
- 50 bonds
- 1 Retraining Order
- 50 bonds
- 1 day of WoT Premium Account
You can only receive all the above rewards once per account for all the Common Tests you participate in. Only battles in which you have reached the rank of Sergeant or above are counted. Rewards will be credited within seven days after the end of the final Common Test of Update 1.19.1 in January 2023.
Kraftwerk Map Improvements
During the Update 1.19.1 Common Tests, Frontline is available for technical purposes and your consideration. It won't be available as part of Update 1.19.1 after its release.
The Kraftwerk map for the Frontline mode has received a large number of important improvements meant to make gameplay more balanced and comfortable for both teams.
Much like Frontline itself, many of these changes are extensive and focused on expanding the tactics you can use in key areas of the battlefield. We’ve reworked a host of individual positions, buildings, driveways, and the like. Defenders and attackers now have a greater variety of options in different zones.
The most extensive changes were made in the following areas:
Left Line (Zones A and D)
- New buildings were added in square J2 near base A to provide more cover. At point A, the driveway on the right side was removed, and more new cover was added in square H4.

- Two new separate firing positions for attackers were added on the balcony in square J1. Additionally, more cover for defenders was added on the border of squares H1 and J1.

- In square E1, the existing balcony was redesigned, and a new driveway was added to provide faster access to zone D.

- The mountain range on the border of squares E1 and E2 was reworked. A balcony with firing positions for attackers was added, allowing players to aim at enemies in zone D. Plus, an easier and faster driveway to zone D from which players can easily retreat was added.

Middle Line (Zones B and E)
- A new balcony for attackers was added in square G5 facing zone E. It can also be used by defenders when retreating.

- The driveway to the power plant area towards base E in square F5 was reworked. Additional shelters for attackers were added, which can also be used by defenders as firing positions.

Right Line (Zone F)
- In squares F8 and G8, an alternative safe passage to the base was added.

- The riverside terrain was reworked to make it more comfortable for light tanks.

- In squares B4 and C4, the environment of the large-caliber gun No. 2 was completely redesigned as follows:
- The gun was moved closer to the border of zones D and E.
- The mountain in square C4 was reworked, and additional buildings and entrances to the gun were added.
- All buildings in square B4 were removed.

- The road to the city in squares C5 and D5 has become safer.

The following areas received less extensive, albeit still significant, balance changes:
Left Line (Zones A and D)
- In square H1, the mountain slope was extended to protect attackers capturing base A and to allow them to return fire at defenders.

- Squares F1 and G1 were reworked. The railway embankment was expanded, and a second branch with wagons was added. The ground level was raised and additional cover was added to make the game more comfortable for attackers.

- The terrain and cover systems were reworked in square D2 as follows:
- A transitional defensive point (lowland) with access to two different directions was added.
- The repair area was moved closer to zone D.

Middle Line (Zones B and E)
- The area near base E is now more open so that attackers can shoot at it from the mountain balcony in squares E5 and F5.

- There is now more cover in the repair zone in square D5.

- In squares A1 and B1, the passage towards high-caliber gun No. 2 was improved: redesigned terrain, new hill and other cover, etc.

- In square C4, the passage through the "border zone" was improved: added more cover, leveled terrain for a more comfortable climb uphill, etc.

- In the city in square C6, additional positions were added so that the attacking side can now return fire on defenders.

- High-caliber gun No. 3 was moved closer.

