Czech Into Battle With the Škoda T 56

The Czechoslovakian line is getting a brand-new heavy! The Škoda T 56 rocks a 2-shell autoloader with a frightening 130 mm gun that can dish out 460 HP of damage! Take this beast out on the battlefield today!

We also are introducing two new permanent Bundles to the Store! They are the American heavy tank Chrysler K and the British heavy tank Caernarvon Action X. Be sure to check out the deals below!

The parameters displayed are valid for the vehicle with each crew member trained to 100% major qualification level. Some vehicle characteristics can be further improved with the commander's bonus to major qualification level, crew perks and skills, as well as special in-game items.


Main Characteristics
Škoda T 56
Average Damage
460/460/640 HP
Average Penetration
208/248/68 mm
Hit Points
1,500 HP
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
35/15 km/h
Commander (Radio Operator)
Average Damage
460/460/640 HP
Gun Reload Time
25 s
Average Penetration
208/248/68 mm
30 shells
Dispersion at 100 m
0.42 m
Gun Depression / Elevation Angles
Aiming Time
3 s
Shell Types
Shell Velocity
1,020 m/s
1,020 m/s
863 m/s
Concealment of Moving Vehicle
Hit Points
1,500 HP
Concealment of Stationary Vehicle
Hull Armor
100/70/70 mm
Signal Range
850 m
Turret Armor
220/95/70 mm
View Range
370 m
Turret Traverse Speed
26 deg/s
Engine Power
650 h.p.
Specific Power
13.5 h.p./t
Traverse Speed
26 deg/s
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
35/15 km/h


Key Characteristics of the Škoda T 56

  • Firepower
  • Survivability
  • Mobility

The Škoda T 56's boasts a 130 mm caliber 2-shell autoloader capable dealing massive damage! Take large chunks from HP pools, or inflict a final blow to anyone unlucky enough to run across you while fleeing the battlefield.

You can also use the handy –8 degrees of gun depression to whittle away at enemies from ridge lines and start gaining the upper hand for your team.

The Škoda T 56, like most heavy tanks, has enough shielding to make it a frightening sight to come across on the battlefield. For example, the frontal turret armor reaches 220 mm, with durability of 1,500 HP. It's not enough to repel multiple attackers, but it should help you out when battling one-on-one.

This tank's 650 hp engine can get you traversing across the battlefield at a top speed of 35 km/h. Unfortunately, the rest of its mobility stats are a bit more in line with most other heavy tanks. So, be sure to choose your map positions wisely.

Special Offer:
Škoda T 56

OFFER BEGINS: Aug. 11, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
OFFER ENDS: Aug. 23, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

  • Škoda T 56 WarChest: $94.99 (27% Off)
  • Škoda T 56 Ultimate: $74.99 (20% Off)
  • Škoda T 56 Loaded: $54.99 (14% Off)
  • Škoda T 56 Standard: $47.27
Škoda T 56 WarChest: $94.99 (27% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VIII Škoda T 56
  • 100%Crew
  • GetXP for the first 40 wins in the Škoda T 56
  • Improved Ventilation Class 1
  • Vertical Stabilizer Class 1
  • Improved Hardening Class 1
  • 5,000 Gold
  • 5,000,000 Credits
  • Garage Slot


Škoda T 56 Ultimate: $74.99 (20% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VIII Škoda T 56
  • 100%Crew
  • GetXP for the first 20 wins in the Škoda T 56
  • Improved Ventilation Class 1
  • Vertical Stabilizer Class 1
  • Improved Hardening Class 1
  • 30 DaysWoT Premium Account
  • 3,000 Gold
  • 1,000,000 Credits
  • Garage Slot


Škoda T 56 Loaded: $54.99 (14% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VIII Škoda T 56
  • 100%Crew
  • GetXP for the first 10 wins in the Škoda T 56
  • Improved Ventilation Class 1
  • Vertical Stabilizer Class 1
  • Improved Hardening Class 1
  • Garage Slot


Škoda T 56 Standard: $47.27

Bundle Contents:


Are you a fan of the new Škoda T 56 and want to show it off outside of the game? Then check out the awesome design below, which you can get on a t-shirt or sweatshirt in our World of Tanks Amazon Store today!

World of Tanks Amazon Store  

The Premium Shop welcomes the Chrysler K and Caernarvon Action X as Permanent additions!
  • Chrysler K Permanent Bundle: $37.96
  • Caernarvon Action X Permanent Bundle: $42.74

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