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Premium Shop Offer for Amazon Payments Users

The Premium Shop has recently added a new payment option: Amazon Payments! 

Amazon Payments allows you to pay for items using your Amazon account details. You can pay without re-entering your payment information, and you get the convenient and familiar Amazon checkout experience.

And we've got a special treat for those who buy Premium Shop goods through Amazon Payments! For a limited time, getting goods with your Amazon account will give you access to a couple of special Gold bundles with bonus value. As always, this Gold will be on your Wargaming ID and can be used in both World of Tanks or World of Warplanes.

Haven't used Amazon Payments yet? Find out how to pay on the Premium Shop using your Amazon account!

Start Date: Wednesday, August 6, 09:00 PDT (12:00 EDT)
End Date: Tuesday, August 12, 23:59 PDT (02:59 EDT)

Special Bundles for Amazon Payments

6,610 + 790


12,110 + 1,820


Note: These Amazon bundles are only available for U.S. Residents.