We also made other selective balance adjustments—you can read about them in the patchnotes.
Vehicle Selection Filter Reworking and Standard Settings of Combat Reserves in Frontline
We also improved the vehicle selection filter in the Frontline mode to make it easier for you to find eligible vehicles to return to battle in. Now you can see regular, Premium, and rental vehicles separately.
In the second Frontline 2022 launch, we experimented with Combat Reserves cooldowns. In an upcoming Frontline launch, we will return to the standard cooldowns for activating and using Combat Reserves that were in effect during the first launch of 2022, which are as follows:
- Upon unlocking and at the start of battle: 100% of base cooldown
- Upon destruction: 60% of base cooldown until first activation
Steel Hunter
- Heavy tanks received a small nerf as they dominated all stages of the game.
- The Bái Láng and the Huragan received small boosts as they were ineffective in the early stages of the game.
- The Harbinger, the Arlequin, and the Raven were rebalanced with buffs and nerfs.
The cost of renting tanks was modified:
- Walküre — 350
- Harbinger — 350
- Bái Láng — 600
- Huragan — 600
- Beowulf — 600
The lease duration for rented tanks was changed to last for five days.
To take part, you'll need the Game Center (WGC), the latest Common Test game client, and a account created prior to the cut-off date (see below).
All accounts created before December 6, 2022, 13:59 PT | 15:59 CT | 16:59 ET can participate in the test.
Download and Install the Test Client
- Run the test client installer.
- Choose a different installation folder from where your regular World of Tanks game files are.
- Select the freshly installed test client from the dropdown menu at the top of the WGC.
- Roll out—and remember to pass on your feedback!
You can find more details about the WGC in the dedicated Game Center guide.
Check out our handy public test guide with all the details about Common Tests, Sandbox tests, and Supertests.
ExpandMain Changes
Balance changes have been made to the Kraftwerk map. The key changes are described in this article. Some improvements have also been made.
- An additional driveway has been added on the way from Zone A to Zone D.
- Zone B: The resupply circle in square H5 has been moved to a safer area and has been partially covered from enemy fire.
- Zone C: The construction crane in square J9 has been moved to make the area more exposed to fire from the attacking team.
- Zone D: Recesses and covers in squares С1–D1 have been added to improve the positions of the attacking team.
- Zone E: The base circle has been moved to simplify its capturing.
- Line of high-caliber guns: On the border of squares A2 and B2, the shape of the mountain has been changed, and the hill from which it was possible to fire at Gun #2 has been removed.
- In square C8, the shape of the cliff, which allowed for shooting at the side of Gun #4 from the hill under the mountain in square D7, has been changed.
The respawn screen now allows players to filter rental and Premium vehicles on the vehicle panel.
A new access point to the mode has been added (banner in the Garage).
The system messages for communication in battle have been improved.
UI elements have been added and updated for the period after the end of the mode.
The performance of the mode has been increased.
Steel Hunter
The cost and duration of vehicle rental has been changed.
Minor balance changes have been made.
Changes have been made to the technical characteristics of the following vehicles:
- BZ-58
- Changed the top forward speed from 35 to 30 km/h
- Changed the aiming time for the 85 mm Type 58 gun from 2.3 to 2.5 s
- Changed the dispersion of the 85 mm Type 58 gun from 0.36 to 0.38 m
- Changed the reload time of the 100mm Type 59M gun in the BZ-58 turret from 11 to 13 s
- Changed the reload time of the 100mm Type 59M gun in the BZ-58-1 turret from 10.5 to 12.5 s
- BZ-166
- Changed the vehicle durability with the BZ-166 turret from 1,500 to 1,450 HP
- Changed the vehicle durability with the BZ-166-1 turret from 1,550 to 1,500 HP
- Changed the top forward speed from 35 to 30 km/h
- Changed the dispersion of the 122 mm Type-59-2 gun from 0.42 to 0.44 m
- Changed the reload time of the 122 mm Type-59-2 gun in the BZ-166 turret from 13.8 to 16 s
- Changed the reload time of the 122 mm Type-59-2 gun in the BZ-166-1 turret from 13.5 to 15.5 s
- BZ-68
- Changed the vehicle durability with the BZ-68 turret from 1,850 to 1,800 HP
- Changed the vehicle durability with the BZ-68-1 turret from 1,950 to 1,900 HP
- Changed the top forward speed from 35 to 30 km/h
- Changed the reload time of the 130 mm M-65 Type 70 gun in the BZ-68 turret from 15.5 to 16 s
- Changed the aiming time for the 130 mm M-65 Type 70 gun in the BZ-68 turret from 3.1 to 3.2 s
- Changed the reload time of the 130 mm M-65 Type 70 gun in the BZ-68-1 turret from 15 to 15.5 s
- Changed the aiming time for the 130 mm M-65 Type 70 gun in the BZ-68-1 turret from 2.9 to 3 s
- BZ-75
- Changed the top forward speed from 35 to 30 km/h
- Changed the gun dispersion from 0.4 to 0.42 m
- Changed the reload time from 17 to 18 s
- Changed the aiming time from 2.7 to 2.9 s
Known Issues
In the Frontline mode, freezes in the game client can be observed near the end of battle.
In the Frontline mode, when attempting to change servers, UI elements in the Garage may be displayed incorrectly.
Fixed Issues and Improvements
When activating the jet boosters, the visual effect of the mechanics is now displayed on the following vehicles:
- Tier VII—BZ-58
- Tier VIII—BZ-166
- Tier IX—BZ-68
- Tier Х—BZ-75
Fixed some UI issues.
Fixed some localization issues.
Join the Common Test and stay tuned!