Tanks & Medals: Damage, Capture, and Block

Earning Medals in World of Tanks not only represents how determined and experienced a tanker is, but they can also score cool rewards. Welcome to our "Tanks & Medals" challenge!

"Wait," you say. "What is this 'Tanks and Medals' stuff?" Each month we select three Medals you should earn as many times as possible. Doing so also nets rewards like Styles, Equipment, Personal Reserves, and other items. Once the event concludes, we will calculate who obtained the most of each Medal for extra special "Top Rewards."

Here are the three Battle Heroes Medals for June:

High Caliber Invader Steel Wall
Awarded to players who dealt the biggest amount of damage during the battle. The damage dealt should be not less than 20% of enemy team tanks' HP sum, and not less than 1,000 points. For receiving this award, allies should not be hit with direct shots. If two or more players have an equal amount of damage dealt, the achievement is granted to the player who has earned more XP for battle, including additional XP provided to Premium account users. If the amount of XP is equal as well, the achievement is not granted. Capture the maximum number of points from the enemy base (not less than 80). The achievement is granted on successful base capture, including only the points that were part of the base capture. If two or more players have gained an equal amount of capture points, the achievement is granted to the player who has earned more XP in the battle (including additional XP provided to Premium Account users). If the amount of XP is equal as well, the achievement is not awarded. Receive more potential damage than any player on your team (at least 1,000 HP), and survive. Receive at least 11 hits. If two or more players receive an equal amount of potential damage, the achievement is granted to to the player who received the greatest amount of hits. If two or more players receive an equal amount of potential damage and equal number of hits, the achievement is granted to the player who earned more XP for the battle, including additional XP provided to Premium account users.

Earn the Medals listed above to get the corresponding Token rewards.

Tanks & Medals: Damage, Capture, and Block

MISSIONS BEGIN: Monday, June 1 at 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
MISSIONS END: Wednesday, July 1 at at 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

  • Win a Medal: High Caliber
  • Win a Medal: Invader
  • Win a Medal: Steel Wall
Win a Medal: High Caliber


  • Earn a "High Caliber" Medal


  • Random Battles
  • Repeatable
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • 1× Token:"Leaflets"
  • Token:"Shell"
  • 2,000 XP
Win a Medal: Invader


  • Earn an "Invader" Medal


  • Random Battles
  • Repeatable
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Token:"Leaflets"
  • Token:"Ricochet"
  • 1,000 XP
Win a Medal: Steel Wall


  • Earn a "Steel Wall" Medal


  • Random Battles
  • Repeatable
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Token:"Leaflets"
  • Token:"Sniper"
  • 500 XP

Each Medal you earn yields two (2) Tokens: One for overall participation rewards that brings you closer to the main prizes, and the other for specific participation rewards.

Tanks & Medals: General Participation Rewards

MISSIONS BEGIN: Monday, June 1 at 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
MISSIONS END: Wednesday, July 1 at at 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

  • Mission: Win Medals I
  • Mission: Win Medals II
  • Mission: Win Medals III
  • Mission: Win Medals IV
  • Mission: Win Medals V
  • Mission: Win Medals VI
Mission: Win Medals I


  • Earn 2×"Leaflets" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Automatic Fire Extinguisher
  • Large First Aid Kit
  • Large Repair Kit
Mission: Win Medals II


  • Earn 4×"Leaflets" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • 1 DayWoT Premium Account
Mission: Win Medals III


  • Earn 6×"Leaflets" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • 3× Personal Reserves: +100%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • 3× Personal Reserves: +200%Free XP (1 hour)
  • 3× Personal Reserves: +50%XP (1 hour)
Mission: Win Medals IV


  • Earn 8×"Leaflets" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Bread with Smalec
  • Buchty
  • Case of Cola
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee with Cinnamon Buns
  • Extra Combat Rations
  • Improved Combat Rations
  • Onigiri
  • Pudding and Tea
  • Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
  • Strong Coffee
Mission: Win Medals V


  • Earn 10×"Leaflets" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • 3× Personal Reserves: +200%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • 3× Personal Reserves: +300%Free XP (1 hour)
  • 3× Personal Reserves: +100%XP (1 hour)
Mission: Win Medals VI


  • Earn 12×"Leaflets" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Bunks in Barracks
  • Garage Slot

Obtaining rewards for the following missions is not an easy task! If you earn a particular Medal — aside from High Caliber, Invader, and Steel Wall — you will earn three of each "Ricochet," "Shell," and "Sniper" Tokens as an extra special reward. Hint: It's an Epic Medal.

Tanks & Medals: Specific Participation Rewards

MISSIONS BEGIN: Monday, June 1 at 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
MISSIONS END: Wednesday, July 1 at at 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

  • Mission: Win High Caliber Medals I
  • Mission: Win High Caliber Medals II
  • Mission: Win Invader Medals I
  • Mission: Win Invader Medals II
  • Mission: Win Steel Wall Medals I
  • Mission: Win Steel Wall Medals II
Mission: Win High Caliber Medals I


  • Earn 5×"Shell" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Large-caliber Tank Gun Rammer
Mission: Win High Caliber Medals II


  • Earn 10×"Shell" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Special Style: "WG Fest 2018"
Mission: Win Invader Medals I


  • Earn 5×"Ricochet" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Random Battles
  • Once per account
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Camouflage Net
Mission: Win Invader Medals II


  • Earn 10×"Ricochet" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Special Style: "Dark Knight"
Mission: Win Steel Wall Medals I


  • Earn 5×"Sniper" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Super Heavy Spall Liner
Mission: Win Steel Wall Medals II


  • Earn 10×"Sniper" Tokens
  • Play a battle


  • Once per account
  • Random Battles
  • Tier VI-X vehicles


  • Special Style: "Ice Shelf"

Here are the "Top Rewards" for June. Each vehicle includes a 100% Crew and Garage Slot.

Tanks & Medals: Top Rewards

  • "High Caliber" Medal
  • "Invader" Medal
  • "Steel Wall" Medal
"High Caliber" Medal

For earning the most "High Caliber" Medals:

"Invader" Medal

For earning the most "Invader" Medals:

"Steel Wall" Medal

For earning the most "Steel Wall" Medals:

About these rewards:

  1. If a player wins a vehicle they already own, they receive its equal value in Gold.
  2. Players can win more than one category. This means, for instance, if a player earns the most Medals of multiple ones featured here, they get the corresponding reward for each one.
  3. In the event multiple players have the same highest number for the same Medal earned, the winner is chosen via a random tie-breaker.

Good luck!

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