Got Polish Tanks? You're Gonna Need Trained Crew!

Update 1.1 and the Polish Tech Tree line have arrived! To help get a jump start in battle, we've got two special bundles featuring Gold, Credits, x5 XP multipliers, and, most important, trained Polish tank Crewmembers!

Special Polish Crews!

Aug. 28-Sept. 7, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

  • Mega Polish War Chest: $119.99 (31% Off)
  • Polish Triumvirate: $33.99 (19% Off)
Mega Polish War Chest: $119.99 (31% Off)

Bundle Contents:

12,500 Gold

12,500,000 Credits

GetXP for the first 30 wins in any vehicle

Four-man Polish Crew trained for the 45TP Habicha; each one has XP for two (s) skills/perks (not zero-perks)


Polish Triumvirate: $33.99 (19% Off)

Bundle Contents:

2,000 Gold

2,000,000 Credits

30 DaysPremium Account

GetXP for the first 15 wins in any vehicle

Four-man Polish Crew trained for the 45TP Habicha; each one has XP for one (1) skill/perk (not zero-perk)


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