Tank-Sale Time: IS-2 and 59-Patton!

A member of the Berlin Five, the IS-2 is available in solo bundles! A Soviet heavy tank that deals great damage per shot, the IS-2 is fast and maneuverable for its class, has decent armor, and comes with a "zero-Skill" Crew with a Brothers in Arms perk.

The 59-Patton is a Tier VIII Chinese medium tank that combines the Type 59's hull and the Patton's turret. Play peek-a-boom to your opponents' dismay and rake in some good Credits! Remember, the ongoing Frontline: Road to Glory event only allows Tier VIII vehicles, so consider adding this medium to your Garage! 

IS-2 | 59-Patton

Premium Tank Sale: IS-2

May 10-21, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

  • IS-2 War Chest: $74.99 (19% Off)
  • IS-2 Ultimate: $51.99 (12% Off)
  • IS-2 Loaded: $39.99
  • IS-2: $25.99
IS-2 War Chest: $74.99 (19% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VII IS-2
  • Fully trained "zero-Skill" Crew withBrothers in Arms Perk
  • Special Customization
  • 5,000 Gold
  • 5,000,000 Credits
  • GetXP for the first 40 wins in the IS-2
  • 1xGarage Slot


IS-2 Ultimate: $51.99 (12% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VII IS-2
  • Fully trained "zero-Skill" Crew withBrothers in Arms Perk
  • Special Customization
  • 900 Gold
  • Improved Ventilation Class 3
  • Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Toolbox
  • 10x Personal Reserves: +200%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • GetXP for the first 20 wins in the IS-2
  • 30 DaysPremium Time
  • 1xGarage Slot


IS-2 Loaded: $39.99

Bundle Contents:

  • VII IS-2
  • Fully trained "zero-Skill" Crew withBrothers in Arms Perk
  • Special Customization
  • Improved Ventilation Class 3
  • Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Toolbox
  • 5x Personal Reserves: +200%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • 1xGarage Slot


IS-2: $25.99

Bundle Contents:

  • VII IS-2
  • Fully trained "zero-Skill" Crew withBrothers in Arms Perk
  • Special Customization
  • 1xGarage Slot


Premium Tank Sale: 59-Patton

May 10-21, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

  • 59-Patton War Chest: $79.99 (20% Off)
  • 59-Patton Ultimate: $63.99 (12% Off)
  • 59-Patton Loaded: $40.99
  • 59-Patton: $33.99
59-Patton War Chest: $79.99 (20% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VIII 59-Patton
  • 5,000 Gold
  • 5,000,000 Credits
  • GetXP for the first 40 wins in the 59-Patton
  • 1xGarage Slot


59-Patton Ultimate: $63.99 (12% Off)

Bundle Contents:

  • VIII 59-Patton
  • 4,500 Gold
  • Improved Ventilation Class 2
  • Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 1
  • 10x Personal Reserves: +200%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • GetXP for the first 20 wins in the 59-Patton
  • 30 DaysPremium Time
  • 1xGarage Slot


59-Patton Loaded: $40.99

Bundle Contents:

  • VIII 59-Patton
  • Improved Ventilation Class 2
  • Medium-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer
  • Vertical Stabilizer Mk. 1
  • 5x Personal Reserves: +200%Crew XP (1 hour)
  • 1xGarage Slot


59-Patton: $33.99

Bundle Contents:


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