General Sale: The Sherman VC Firefly

NOTE: This Tank Sale does not require a Premium Account. 

The U.K. Sherman VC Firefly is very similar to the U.S. M4A3E8 Sherman tank, except for one important aspect: It packs a 17-pound British cannon that has high damage per minute, decent damage per shot, and some of the highest penetration value for its Tier. The Firefly is also one of the few Tier VI vehicles that can be outfitted with a Vertical Stabilizer.

Historically, British gunner Joe Ekins' Sherman VC Firefly took out Michael Wittmann's Tiger No. 007 (in addition to two other tanks) at Normandy on August 8, 1944. Wittmann was one of the most feared German tank commanders, as he is credited with destroying more than 100 enemy tanks. In keeping with this history, the Sherman VC Firefly has "12" on the turret, which was the number of the tank that scored that scored the fatal hit to Wittmann's Tiger.

The Sherman VC Firefly comes in four bundles packed with various equipment, boosters, consumables, and more. Grab one that's right for you, and hit the battlefield!

Premium Tank Sale: Sherman VC Firefly

June 29-July 9, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

  • Sherman VC Firefly War Chest: $68.99 (19% Off)
  • Sherman VC Firefly Ultimate: $35.99 (10% Off)
  • Sherman VC Firefly Loaded: $25.99
  • Sherman VC Firefly: $16.99
Sherman VC Firefly War Chest: $68.99 (19% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VI Sherman VC Firefly
  • 5,000 Gold
  • 5,000,000 Credits
  • GetXP for the first 40 wins in the Sherman VC Firefly
  • 1xGarage Slot


Sherman VC Firefly Ultimate: $35.99 (10% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VI Sherman VC Firefly
  • Improved Ventilation Class 2
  • Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 1
  • 10x Personal Reserves: +200%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • GetXP for the first 20 wins in the Sherman VC Firefly
  • 30 DaysPremium Account
  • 1xGarage Slot


Sherman VC Firefly Loaded: $25.99

Bundle Contents:

  • VI Sherman VC Firefly
  • Improved Ventilation Class 2
  • Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 1
  • 5x Personal Reserves: +200%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • 1xGarage Slot


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