Tank Sale: When the Medium Met the Mauerbrecher!

The VK 168.01 Mauerbrecher is back in the Premium Shop (for more info., see "Mauerbrecher Details" below). A bit too much tank for you? Try the Chi-Nu Kai, a hard-hitting medium with excellent gun depression. Both vehicles are available in various bundle packeges featuring consumables, equipment, personal reserves, and more.

VK 168.01 Mauerbrecher | Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai

Premium Tank Sale: VK 168.01 Mauerbrecher

Apr. 26-May 7, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

Mauerbrecher Details


Armor: It’s incredibly difficult to defeat this beast in a frontal assault; stick to side-scraping tactics.

Firepower: The Mauerbrecher can take plenty of punishment… and deal it out, too; use its 12.8 cm cannon to smack any vehicle for high damage.

Mobility: Mobility is rather limited. Decide from the start where you want to go, and keep pushing the enemy until there's nothing left but smoking wrecks.

Size: The tank is best suited for urban combat, where you’re safe from artillery and long-range fire.

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Hit Points
1,700 HP
Average Damage per Minute
1,836 HP/min
Hull Armor
180/130/100 mm
Commander / Loader (×2) / Gunner / Driver / Radio Operator
Average Damage
440/440/630 HP
Average Penetration
220/260/65 mm
Dispersion at 100 m
0.38 m
Aiming Time
2.59 s
Average Damage per Minute
1,836 HP
Rate of Fire
4.17 rounds/min
Gun Depression/Elevation Angles
Turret Traverse Speed
15.64 deg/s
Signal Range
741 m
View Range
400 m
Hit Points
1,700 HP
Load Limit
175 t
Ammo Capacity
50 psc
Engine Power
1,600 hp
Specific Power
9.43 hp/t
Traverse Speed
18.77 deg/s
Top Speed / Reverse Speed
20/15 km/h
Mouse over the points to display the info on the vehicle
  • Mauerbrecher War Chest: $93.99 (20% Off)
  • Mauerbrecher Ultimate: $81.99 (12% Off)
  • Mauerbrecher Loaded: $63.99
  • Mauerbrecher: $50.99
Mauerbrecher War Chest: $93.99 (20% Off)

Bundle Contents:


Mauerbrecher Ultimate: $81.99 (12% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VIII VK 168.01 Mauerbrecher
  • 3,500 Gold
  • 10x Personal Reserves: +200%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • 30 DaysPremium Time
  • GetXP for the first 20 wins in the VK 168.01 Mauerbrecher
  • Improved Ventilation Class 3
  • Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 2
  • 1xGarage Slot


Mauerbrecher Loaded: $63.99

Bundle Contents:

  • VIII VK 168.01 Mauerbrecher
  • 5x Personal Reserves: +200%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • Improved Ventilation Class 3
  • Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 2
  • 1xGarage Slot


Premium Tank Sale: Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai

Apr. 26-May 7, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

  • Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai War Chest: $63.99 (19% Off)
  • Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai Ultimate: $40.99 (12% Off)
  • Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai Loaded: $18.99
Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai War Chest: $63.99 (19% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • V Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai
  • 5,000 Gold
  • 5,000,000 Credits
  • GetXP for the first 40 wins in the Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai
  • 1xGarage Slot


Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai Ultimate: $40.99 (12% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • V Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai
  • 3000 Gold
  • 1,500,000 Credits
  • Coated Optics
  • Improved Ventilation Class 2
  • Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • GetXP for the first 20 wins in the Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai
  • 1xGarage Slot


Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai Loaded: $18.99

Bundle Contents:

  • V Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai
  • 400 Gold
  • Coated Optics
  • Improved Ventilation Class 2
  • Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • 1xGarage Slot


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